Aramex Shop & Ship - Get anything from US/UK Toooooo much cheaper than Borderlinx

How does it work ? Can I buy from any portal and use aramex/borderline services.?
The reply to above is in some post in the thread. One advice ... using the "User CP" options, change the display options to 30 posts per page. This is what I have done and then I have to scroll thru less pages.

To answer your query:

- During registration, you are asked your address, credit card and such details
- The membership fee is charged to your credit card. You have the option of PayPal also now.
- Once you pay up and become a registered member, you get three drop-ship addresses - one in US, one in UK and one in China.
- You can use the drop-ship address for shipping on the actual eCommerce site (e.g., Amazon)
- e-Retailer will ship to the drop-ship address and Aramex will ship to your actual address
- Aramex will calculate the shipping charges and charge it to your registered CC/Paypal.
The 35K duty exemption (not 25K) applies to personal checked-in baggage only when a resident Indian is returning to India from abroad after a stay of more than 3 days (does not apply to Nepal, Bhutan, China, Mynamar). It does not apply to:

- unaccompanied baggage brought in as cargo
- imported items by other means

So if you are shipping dutiable goods from outside India to India, full duty will be levied as per the tariff, class of goods and the customs' assessed value.

Hi, I have a relative who's Indian in origin but now a USA citizen. When he comes to India on his american passport, if he carries electronics, will the same 35K duty free limit apply to him as well? Furthermore, if he has to pay the duty, will the customs officials accept it in USD? Or does he have to pay in Rupees?
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Hi, I have a relative who's Indian in origin but now a USA citizen. When he comes to India on his american passport, if he carries electronics, will the same 35K duty free limit apply to him as well? Furthermore, if he has to pay the duty, will the customs officials accept it in USD? Or does he have to pay in Rupees?
You did not read the first statement properly. 35K duty exemption applies to Indian residents only. That is, they must carry Indian passports. Not American or any other citizens, even of Indian origin.

Customs duty is not accepted in USD. But your friend can convert the USD to INR in the FOREX booth very near to the customs' gates.
Currently it seems ishopinternational is cheapest if you want anything from US. Considering that their shipping is competitive and also don't charge extra for USD, and take payments in INR. Few board members have used their service to satisfaction.
Yes, even I have ordered a Panasonic blu ray player bdt -220 through ishopinternational yesterday.

But so far I was asked for making 2 additional payments for Rs 209 and 141, which they could have calculated and done once. Anyways just got the confirmation that the product is purchased :yahoo: and hopefully no more additional payments.
When i made the purchase , i only paid one including the item charge, handling and shipping charges.
They purchased it for me and got shipped and also got the notifications timely, till it reached me. :)
You did not read the first statement properly. 35K duty exemption applies to Indian residents only. That is, they must carry Indian passports. Not American or any other citizens, even of Indian origin.

Customs duty is not accepted in USD. But your friend can convert the USD to INR in the FOREX booth very near to the customs' gates.

Baggage Rules at a glance - CBEC

The link above is from the Customs Website.

Firstly, the value is not 35000, it's 25000 as per this website. This is mentioned under "DUTY FREE ALLOWANCES AND ENTITLEMENTS FOR INDIAN RESIDENTS AND FOREIGNERS RESIDING IN INDIA"

'A Resident means a person holding a valid passport issued under the Passports Act, 1967 and normally residing in India'

Now, scrolling down, come to this section: "DUTY FREE ALLOWANCES AND ENTITLEMENTS FOR TOURISTS"

Definition as per the website:

A tourist is a passenger

a) who is not normally a resident in India;

b) who enters India for a stay of not more than six months in the course of any twelve months period for legitimate non-immigrant purposes, such as : touring, recreation, sports, health, family reasons, study, religious pilgrimage, or business;

In the subsequent table, there's a section for 'Tourists of Indian Origin' which mentions 'Duty Free Allowances applicable to Indian Residents' as applicable.

The way I see it, a 'Tourist of Indian Origin' is a Non-Indian Passport-holder of Indian Origin.

Am I reading this right?
i used it with both amazon and ebay. it worked both the times as in the seller didnt have any problem shipping to this address which is usually black-listed by few sellers. They usually mention somewhere on the product page that they wont ship to freight-forwarders or post box addresses. please check.

both the times, i paid only 10 USD for shipping vs. 65 and 90 USD respectively for phones. luckily the second phone was not charged any customs duty and I ended up paying only 780 rs. for shipping. These days they ask for the invoice of the purchase before shipping it to India once they receive it in the purchased country. wait for that email and respond immediately and that might save a day or 2 for you.
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For instance -
1) I'll create a sns account
2) Enter sns address on ebay ( make it primary)
3 ) I have to enter sns add on paypal too ? ( to make it primary)
As some sellers want your paypal & ebay add to match & verified add
i didnt know about this requirement.
I'm not sure what we can but i guess paypal has to have same address as its in your bank records.
lets hope someone else will pitch in here.
You can add the Aramex address to your PayPal account and make it primary. Also there are some merchant sites where while using to pay by paypal will allow to choose the shipping address from one of the addresses listed under your paypal account. But I think ebay you need to make the address first as primary and it should work without any problem. This way both the shipping address on ebay and the paypal address will match and it should work.
There are some merchant sites especially in US where they do not accept P.O box or freight forwarders address similar to Aramex/Borderlinx/iShopinternational. So please check before booking the same.
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