Legacy of Peter Aczel [aka The Audio Critic]

:)I guess there are just too many variables. To each his own. What I have learnt over the years is there is nothing right or wrong in audio. Everybody hears differently and one needs to respect that.
This takes the cake:

I'm the only 20 something here I know of. And I don't have a single friend who is interested in owning anything even remotely hifi. Sad but true. To them the tiny iball 2.1 has better bass than my speakers. Unbelievable! I wonder what the future has in store :sad:
I'm amazed (or is it dismayed!) at how this Peter Aczel is resurrected time and again on our forum. Notwithstanding the fact that his postulates are argued and beaten to death over and over again by members, they are brought out again and yet again. Some members may consider them to be Gospel truths but not all seem to agree. I for one belong to the latter camp. Except bringing out LCR of the cables he doesn't seem to know of any other parameters.

While the argument that cables should not cost Hundreds of Dollars (what to talk of Thousands of Dollars) definitely has merits, to just brush aside that all cables (and even amplifiers) sound the same sounds prepostorous to me.

Let me sound cliche but as the old adage goes "To each his own"
I'm amazed (or is it dismayed!) at how this Peter Aczel is resurrected time and again on our forum. Notwithstanding the fact that his postulates are argued and beaten to death over and over again by members, they are brought out again and yet again.
Is there a problem with sharing an article which to my mind has not been shared before on this forum? If yes, I offer my apologies to this forum. If not, I'm amazed at your amazement/dismay. FWIW, search for Roger Russell in this forum and search for Peter Aczel. Who gets more hits? I don't remember you expressing dismay each time someone posts about Roger Russell.
Some members may consider them to be Gospel truths but not all seem to agree. I for one belong to the latter camp.
Some MAY take what Peter says as Gospel. I respect that even though I don't necessarily MAY agree. You don't agree too? Brilliant! I respect that also.
Except bringing out LCR of the cables he doesn't seem to know of any other parameters.
And why are we getting hung up over cables here? Oh, and amps too. There's more to TAC than just this, you know.
While the argument that cables should not cost Hundreds of Dollars (what to talk of Thousands of Dollars) definitely has merits
Why does it have merit? Speak to a cable manufacturer who sells cables priced that high and listen to their arguments on the high pricing. Their arguments will have merit too. Opinions don't make arguments right. Or wrong.
to just brush aside that all cables (and even amplifiers) sound the same sounds prepostorous to me.
Can you please point me to where he says that all amplifiers sound the same? I remember him saying that but with a qualification to that statement.
Let me sound cliche but as the old adage goes "To each his own"
Prem beat you to it. Post # 21. And even though this cliche is brought out over and over again by members, they are brought out again and yet again - but it's always good to be reminded. Thanks!
I have never seen this article before either here or elsewhere:)So thanks Keith for sharing this. I guess even if Peters views have been discussed here, many times one misses such a thread. Also sometimes when you rehash some of the older stuff you get the view points of the newer members which is a good thing
I'm amazed (or is it dismayed!) at how this Peter Aczel is resurrected time and again on our forum.

I have never seen this article before either here or elsewhere:)So thanks Keith for sharing this. I guess even if Peters views have been discussed here, many times one misses such a thread. Also sometimes when you rehash some of the older stuff you get the view points of the newer members which is a good thing

Rajesh, a search for Aczel on the forum gives one result in June 2014, one in Nov 2012, one in Aug 2011 and it is only prior to that that there are several. I for one have seen a reference to him for the first time here.
Some repetitions are invariably going to happen and it is also good for newer members.
Rabblerousering, this Aczel character is, but interesting nonetheless:) Can't say I agree wholeheartedly, but we need a contrarian voice to keep us sane and rooted. Thanks for the article:thumbsup:
Is there a problem with sharing an article which to my mind has not been shared before on this forum? If yes, I offer my apologies to this forum.

Where did I mention that this article is shared on the forum earlier! Anyways, the article is only bringing out his (mostly) opinions and beliefs that were brought out in his articles previously brought up for discussion on our forum.

If not, I'm amazed at your amazement/dismay. FWIW, search for Roger Russell in this forum and search for Peter Aczel. Who gets more hits? I don't remember you expressing dismay each time someone posts about Roger Russell.

Some MAY take what Peter says as Gospel. I respect that even though I don't necessarily MAY agree. You don't agree too? Brilliant! I respect that also.

And why are we getting hung up over cables here? Oh, and amps too. There's more to TAC than just this, you know.

Why does it have merit? Speak to a cable manufacturer who sells cables priced that high and listen to their arguments on the high pricing. Their arguments will have merit too. Opinions don't make arguments right. Or wrong.

Can you please point me to where he says that all amplifiers sound the same? I remember him saying that but with a qualification to that statement.
Prem beat you to it. Post # 21. And even though this cliche is brought out over and over again by members, they are brought out again and yet again - but it's always good to be reminded. Thanks!

So what's your point?
Where did I mention that this article is shared on the forum earlier!
You didn't.
Anyways, the article is only bringing out his (mostly) opinions and beliefs that were brought out in his articles previously brought up for discussion on our forum.
Of course they are his opinions and beliefs [not all though if you read all his reviews]. Spanning 60 years. If nothing else, that should count for a little something. :D
And BTW, he's highly opinionated. And highly abrasive too. That's just the way he is.
So what's your point?
Wan't out to make any.
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Actually not THE problem but A problem. How boring the audio world would be without characters like him.
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