Amplifier Amp/Pre suggestions


New Member
Mar 14, 2013
This is my first newbie post. I have been piecing together a two channel audio system. I have an older system with Adcom amp/pre(35 watts), Rotel CD, Micro Seiki turntable, PSB 3 way towers.

I have an Oppo 103 in my Home Theatre (separate from above), a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon, Upgraded Platter, and a pair of Tekton Seas Pendragons on the way. I have the turntable to access my old records and the occassional new album but my focus will be digital. Therefore, playing CD's and streaming FLAC files from Jriver on my laptop.

I am quite interested in the NAD 390DD DAC Amplifier with the phono module which will cost approx $3,000 in Canada. However, I keep looking at Emotivia XPA-2 amp and XSP-1 Preamp for maybe $1,900 delivered.

I would like to hear opinions on my two choices.
Bruinsguy welcome to HFV!

I also am a PSB fan and looked at NAD for some time but never liked the sound. In my opinion, NAD electronics do not go well with PSB speakers - at least there are better options to be found. I did take a long hard look at Emotiva gear and came away very impressed with their product lineup. Unfortunately we don't get to audition Emotiva gear here so I can't tell what they sound like. Still there are a few forum members on here who bough Emotiva blind and are very happy.

PSB speakers need a lot of power to get them to sound to their potential. The Emotiva XPA-2 does have that in spades so I think you will be happy with that option.

My vote would be to go with the Emotivas. See if you can hear them before you purchase. They do have great customer service - give them a call.
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