Very recently I submitted my income papers for a High Value top up loan. Seeing the loan amount and property value etc. etc., The vice president marketing of the bank (It is one of the Top foreign banks in India) had visited my house and he was really puzzled and was staring at all the speakers in my HT set up and some of the amps (really not some Many) lying on each corner of the room through out the Discussions.
Once we were done with the discussions I just asked him "hey I think that you really want to know what is all this" he curiously admitted with big "YES". So I had explained him about our hobby and collections and I played him movies. Then I took him to my Stereo Set up and showed him the B&W 802s and JC1 powers etc., and played couple of songs.
He was totally amazed with the Movie and Song presentations. Finally he asked me one question with serious intention of helping me to improvise the package.
"Sir you are ready to spend so much for your hobby and why don't you spend little more and settle down with BOSE"
I was like no words to express


and till the last I did not reveal him the actual cost involved in this set up.