Bug Head Player

no wonder the guy named it bug head :lol:


Folks like me are still at tone controls or at max EQ.
Let the enthusiatic 'bug-heads' figure it out and tell us:
"This version/settings combo works on a normal machine"
Then we will bug them for tutorials.

no wonder the guy named it bug head :lol:

This will tell you not to venture anywhere near computer audio:lol:

I tell my friends that computer audio is the digital form of turntable playback, with even more variables that need to fall in place before we ever hear decent sound:) The only advantage it has over analog record playback is you don't have to wash dirty records.

To obtain some respite from all this grind, I'm currently spinning the silver disc. It's hard to beat the fluidity and flow of any decent CDP.
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You're in the digital domain so make it full (30). This sends the full signal level without eating away any bits to the preamp (or integrated). Use the preamp/integrated volume control which is in analog domain and does not throw away bits at any volume setting.

For bloated bass, try using lower tuning levels as mentioned in my earlier post this evening.
All is good , except the wait time for upsampling ...its almost 20 mins for some files. Are you guys facing the same issue.Is there a way to do it offline ?
How much RAM do you have? Which processor and clock frequency?

20 minutes is too much:)

Should be more like one and half to max two minutes when loading say 15-20 tracks.

Rewrite the album you want to play. This can be done offline before playing. Rewrite is quite rapid.
Want to add some tips here...

How to rewite data-video link-


For windows 10 users-

In some case you might not get the sound in windows 10, for that you download the DRIVER TALENT and update the drivers.

For windows 10 user ,bug head developer recommends windows classic shell which you can get by following the process given below-

post number #13 in below link, where word document attachment gives you step by step info on optimization

Screen shot taken in that document is shown after optimization, so you may not see the same screen on your PC.
You can go through entire link to do some other tweaks like , how to disable windows defender etc..

Windows 10 optimization script - A community effort?

If you are buying a new PC to play the Bug Head player today.
what is the suggested future proof configuration for the next 5 years atleast ?
1.Will more cores add value ? i5 vs AMD 8 core vs i7
2. MOBO ?
3.Ram ddr3 vs ddr4 vs ddr5 ?
The player is designed for maximum 12 threads, so the ideal processor would have six cores. Of course higher clock speed translates to faster processing, but potentially increases heat, which may activate the processor more frequently. This increases the ambient noise in the listening environment.

RAM recommended is dual sided. Of the correct FSB speed to match the motherboard's.

Motherboard with four RAM slots allows one to slot four 8 GBs. If the motherboard supports it, DDR4 would be nice, provided it is dual sided.
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The player is designed for maximum 12 threads, so the ideal processor would have six cores. Of course higher clock speed translates to faster processing, but potentially increases heat, which may activate the processor more frequently. This increases the ambient noise in the listening environment.

RAM recommended is dual sided. Of the correct FSB speed to match the motherboard's.

Motherboard with four RAM slots allows one to slot four 8 GBs. If the motherboard supports it, DDR4 would be nice, provided it is dual sided.

Is this the reason why its not working on my laptop? My laptop is i7 still not able to go with 2x or 4x
Do try the settings mentioned in the first few posts of this thread. I was running the Bug Head at x4 on my Dual Core desktop with 4 GB of RAM. Just ensure that the number of lines of Self Sound Optimization is 4 to 6 lines only. Beyond that, the computer just didn't have the juice to process it. Also, if you have a desktop PC, use that instead of a laptop since desktop processors are typically more powerful than corresponding laptop processors.
The player is designed for maximum 12 threads, so the ideal processor would have six cores. Of course higher clock speed translates to faster processing, but potentially increases heat, which may activate the processor more frequently. This increases the ambient noise in the listening environment.

Must be read as: "...which may activate the processor fan more frequently." My apologies for the typo.
amd fx series cpus which are dirext comparison to intel i3, i5 and i7 perform well considering it is priced much less then equivalent intel cpu
Only issue being it consumes a lot of power specially the fx8350 and that makes me stay away from them
Some i7s are 6 core 12 threads and also xeon cpus but their prices are also special

One can go for after market cooler which perform way better then stock cpu cooler and quieter too

Corsair, cooler master and noctua which is one of the best to name a few
Typically with my lenovo i5 8 gb ..i am using 1.x normal advance galaxy 37.it is working within 1.5 mins for 15 tracks .howver if i am using stranger or brownie 9 it is going beyond 7 ..8 mins...i think ram is more important for this player.i am
thinking of a pc build but not able to finalize d processor.i5 or i7.upsampling will surely demand higher config for more optimized performance.
I agree on the RAM part. Processor matters but increase RAM for the best benefit.
RAM is relatively cheap in comparison to upgrading the processor.

Upgrading to 32GB RAM lets me get into "High Class Professional" mode.
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It completes all the processing etc like invalid count from 13 to 1 and when its read to play it doesnt. In 1X i am able to play all the option till line 12 etc.

Does this have anything to do with sound card? I do feel its not playing beyond 44.1kHz
It completes all the processing etc like invalid count from 13 to 1 and when its read to play it doesnt. In 1X i am able to play all the option till line 12 etc.

Does this have anything to do with sound card? I do feel its not playing beyond 44.1kHz

What processor do you have right now? How much RAM?
Both of these factor into what levels you can try.

Your source file is 176.4 kHz so the max you can up sample this is 2x = 352.8kHz if your DAC can support these rates.
If the source was 44.1kHz then you can have the option of upto 8x based on sample rate.
The rest of the settings are dependent on your processor and RAM.

But you really don't need to use the higher settings. Higher doesn't always mean better.
See what works with your computer and experiment.
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