"1) I did see a place to attach your ID. What do i need to do there. "
For anyone wishing to register with ShopandShip, the following code will get you registered for only $10 instead of $45. Not sure how long this is going to last.
Custom duty on Cellphone is 1.03%, approx 15% on laptops, computer accessories and 24% on electronics)
The 35K duty exemption (not 25K) applies to personal checked-in baggage only when a resident Indian is returning to India from abroad after a stay of more than 3 days (does not apply to Nepal, Bhutan, China, Mynamar). It does not apply to:The customs duty may be 24%, but as far as I know, goods worth up to 25000 INR are exempted from this duty at-least when they are hand-carried by a person.
Does the same exemption apply if you're shipping them?
For eg: if I'm shipping something from US worth INR (converted) 24000, do I have to pay 24% duty on the entire sum? That'd suck!!!
Quick Question,
If I order something from amazon.uk or amazon.de to say BL/Aramax. Can i later request for a VAT Refund? Has anybody tried this?
Do BL/Aramax provide you with the Customs Receipt?
The 35K duty exemption (not 25K) applies to personal checked-in baggage only when a resident Indian is returning to India from abroad after a stay of more than 3 days (does not apply to Nepal, Bhutan, China, Mynamar). It does not apply to:
- unaccompanies baggage brought in as cargo
- imported items by other means
So if you are shipping dutiable goods from outside India to India, full duty will be levied as per the tariff, class of goods and the customs assessed value.
Thanks. When you say 'customs assessed value' that'd be in case we cannot provide receipts with the actual value, right? I mean I'm thinking Onkyo 616 which is discounted > 50% by Amazon and you can get it for sub-20K INR. But if customs 'assesses' it for it's full value, then we'll be jacked wont we? So my question is - if you provide a receipt which equals 20K INR, then will customs take that as the value or insist on 'assessing' it?
You will have to start reading this thread from the beginning. It may answer all your questions.I wanted to buy stuff from amazon and bestbuy but how to get them ship from ARAMEX?? do aramex has exclusive shopping portal????
@JUST4kix...why dnt u tell me quickly, help would be appreciated and there are 51 pages of the thread
Hi Guys,
I have used borderlinx in the past and now I have come across this service from Aramex.
It turned out to be so much cheaper that I got a phone from UK and the estimate I got from Borderlinx is Rs.4,913 for shipping, taxes and customs (pic enclosed) and I paid Rs.523/- as shipping and Rs.77/- for customs to Aramaex Ship and Ship. So, the total is Rs.600/- as against Rs.4,913/- by Borderlinx. :yahoo:
For, this you have to take member from Aramex Shop & Ship. The fee is US$ 35 but you can use a coupon code "SNS10VSCH" as I did and then you will need to pay just US$ 5 (Rs.234.81 was charged on my card).
I got it in December and hopeful that this coupon code works even now, if it does not, you can use "IND3957" to get it for US$ 10 according to their facebook page Shop&Ship India | Facebook.
I got 3 phones last month from UK and one more product is on its way from US.
Some points:
* Unlike Borderlinx, we do not need to pay for shipping, taxes and customs before getting the product. Their delivery person collects shipping and customs when they deliver the product so sometime, custom is not at at all charged so you don't pay for it.
* Average shipping price is Rs.500 approx per 500 gms and custom as per product category (actual charged by custom dept, you get a receipt of it). Custom duty on Cellphone is 1.03%, approx 15% on laptops, computer accessories and 24% on electronics)
* I got them in 2 days flat from UK to my home once and in 3 days twice.
I am very happy with their services and can get many products from US/UK now.
PS: I AM NOT ASSOCIATES WITH ARAMEX, JUST THOUGHT THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USEFUL FOR FELLOW HFV MEMBERS. I actually got to know about Borderlinx from HFV and took benefit of it by getting few products.![]()