After Building Subs i.e 21 Inch Full marties, my next achivement is Acoustics. I have gone through lot of rooms throughout the globe but I have found lot of problems in designs. To correct all i have built my media room measuring 11x14 Feet with proper corner traps. I am midway in building room but will update time to time. A glimpse of the room is attached herewith. Open for suggestions and Questions. I am building four 18 Inch Mini Marties In this room IN Doube Bass Array Configration with Arcam AV 41 Processor. seem to be going fully monty with the room. There seems to be adequate damping for the 4 monster subs you will be stuffing in that space
I can see that this is a serious room treatment exercise with a lot of thought, and commitment put into it. Highly appreciate that
But since your goodselves have asked for feedback on a public forum, And more importantly, since Iam bored at the moment, below is my 2 cents
Unless the room is for a pure multichannel system, where we want minimal reflections. For a 2 channel system, we need some amount of reflection. So I think the outer shell above the damping material, at first reflection points might be better off being reflective. Just my 2 cents.
And from my own experiments, I feel there is a delicate balance between a live and dead room. I had over damped the room without even knowing it. REW wont tell us that, no way. It took almost one year of listening to realize that I'd gone overboard. Luckily, my first reflection treatments with absorbers were never permanently fixed. So could retrace my steps to correct the balance again. So apart from the bass treatment, which we can call as the base layer, the top layers of absorption or diffusion or reflection especially at first reflection points, are better off being flexible, until you are really happy with the entire balance of what all these treatments are giving. Which will only be realized over long term listening.
But the above said, it is your room and your ears in the end. And opinions of others, including me dont matter . There are folks happy with deliberately over damped rooms. So whatever floats your boat
Will watch your room build with a lot of interest. So please do post "LOTS" of pics along the way. All the best