What is there in a Vinyl?.........Just a thought.....

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Pl read my post. I said lp players up to a lakh and a half. Also you’re missing the point that buying of vinyl software at 1500 a title will kill the person. And if a person can afford to buy 400 lps at 1500, he’s spending 6 lakhs. With that kind of spend he’s no longer a common man

Not all LPs are priced at 1500 and above. I doubt how many would buy 400 of them at 1500/- apiece. There are many lps still available in the market between 200/- and 1000/- all in great condition. So lets not generalise and take an average of 1500/-.

I do not agree with you on that players up to a lakh and a half. I have come across enough such highend tts at many of my friends places and they just sound heavenly.CDs of the same film/album doesn't even come close.
Jay, I have met vinyl sellers across the country. Very few really sell nm vinyls. In the recent past I have never seen a nm vinyl go for less than 1000 on an average. Also when i say 400 lps, I presume the person will also be buying other genres. All new English lps cost close to 2000
I have also owned a USD 2000 Yggdrasil dac. IMO, Yggdrasil beats a Technics 1200 or any other new entry level lp player costing up to a lakh and a half for most music played through it. Exception is old Bollywood music on Indian cds. When it comes to Made in England old Bollywood cds it’s pretty much same quality.

So if you do the maths here

Yggdrasil 1.5 lakhs, 400 cds at Rs 500 a CD Rs 2 lakhs. Total 3.5 lakhs.

Technics 1200 0.5 lakh, 400 lps at 1500 a lp Rs 6 lakhs. Total 6.5 lakhs

Which one would you choose?

I am not even getting into the zero maintenance and convenience of digital.

Hi Prem!!

This "funda" of urs won't work for me here as I am purely referring to the Vinyls of the 60s/70s/80s and eraly 90s only in comparision to the music cds available of the same era. Maybe for English or other genre of music it might, BUT for the kind of music I listen to I will trust my Vinyls anyday over the audio cds of the same albums.
These So Called LP Record Dealrrs hav eaten all the good records available in market. They are now indulged in gambling type of profession what is called a LP Dealer. These Dealers makes contact with Scrap Persons called Raddiwallas and asks them to find LPs from any home and get a lucrative profit. So now the question weather its good or bad.
Now from point of view of a poor person like me, its a ridiculous thing.
And for all those big rich commentetors here of hifivision to which they proudly calls themselves as EXPERIENCED Members, its a shame that you people are defining this gambling business as genuine and calls poor not to look for lps.
Music is made for all, the poor (first) as well as for rich.
So i prays for these Experienced Resellers Not to justify their profession on a good platform like hifivision. You people are just like Mumbai's Smugglers and nothing more. U people hav killed analogue music. Dont be so sarcastic while commenting and while defending your points on a public platform. You peoples are not Supreme Court of India's Judges who will order us what to post and what not. Atleast i am commenting in a legitimate way not like your sarcasm. Peoples hav full right to define tgis Threads Title and you the thread starter cannot stop us posting our view against you in a legitimate way as per the article of expression of our constitution.

Would appreciate if the concerned Moderators can have a look at the above post and take necessary steps on this. One doesn't know what this post has to do in the context of this discussion where the person concerned is calling names and getting personal for reasons best known to him.
Jay, I have met vinyl sellers across the country. Very few really sell nm vinyls. In the recent past I have never seen a nm vinyl go for less than 1000 on an average. Also when i say 400 lps, I presume the person will also be buying other genres. All new English lps cost close to 2000

I think the English LP prices you are mentioning is quite on the higher side.
In fact English CDs are also expensive.
But I think the context of our discussion here is completely on Bollywood and not imported vinyls.
Would appreciate if the concerned Moderators can have a look at the above post


It's a very slippery slope when we start moderating posts.
You started a topic with a loaded question and we are going to get all kinds of responses.


Jay, most RD vinyls today also cost much more than 1500. So do Jagjit lps and several other titles. I am sure you are aware of this. Which is why I have taken an average price of 1500. All new Bollywood vinyls also cost 1500

You’re missing the point that any hobby has a hardware and a software cost. Combined cost of digital playback with similar or better sound quality than vinyl can be had for less. In today’s scenario it’s an option worth looking at. 4-5 years back nm vinyl could be had for 500 or at times even less. I have purchased a nm Mirza Ghalib of Jagjit from NGH for 400 about 6 years back. Today that cost upwards of 8000. At these prices it’s no longer a common mans game.
Gentlemen, let's keep the discussion civil. No personal attacks like calling someone names. No accusations unless you can prove it, etc.

@raj12345 : repeating the above post for you. Keep it civil. You are making some wild accusations against other members and using terms like gambler, smugglers, etc. Please refrain. Let's use this thread for a healthy exchange of ideas and opinions without resorting to mudslinging and calling names.
Jayant, which is why I too am only into vinyl. It’s primarily because like you I too mainly listen to old Bollywood stuff. The posts here are being very general about how digital is fatiguing. Universal statements like that cannot be made.

And Jayant, honestly between you and me, I would any day choose a made in England CD over a HFLP pressing. Most of those HFLP titles are badly equalised with little or no bass making them sound tinny
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Would appreciate if the concerned Moderators can have a look at the above post and take necessary steps on this. One doesn't know what this post has to do in the context of this discussion where the person concerned is calling names and getting personal for reasons best known to him.

I had clearly taken your name the tgread starter only at one place that for gods sake please dont stop us for expressing our valuable thoughts on the thread title which is a question in itself. U Mr Jayant are so much impatient that you cannot digest a word said against you. This is not a manner while writing on a public platform. You read your thread clrarly and patiently. You yourself started scolding the FMs who wrote against you. You praised the FMs who commented in your favous. Is this your manners. In my case you are asking moderators to take action on me. My post is clearly against LP Resellers and not against you. I called your name only because you cannot digest a free and fair comment against your perception. What can I do if u are in a nightmare that LPs only sounds best and not digital ??? Dont be so sarcastic while making comment on others. MODERATORS please read my comment thoroughly before saying anything. We are free to expose our thoughts as per article freedom of expression of constitution.
@raj12345 : repeating the above post for you. Keep it civil. You are making some wild accusations against other members and using terms like gambler, smugglers, etc. Please refrain. Let's use this thread for a healthy exchange of ideas and opinions without resorting to mudslinging and calling names.
I have said gamblers and smugglers to VINYL LP Resellers/Dealers and not to anyone personally HFV Member, please read carefully. There are countless LP Dealer/Resellers in India and I am against them and not against any fellow member of HFV. MODERATOR you are misinterperating my comment. Please Read again and not on behalf of the complainent Mr. Jayant
I have said gamblers and smugglers to VINYL LP Resellers/Dealers and not to anyone personally HFV Member, please read carefully. There are countless LP Dealer/Resellers in India and I am against them and not against any fellow member of HFV. MODERATOR you are misinterperating my comment. Please Read again and not on behalf of the complainent Mr. Jayant

I read your post for what it is, not on the basis of anyone's complaint.

So if you're so against the resellers and dealers, where do you source your records from?
I purchase all my lp records collections directly from persons who left listening music. Many of such persons giv those to me at NORMAL rates and not LP Dealer/Reseller Rate and i am preety happy with that. Once these resellers smells there are LPs selling at any person, they immediately grabs it. Even these resellers calls any turntable/record player seller for any LPs they possess to sale it. So its now a Cat & Mouse game to purchase Vinyl in India.
I purchase all my lp records collections directly from persons who left listening music. Many of such persons giv those to me at NORMAL rates and not LP Dealer/Reseller Rate and i am preety happy with that. Once these resellers smells there are LPs selling at any person, they immediately grabs it. Even these resellers calls any turntable/record player seller for any LPs they possess to sale it. So its now a Cat & Mouse game to purchase Vinyl in India.

That still doesn't make a reseller/dealer a smuggler or a gambler. They are just fulfilling a demand in a capitalistic economy (high demand and low supply). You may not like them but they're not doing anything illegitimate to be given the epithets you have given them. The ethics and morals of it are another matter, though, and I am not venturing into that grey area.
That still doesn't make a reseller/dealer a smuggler or a gambler. They are just fulfilling a demand in a capitalistic economy (high demand and low supply). You may not like them but they're not doing anything illegitimate to be given the epithets you have given them. The ethics and morals of it are another matter, though, and I am not venturing into that grey area.

It may be your perception and not mine that they are legitimate in any way. Selling anything in India above MRP without paying any taxation is illegitimate. I am free to give my epithets to LP Reseller/Dealeras according to me they are against poor music listeners like me. This is My Personal View and why cant I blame them... Why can i say that Vinly LP Inflated Pricing is because of them. No matter for what purpose they do this kind of music killing. U can analyse all the Rdsellers/Dealers why they are so intrested in LP Blackening in Grey Market and i thinks anyone supporting Reseller/Dealer should also think about we poors who hav full rights to listen analogue music. It is because of this the mp3 market is growing drastically because of increasing LP prices going out of reach of a common man. The only way to decrease dealers perception is reducing the demand. We should stop paying hefty prices to these black marketers.
Raj12345 you seem to be an extremely frustrated soul or you are living in a fool's paradise. Jls has beautifully put it across that how the demand and supply are met. I have a small question for you. Do you buy your household products directly from Proctor and Gamble, Hindustan Lever or ITC? Please enlighten us as here we find one in you who prefers not to buy stuff from dealers/resellers....... oops gamblers/smugglers :-)
It may be your perception and not mine that they are legitimate in any way. Selling anything in India above MRP without paying any taxation is illegitimate. I am free to give my epithets to LP Reseller/Dealeras according to me they are against poor music listeners like me. This is My Personal View and why cant I blame them... Why can i say that Vinly LP Inflated Pricing is because of them. No matter for what purpose they do this kind of music killing. U can analyse all the Rdsellers/Dealers why they are so intrested in LP Blackening in Grey Market and i thinks anyone supporting Reseller/Dealer should also think about we poors who hav full rights to listen analogue music. It is because of this the mp3 market is growing drastically because of increasing LP prices going out of reach of a common man. The only way to decrease dealers perception is reducing the demand. We should stop paying hefty prices to these black marketers.
How poor are you? Is it possible for us to know your monthly disposable income? That will atleast help me in taking a call.
It may be your perception and not mine that they are legitimate in any way. Selling anything in India above MRP without paying any taxation is illegitimate. I am free to give my epithets to LP Reseller/Dealeras according to me they are against poor music listeners like me. This is My Personal View and why cant I blame them... Why can i say that Vinly LP Inflated Pricing is because of them. No matter for what purpose they do this kind of music killing. U can analyse all the Rdsellers/Dealers why they are so intrested in LP Blackening in Grey Market and i thinks anyone supporting Reseller/Dealer should also think about we poors who hav full rights to listen analogue music. It is because of this the mp3 market is growing drastically because of increasing LP prices going out of reach of a common man. The only way to decrease dealers perception is reducing the demand. We should stop paying hefty prices to these black marketers.
Captalism at its best. Isn't it?
How poor are you? Is it possible for us to know your monthly disposable income? That will atleast help me in taking a call.

This is an Epithet for a Common Middle Class Man who may be poor in different sense quoted while commenting. It should be your perception how to grasp any eithet based on a particular sitiuation. I may ask you personally if ever i requires anything from you on account of being poor w.r.to any sense.
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