website .. beware .

Indian postal service is just like most of the bureaucratic process. A bit out of touch with current times. But they are doing what they can to keep up, but Indian democratic system is fair (mostly) but slow to react. :) Think of it like a 300 pound Gorilla

I don't think Amazon is aware of the vice like grip which the carrier of an Atlas bicycle has :)
i got my Himedia 600A media player today from a local seller here in India the seller got it though DHL in top quality off course and then he has to ship through some local courier so I got mine through DTDC and guess what this highly expensive player was bought to me by DTDC courier guy on CYCLE probly the same Atlas one that Indian post office ppl use the one which a member pointed out has " vice like grip " lol and it was a overnight express no wonder I got it so late in the evening the poor DTDC dude was getting it on a
i got my Himedia 600A media player today from a local seller here in India the seller got it though DHL in top quality off course and then he has to ship through some local courier so I got mine through DTDC and guess what this highly expensive player was bought to me by DTDC courier guy on CYCLE probly the same Atlas one that Indian post office ppl use the one which a member pointed out has " vice like grip " lol and it was a overnight express no wonder I got it so late in the evening the poor DTDC dude was getting it on a

will you please follow some punctuations , or either of us is drunk so that I can just see wotrd after words..??/
around a month back i ordered $60 worth of posters from though the listing was in uk the actual seller was based out of the usa and all the posters arrived damaged. i filed a claim and got full refund!!!

there is a happy ending in this for me.
I contacted the seller again and told him has refused my claim.

He agreed to send me a refund or a new shipment.

Isnt that great of the seller??
But too bad of

As far as I know does not ship items sold via third party to India. Only direct items and that too books. BD, DVDs etc. I am surprised that you were even able to complete and place this order. I remember we get the message "This product can not be shipped to your desired location" ...... reason third party vender. ....

I have been ordering BDs from from ages. My Transformers 1 didnt arrive and they sent me another one (direct purchase). However all my correspondence was done via phone and not mail.
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