What is there in a Vinyl?.........Just a thought.....

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Raj12345 you seem to be an extremely frustrated soul or you are living in a fool's paradise. Jls has beautifully put it across that how the demand and supply are met. I have a small question for you. Do you buy your household products directly from Proctor and Gamble, Hindustan Lever or ITC? Please enlighten us as here we find one in you who prefers not to buy stuff from dealers/resellers....... oops gamblers/smugglers :-)

I am not a living frustated soul but a practical person thats all. I am living in INDIA to which You are Calling a fools paradise. I says that these dealers fools us while selling LPs at high prices. Also regarding your teaching of Economics of Demand & Supply, i already asked fellow purchasers to reduce demand. And answering your last question, I purchases any product in India on a permitted Maximum Retail Price Only and with due taxation. So your example question is in a hurry only.
Relax guys, if what Raj12345 is expressing is his point of opinion (albeit a strongly worded one) against 'immoral' (could be subjective) dealers/re-sellers, based on his experiences, I do not see why that should irritate anyone. This thread has been full of highly subjective, often loaded and excitable opinions and his is one too. In fact his grouse against sellers who overcharge arbitrarily, without any bother about MRP/tax and such, seems legitimate to me, especially since I would not do that myself. Of course the world will pass by anyway, regardless of my opinions (we sometimes value our own opinions too much) and there may be people who buy from these 'unscrupulous' dealers. To each their own. Peace!
Relax guys, if what Raj12345 is expressing is his point of opinion (albeit a strongly worded one) against 'immoral' (could be subjective) dealers/re-sellers, based on his experiences, I do not see why that should irritate anyone. This thread has been full of highly subjective, often loaded and excitable opinions and his is one too. In fact his grouse against sellers who overcharge arbitrarily, without any bother about MRP/tax and such, seems legitimate to me, especially since I would not do that myself. Of course the world will pass by anyway, regardless of my opinions (we sometimes value our own opinions too much) and there may be people who buy from these 'unscrupulous' dealers. To each their own. Peace!

Well said.
In that case what Raj 1234 has said it should apply to any seller/reseller who sells anything on earth above MRP. I think either we r naive or pretending to act one.

Any antique product which doesn't get manufactured anymore and is obsolete cannot sell on MRP only. And vinyl is an antique product as these pressings are not manufactured anymore. If sellers resellers of Vinyls r unscrupulous then many FMs here sell off their high components at a premium. Most of the times over MRP as those are vintage stuff. How will we brand them? Will they be also branded dishonest FMs?

If a seller/reseller is fixing a price which we think is way above its our choice whether we buy it or not! But how come we brand the seller that he is unscrupulous when we ourselves in the lure of purchasing and possessing that item pay up that much money. Who is at fault then?

And Raj1234 passion is impulsive. It doesn't calculate so much as life is too short for us to enjoy all wht we love. So waiting for as when the price will drop may take few lifetimes of us to possess and enjoy the product which we want. I find your posts completely irrelevant in this thread which has nothing to do with seller/reseller and prices and also In bad taste for the language you have used. This thread is all about the merits and beauty of a vinyl but it seems certain people have other ideas. Or maybe I have understood the thread wrong.
All the talk on Nak tapes and TT's brought back memories.

The only TT setup I have listened to for a considerable period of time was my Uncle's Cosmos TT and Teac Deck and Amp. His custom made speakers had twin 15 inch woofers configured bose style and a number of mid and high frequency speakers in each box. He also had a pair of Fishers speaker, a well constructed one at that which I found to be better than the ones with the 2 15 inch drivers. Nostalgia !! I used to love taking the LP out of the cover and listening to Paul Anka's Papa and the boney M's and the likes. The entire process of taking out the LP from the cover, placing it on the LP player, setting the needle down and listening to the pop and crackle and watching the tt move like the waves in the ocean was an experience that I will not forget.

And then came a time when I had to get my own music and setup my own system. Well guess what, The best that I could get my hands on was a sony mini which came with it's own free sub with a 5 inch woofer !!

Mom through her contacts got me loads of sony tapes crome, metal and all. Music ? well i came across this gentleman who for a reasonable price would record into the tape music from LP's on his Nak setup. Did not know if this was legal, did not care. He had a Nak analog 16 band eq too. A full menu of music (excellent music at that) from which I could chose to be recorded on the tape. He used to demo the music recorded including pop crackle and all and on his rig it used to sound heavenly. Not so much on my Sony.

LP's vs CD ? I don't know. These days I listen to this. Peace. :)

And Jayant, honestly between you and me, I would any day choose a made in England CD over a HFLP pressing. Most of those HFLP titles are badly equalised with little or no bass making them sound tinny
I can fully agree to that one. HFLP series should be avoided. They are bad; completely unbearable! Thankfully there are very few of them. I have just 3 among the 1000 or so LPs that I own.

Sharad Medhavi
I had clearly taken your name the tgread starter only at one place that for gods sake please dont stop us for expressing our valuable thoughts on the thread title which is a question in itself. U Mr Jayant are so much impatient that you cannot digest a word said against you. This is not a manner while writing on a public platform. You read your thread clrarly and patiently. You yourself started scolding the FMs who wrote against you. You praised the FMs who commented in your favous. Is this your manners. In my case you are asking moderators to take action on me. My post is clearly against LP Resellers and not against you. I called your name only because you cannot digest a free and fair comment against your perception. What can I do if u are in a nightmare that LPs only sounds best and not digital ??? Dont be so sarcastic while making comment on others. MODERATORS please read my comment thoroughly before saying anything. We are free to expose our thoughts as per article freedom of expression of constitution.

Trust me if not for this forum and its rules,or otherwise I would have ripped u apart for the scathing obnoxious remarks u have made here and that too under the veil of an id where none know ur actual identity. Just because of the sake of this forum and its rules I have politely requested the concerned Mods to intervene as someone is polluting this thread by spreading rot.

U r free to express ur thoughts doesn’t mean that u can post anything in this thread which is completely out of context and has no relevance to the topic we are discussing. Scolding?Hope u know the meaning of the term and look for urself who has been sarcastic here in their statements. Whoever tried to got it back.Simple!!
hey, i used to think our forum is an open place where everyone is free to express opinion professionally, logically, based on experience and knowledge. FMs are bound to have their opinions especially on the topics being discussed. I believe it is right to be professional and respectful to fellow forum members. A lot of us here have genuine regard and respect for each other. Personally, I have built a lot of stuff and repaired a lot of stuff for our FMs, and never charged a penny even for shipping these back. As appreciation, a kind FM even gave me a lot of literally un-played Bollywood records for free. I was so embarrassed to receive these and even though Hindi records are not my cup of tea, every time I take a look at those records, I remember him with gratitude and wish him well. Those records have a special place in my library. In relation to sales threads, FMs usually heavily under price and sell their stuff at a loss just to ensure a fellow FM gets to enjoy and own these wares. I think we should keep commercialization, sales and marketing out of this forum and concentrate on what our forum and its members stand for.

It's a very slippery slope when we start moderating posts.
You started a topic with a loaded question and we are going to get all kinds of responses.



I am sorry Nikhil but I do not agree to your comment THAT I STARTED THE TOPIC WITH A LOADED QUESTION and so as if I have to face the consequences. No it is not!!

1st of all on ur request only I started this topic as a vinyl enthusiast trying to share my experiences with vinyls over the years.
2ndly not for once in any of my postings or in the original post there has been any comparision between digital and analogue or cd vs vinyl. I clearly said that most of the Vinyls I listen to are better than their digital counterpart and its my observation based on the kind and era of music I listen to. But few elements had other ideas and wanted to read too much in between lines and made it an analogue vs digital war. So under no circumstances there was any loaded question here.

Lastly what disappointed me is using a term joker made me get a response from u requesting me not to use such terms (though I do not recollect where I did) and when some1 is calling names by posting gambler/smuggler in an open forum and all u r saying its a slippery topic,so please handle urself. Thats indeed very funny!!

But I do appreciate the way JLS001 handled the situation.
hey, i used to think our forum is an open place where everyone is free to express opinion professionally, logically, based on experience and knowledge. FMs are bound to have their opinions especially on the topics being discussed. I believe it is right to be professional and respectful to fellow forum members. A lot of us here have genuine regard and respect for each other. Personally, I have built a lot of stuff and repaired a lot of stuff for our FMs, and never charged a penny even for shipping these back. As appreciation, a kind FM even gave me a lot of literally un-played Bollywood records for free. I was so embarrassed to receive these and even though Hindi records are not my cup of tea, every time I take a look at those records, I remember him with gratitude and wish him well. Those records have a special place in my library. In relation to sales threads, FMs usually heavily under price and sell their stuff at a loss just to ensure a fellow FM gets to enjoy and own these wares. I think we should keep commercialization, sales and marketing out of this forum and concentrate on what our forum and its members stand for.

With all due respect to ur post Reubensm, I have a different view point.

Nothing in this world comes for free and anything that comes for free gets us into an obligation. It was indeed kind of the gentleman who gifted u those vinyls but not many are so lucky as u have been. I have bought few Audio Products from well known FMs here but they didn't under price me and I didn't expect that as well because somewhere that professionalism should be there or else the accountability factor goes for a toss.

I think we should keep commercialization, sales and marketing out of this forum and concentrate on what our forum and its members stand for ----------------> This is a good suggestion but I doubt how one can implement it. U can remove the buying and selling platform but still discussions will occur in respective sub foras or through PMs.How do we stop that?

My 2cents.............
Though the OPs post started nicely, the last sarcastic comment of

"Well I am preempting that this piece of post will not influence many......specially 2 that section who still banks on freebies OR "jitna saasta mil saktaa hai:)"

does not seems like a vinyl lover but like a marketing man or like self boosting. Having a tendency that "I’m always right and I know everything" is not good in a forum and posts with such attitude diverts the real subject.

Have come across various post by many members sharing their experience on,say, vinyl or digital or even new vinyl releases that encourages members to take decision.
Though the OPs post started nicely, the last sarcastic comment of

"Well I am preempting that this piece of post will not influence many......specially 2 that section who still banks on freebies OR "jitna saasta mil saktaa hai:)"

does not seems like a vinyl lover but like a marketing man or like self boosting. Having a tendency that "I’m always right and I know everything" is not good in a forum and posts with such attitude diverts the real subject.

Have come across various post by many members sharing their experience on,say, vinyl or digital or even new vinyl releases that encourages members to take decision.

U r free to make ur own judgement but that is a hard fact where people boast about openly getting freebies and they expect also.
And that statement in bold is 100% fact and thats why it has made an impact on people who actually bank on that.

Also there are this section of people who will pick up sentences and try to magnify to start a debate completely unrelated to the topic.Just like its happening now. Such attitude doesn't divert the subject..................it helps I guess :-)
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