5 crore speakers!

Its not impossible to listen to it anyways..
Assuming 20% discount on Mrp, Each of 50000 HFV members have to pay Rs 1500 Each.
It'll be 2 months/Year in each Of the 6 bigger Metros in India. We can Collect a bit surplus for Working out logistics.

Rest of the Logistics can be worked out. Premium Customers ( those who want to listen to it in their listening Rooms) have to pay 10 times the individual subscription, If no FM volunteers for hosting the speakers for 2 months ; Cost of 2 months Rent for a Room in Every Metro can be worked out too. Part of the amount can be Returned to the original Investors, By way of Selling tickets to listen for Non Investing HFV members & general public ; when everyone is satisfied and we sell it to Audiophile groups of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka or Pakistan in an open Auction.
Real Question is, Are We dying Enough to Listen to These Speakers & Willing to Pay the price?
(Pun intended):cool::D:D
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.