46"/50" LED/Plasma from Dubai - Suggestions needed on managing hassles.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2011

well, after hell of a time pestering some esteemed members here, and deciding upon the TV i need to buy, i was on my way in the evening to a store to book my TV, when all of a sudden my cellphone buzzed, and Dad spoke from the other side, telling that my Jijaji (now what would that be in English ? :p ) has offered to bring in a TV for me within the next month or so from Muscat/Dubai, since he's returning from there empty-handed. there went, yet again, my chance of getting a TV right now, but then i felt excited too since i have heard you get TVs for cheap there.

came back home, and after going through some posts here on this forum and on google, am inclined to believe, that, though 'slightly' more expensive, it would be a wiser thing to get the TV locally. i will present to you what i was thinking and now what i infer after reading up in the following manner. please suggest on whichever point you feel like, and/or add anything wherever you feel the need to :

1. Warranty - was thinking about 'international warranty', but then read up that its not got much value here in india. sony doesnt provide one, samsung & LG do provide but not very clear (though not going to buy their TV), and panasonic provides it for 1 yr, but that is NOT a replacement warranty. would get it clarifier from panasonic tomorrow though.

2. Cost - checked out the websites of some stores in/around dubai, like sharaf DG (which arguably provides 'great' prices), jacky's, spendwisor, jumbo electronics, but for the TVs that i was interested in, price-difference didnt seem too exciting to me, esp taking custom-duty into account, due to the size/weight of the TV i want. also, didnt seem worth to spend for an overseas purchase owing to warranty hassles here. like for eg, the 46EX720 costs ~AED 5499, which comes to ~75k INR + 33% customs or else ~10-12k if taken the 'other route' + no warranty :mad: pls someone explain to me is there some chance of extracting a good deal out of some heavy bargaining (which i doubt would be possible since my jijaji is quite sober and 'seedha-saadha' :D )

3. Transit - read some members have reportedly got a damaged piece in transit. another issue to be worried about.

all-in-all, it doesnt seem to be a sane choice for me, esp. since i am almost on the verge of booking a TV here (that too, a nice one :ohyeah: ), with very good deal. for starters here (sorry to reveal it so late in the post), am going for a TV on which i would be able to enjoy gaming too. 1st choice is 46EX720 for me, and am hopeful that the dealer would be able to give that to me for ~75k (please suggest if am being unrealistic, ie, quoting too low a price, or whether i could bargain for a still lower price), and if that isnt possible, then i will immediately rush to book the 50VT20D at croma.....all these stores are side-by-side to each other and very near to my house. since i would be gaming (but not so feverishly that the plasma would be at some kind of risk), i have the VT20D in my mind.......very very excited for tomorrow. so pls guys, pleeaassee pour in some suggestions on this issue of overseas deal and kindly enlighten me, so that am able to buy the TV, WITH PEACE (very important :D )

thanks a lot :)
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well, after hell of a time pestering some esteemed members here, and deciding upon the TV i need to buy, i was on my way in the evening to a store to book my TV, when all of a sudden my cellphone buzzed, and Dad spoke from the other side, telling that my Jijaji (now what would that be in English ? :p ) has offered to bring in a TV for me within the next month or so from Muscat/Dubai, since he's returning from there empty-handed. there went, yet again, my chance of getting a TV right now, but then i felt excited too since i have heard you get TVs for cheap there.

came back home, and after going through some posts here on this forum and on google, am inclined to believe, that, though 'slightly' more expensive, it would be a wiser thing to get the TV locally. i will present to you what i was thinking and now what i infer after reading up in the following manner. please suggest on whichever point you feel like, and/or add wherever you feel the need :

1. Warranty - was thinking about 'international warranty', but then read up that its not got much value here in india. sony doesnt provide one, samsung & LG do provide but not very clear (though not going to buy their TV), and panasonic provides it for 1 yr, but that is NOT a replacement warranty. would get it clarifier from panasonic tomorrow though.

2. Cost - checked out the websites of some stores in/around dubai, like sharaf DG (which arguably provides 'great' prices), jacky's, spendwisor, jumbo electronics, but for the TVs that i was interested in, price-difference didnt seem too exciting to me, esp taking custom-duty into account, due to the size/weight of the TV i want. also, didnt seem worth to spend for an overseas purchase owing to warranty hassles here. like for eg, the 46EX720 costs ~AED 5499, which comes to ~75k INR + 33% customs or else ~10-12k if taken the 'other route' + no warranty :mad: pls someone explain to me is there some chance of extracting a good deal out of some heavy bargaining (which i doubt would be possible since my jijaji is quite sober and 'seedha-saadha' :D )

3. Transit - read some members have reportedly got a damaged piece in transit. another issue to be worried about.

all-in-all, it doesnt seem to be a sane choice for me, esp. since i am almost on the verge of booking a TV here (that too, a nice one :ohyeah: ), with very good deal. for starters here (sorry to reveal it so late in the post), am going for a TV on which i would be able to enjoy gaming too. 1st choice is 46EX720 for me, and am hopeful that the dealer would be able to give that to me for ~75k (please suggest if am being unrealistic, ie, quoting too low a price, or whether i could bargain for a still lower price), and if that isnt possible, then i will immediately rush to book the 50VT20D at croma.....all these stores are side-by-side to each other and very near to my house. since i would be gaming (but not so feverishly that the plasma would be at some kind of risk), i have the VT20D in my mind.......very very excited for tomorrow. so pls guys, pleeaassee pour in some suggestions on this issue of overseas deal and kindly enlighten me, so that am able to buy the TV, WITH PEACE (very important :D )

thanks a lot :)
hey seeker
i was doing the same thing when i wanted a new tv, uncle will be coming in november .i had asked him to check prices in Qatar and in Dubai,found it really cheap if you go check in smaller shops or if you buy in some festival or sales... but the main problem is transportation and customs!! it is advisable to bring tv of sizes 32 and below due to various reasons of lesser extent of damage,lower or no custom duties... even though my uncle worked in Qatar airways and was ready to bring a 40inch tv he was advised by both friends and the baggage handling manager that such big tvs are very much prone to damage and if your unlucky the customs guys will charge a bomb!!:sad: also the tv has to be opened and checked for any defects prior to departure(dont want to bring a dead tv!!:D). so getting a tv of 40 inches and above is a huge risk!!

i feel you should check the grey markets in your area, you wont get the warranty but you will surely get much cheaper as compared to normal shops!
Dont go for a TV overseas if it is available within india.
If the 46VT30 or 50VT30 is available in your price range, you might 'consider'.

It is always a risk to transport and unlike the yester-years, it is not even profitable.

For instance, You can get 55Ex720 in black market for 95k right here in india. 46Ex720 will be in the 65k range. PM adder for the details.
ohh thanks a lot both of you ! your views are like some stamp for me to go ahead and get my TV booked right away ! no silly waiting period now :D

blasto, thats a good news that you gave, that 46EX720 could be had for ~65k. gonna PM adder right now !

and yes, i am not willing to take any kind of risk what-so-ever, hence no grey market, and no overseas deal now :)

thanks again !!
ohh thanks a lot both of you ! your views are like some stamp for me to go ahead and get my TV booked right away ! no silly waiting period now :D

blasto, thats a good news that you gave, that 46EX720 could be had for ~65k. gonna PM adder right now !

and yes, i am not willing to take any kind of risk what-so-ever, hence no grey market, and no overseas deal now :)

thanks again !!
i think he meant the 46EX720 will cost 65k in the black market!!
ohh...my bad...should've understood.......but why's there such a huge price difference in between the 40 and 46" EX720 ? anyway, since my dealer had agreed to sell the 40EX720 to me, retailing for ~80k, at a price of 63k, hence i thought i could strike a deal for the 46EX720 instead for something around 70-75k.....possible ?
ohh...my bad...should've understood.......but why's there such a huge price difference in between the 40 and 46" EX720 ? anyway, since my dealer had agreed to sell the 40EX720 to me, retailing for ~80k, at a price of 63k, hence i thought i could strike a deal for the 46EX720 instead for something around 70-75k.....possible ?

63k for a 40EX720 is quite good. max people get is 10% discount on sony tvs(dont know about other places)! some dealers told me that they very low margins on sony tvs bcoz sony imports it and has to pay huge duties etc....so the dealers give very small discounts!
btw whats your maximum budget??
yeah its a good price, and i didnt even have to haggle for it :)

i would like to spend ~75k.....have PMed you just now :)

try and see if you get the 46EX720 for 75k! it will be a good choice if you get it at 75k and you wont have to worry about burn-in etc...bargain hard!:ohyeah:
Hey seeker.. Go to the hyper city and demo the VT20 without fail. Since I don't have any console, Iam unable to give you inputs on gaming. But checking online, it looks like it handles its own for gaming too.

I checked (infact checking now) from 3 feet and no dithering visible. But you check for yourself. IR is mostly non issue.

I have the contrast at 66 and anything close to 80, it is painfully bright. There is other 20% which is above it!! So it is not dim by any means (ST30, you will have to ask in the particular thread)

Check the below post of someone who moved from LED to VT20 this month.

If there is anything else, let me know. I will check right away.
hypercity doesnt have a display piece, and said it will take a week for delivery.....whereas croma guy seemed eager to deliver it today itself :D

yeah just a while back even andre19 referred to 'reds4ever' and advised me to write to him.....doing it now.....thanks a lot for your help !

[P.S. - am almost fixed on the VT20 (for the plasma).....just a small thing needs to be cleared......would the 51D550 be a better deal ? am not gonna watch SD content if i get the plasma.....i saw mr. umesh dhingra's album of his D550....images seem quite bright, but hell lot of reflections too ! also, read a post where someone wrote that a samsung CC guy seemed uninterested in selling off the D550.......might be difficult for me then to get this model ? i have also read your brief analysis of the VT20 vs D550, but couldnt make up my mind still.....read even the reviews on both the sets on hdtvtest.co.uk {VT20 gets an exceptionally good review and a 'reference level' award there, and the D550 gets a 'highly recommended' award, with some slight flaws also noted}.......pls advise me a bit more on this.....sorry for pestering you so much :o ]
hypercity doesnt have a display piece, and said it will take a week for delivery.....whereas croma guy seemed eager to deliver it today itself :D

yeah just a while back even andre19 referred to 'reds4ever' and advised me to write to him.....doing it now.....thanks a lot for your help !

[P.S. - am almost fixed on the VT20 (for the plasma).....just a small thing needs to be cleared......would the 51D550 be a better deal ? am not gonna watch SD content if i get the plasma.....i saw mr. umesh dhingra's album of his D550....images seem quite bright, but hell lot of reflections too ! also, read a post where someone wrote that a samsung CC guy seemed uninterested in selling off the D550.......might be difficult for me then to get this model ? i have also read your brief analysis of the VT20 vs D550, but couldnt make up my mind still.....read even the reviews on both the sets on hdtvtest.co.uk {VT20 gets an exceptionally good review and a 'reference level' award there, and the D550 gets a 'highly recommended' award, with some slight flaws also noted}.......pls advise me a bit more on this.....sorry for pestering you so much :o ]

Both are very very good displays.
If you cannot find VT20, Take ST30 as reference and compare it with D550. It should be on display everywhere. (Atleast in Reliance digital).

Be also aware that the reviews are made considering the price point. Check out the price during review section too to get an Idea.

Rest all, you know already.
with ST30 taken as reference, the D550 is definitely brighter and the colours too seem lively.....havent yet demoed the D550, but based on pics of the D550 i've seen, and the demo of ST30 i took am i saying this....

well, after hell of a time pestering some esteemed members here, and deciding upon the TV i need to buy, i was on my way in the evening to a store to book my TV, when all of a sudden my cellphone buzzed, and Dad spoke from the other side, telling that my Jijaji (now what would that be in English ? :p ) has offered to bring in a TV for me within the next month or so from Muscat/Dubai, since he's returning from there empty-handed. there went, yet again, my chance of getting a TV right now, but then i felt excited too since i have heard you get TVs for cheap there.

came back home, and after going through some posts here on this forum and on google, am inclined to believe, that, though 'slightly' more expensive, it would be a wiser thing to get the TV locally. i will present to you what i was thinking and now what i infer after reading up in the following manner. please suggest on whichever point you feel like, and/or add anything wherever you feel the need to :

1. Warranty - was thinking about 'international warranty', but then read up that its not got much value here in india. sony doesnt provide one, samsung & LG do provide but not very clear (though not going to buy their TV), and panasonic provides it for 1 yr, but that is NOT a replacement warranty. would get it clarifier from panasonic tomorrow though.

2. Cost - checked out the websites of some stores in/around dubai, like sharaf DG (which arguably provides 'great' prices), jacky's, spendwisor, jumbo electronics, but for the TVs that i was interested in, price-difference didnt seem too exciting to me, esp taking custom-duty into account, due to the size/weight of the TV i want. also, didnt seem worth to spend for an overseas purchase owing to warranty hassles here. like for eg, the 46EX720 costs ~AED 5499, which comes to ~75k INR + 33% customs or else ~10-12k if taken the 'other route' + no warranty :mad: pls someone explain to me is there some chance of extracting a good deal out of some heavy bargaining (which i doubt would be possible since my jijaji is quite sober and 'seedha-saadha' :D )

3. Transit - read some members have reportedly got a damaged piece in transit. another issue to be worried about.

all-in-all, it doesnt seem to be a sane choice for me, esp. since i am almost on the verge of booking a TV here (that too, a nice one :ohyeah: ), with very good deal. for starters here (sorry to reveal it so late in the post), am going for a TV on which i would be able to enjoy gaming too. 1st choice is 46EX720 for me, and am hopeful that the dealer would be able to give that to me for ~75k (please suggest if am being unrealistic, ie, quoting too low a price, or whether i could bargain for a still lower price), and if that isnt possible, then i will immediately rush to book the 50VT20D at croma.....all these stores are side-by-side to each other and very near to my house. since i would be gaming (but not so feverishly that the plasma would be at some kind of risk), i have the VT20D in my mind.......very very excited for tomorrow. so pls guys, pleeaassee pour in some suggestions on this issue of overseas deal and kindly enlighten me, so that am able to buy the TV, WITH PEACE (very important :D )

thanks a lot :)

I bought a 40" Samsung LCD TV in March from Dubai LA40C.. for Rs.28000/-
Mumbai customs duty Rs.1300/- same available here for Rs.50000/-
I think it's well worth, however 80% of the passangers bought Sony Bravia 32" for which no duty is charged.
you got a good deal.....but am eyeing a high-end model, and wont risk losing out warranty on that, and also couldnt find it listed on the webpages of some of the famous stores there.....also, the price difference between what its here and what its there, as i saw on some models, is still not much and goes out of my budget (like for eg the KDL-46EX720 being ~75k if i get from dubai + 33% custom duty on that, will be a hefty purchase). also, i read that the higher/bulkier TV you try to get, the chances of damage in transit also increases considerably. this was told by an acquaintance of a member here who works with qatar airways. a few members over at TE have reportedly also received damaged sets. hence, summing up all this, i thought it wont be a very good decision to wait for about a month for a TV that is soon to be phased out, and whose stocks are very less, and also risk warranty and other issues.

going to book my TV in the evening today at croma :)

thanks a lot for your reply !
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alright......except the W/L keyboard, 3 yrs warranty and the glasses, everything else is 'dealer offer' (which includes DTH too)
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