brethren, got hold of what seemed like almost distant dream for me, cadence ARCA, refurbished units from cadence directly,along with their much coveted (at least that's what older posts suggests) the 20 watts, all class A version of va 1.0
In past I have had experience with arista and va 1.0, the 36 watts version, i now understand this is class a till 9 watts then class ab.
Sonically both amps sound poles apart. 20 watts version is pretty bloomy and articulate*
To the extent, I feel this is highly underrated. Can't wait to pair this with full rangers. Dare I say I like it much better than the 2a3 SET I had before. This has more flesh around the sound, in a nice warm way without compromising on detail*.
well, How does it pair with ARCA, absolutely stunning with most genres I hear, but not with trance/house/metal...strangely here though, I felt it is HIGHLY sensitive to certain type of recordings. For eg. Radiohead's Amnesiac which has a pretty heavy dose of electronic, sounds sublime on it, but not edm. Perhaps edm is faster, hence!
*Acoustics, classic rock, jazz, Indian, pop, indie all sound subliminal on them.