vijay sales have many shops in mum.. which particular?
He mentioned opera house. Not sure if it is a place..
Try in yellow pages.
vijay sales have many shops in mum.. which particular?
He mentioned opera house. Not sure if it is a place..
Try in yellow pages.
Hi anil_quality,
I'm interested in the vt20 too. We could negotiate for 2 units (assuming they have stock)
Both the prices are too high. I am getting better offers in Bangalore on all the outlets.
50VT20 is not available in Hyderabad... It is for 50V20 I am in discussion with TMC... If you are Ok with v20... I can talk to them for 2 Units
hope this is within the framework of the thread....
1. Is Rs. 70000 a good price for a brand new 50V20D ? Or should i bargain more and to what price ?
2. Leaving aside the 3d & other features of the 50ST30.... Can anyone confirm which has the better 2D picture between the V20 vs. ST30 ?
I spoke to someone at Vijay Sales, Opera House (Yoginder I think) on their telephone number listed on the web 61710000. He said it costs 1.6 lakhs.
hyeah: :clapping:
Probably he was in the bar when you called.
Why would anyone want to still buy vt20???
Already vt50 is about to release all over the world !!!!!!
I know its a good set but seriously guys wtf? Its a 2010 model !!!!
What should be good price to bargain for 50VT20 if the demo piece usage is :
1) < 100 hrs
2) 100 - 200 hrs
3) 200 - 300 hrs
Any suggestions ? Also how much usage should be safe to buy while buying a display piece ?
Any suggestions ? Also how much usage should be safe to buy while buying a display piece ?
Better avoid.
Else, ask him for a dark room demo of pure white and pure black wallpapers.
If you see any images like channel logos, run home as fast as you can.hyeah:
But will Panasonic fix this under warranty, just in case that exists ?
Wont occur mostly if you keep the brightness/contrast at ~50%
In stores, the TVs are mostly in 'store mode' where contrast is 100%.
Thats the default setting.
I think i might one of the LAST folks to join the VT20 gang, got a piece from Croma Mumbai to Bangalore. Stroke of luck and thanks to this forum. Saw that hours running was zero and works fine.