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Sid i dont want to come near by hyderabad. If i come across or happened to across hyd i will have a temptation to visit your place. Then all my gears will seem nothing. Enjoying music inch by inch. Congratulations for having so tolerable cooperating life partner. Hope you both too have same line of thought. CHEERS. I MISSED YOUR PASSIVE

Thanks Navarajan - You are welcome to visit anytime regardless:lol: You are right my wife's support was and is instrumental in me being able to enjoy my systems which I would believe would be the case with any audiophile on the forum - unless they are so lucky so as to be single:D
Lucky you.

Captain, that's the reason, I have a dual purpose room, that includes an acceptable home theater. So the rest of the family participates somewhat in my hobby, though I have separated the two setups in order to optimize the 2 channel system.
And last but not least my humble 5.1 HT set up anchored by a denon 2310 rcvr. with a oppo bdp 83 and a oppo 981 feeding the paradigm studio v3 series speakers, SVS sub and a Panasonic PTAE900 720p projector firing onto a 106 inch Elite screen.

very nice pointers to complimenting eqpt. thanx.
Again, lucky you.:ohyeah:

I tried in the past to integrate both (2 channel and 7.1) into one system by using separates for movies and a decent audiophile preamp with unity gain but somehow could never get decent stereo sound from the movie gear so I just separated them.
That is absolutely correct. I got very close to doing that; a family friend of ours was planning to sell his HT comprising of Marantz Amp & Boston Acoustics Towers/bookshelves & Sub on his wifey's insistence:mad: but thankfully backed out, to my kids' chagrin.:D
sweet set up is the Ayon CD player?

Thanks Sachi - I am thoroughly enjoying the Ayon. It is smooth and fatigue free and at the same time quite resolving. It has taken my system to another level.
My Recent 2-channel system updates - include:
Harbeth Shl5 speakers
Symphonic line Rg7 Mk4 amp
Audire zephyr PLC
PS audio statement cables
Custom lossy speaker stands designed by Magma (Ali - Soundfoundations)
Agora acoustics equipment supports (Sridhar of ARN sent me some samples)
This is the best I have heard my system sounding and I am getting off the upgrade bandwagon.
Future upgrades (Didnt think I was serious in my last sentence, did you :ohyeah:)
1. Computer audio and digitizing all my cd's
2. Cd player upgrade to a unit that can handle 24/192 through USB in an asynchronous mode for 1.
3. Kimber select cables
4. Upgrade of the SL RG7 to Reference status
5. Upgrade the Ls26 to ARC Ref3 or Ref5
6. A shunyata black mamba PC for the amp.
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Beautiful setup! Are those cable elevators I see? What are the noticeable advantages?

Thanks Bluu. Yes I am using cable elevators. I did hear some improved resolution when I was using the Nordost blue heaven speaker cable with these, but with the PS audio statement I am hard pressed to hear any difference. Aside from the improvement potential, these help in keeping the cables off the carpet so vaccum cleaning becomes much easier and cable damage is minimized.
Hi Sidvee

Would look at the Lessloss powercord too for your amp. Should mate very well with your system.
Hi Sidvee

Would look at the Lessloss powercord too for your amp. Should mate very well with your system.

Hi Prem - Have not experimented with lessloss. My current choice is shunyata and so far I have all shunyata cables for the source, pre and PLC, except for the power-amp, for which I am using an Audio Art power1, which I want to upgrade to a Shunyata Black Mamba. In the past power cable swaps, I have heard the most improvement with Shunyata, hence my preference.
Wish it was easy to audition some of the higher end cables at home.
Hi Sidvee

The expensive Shunyata powercords to my ears seem voiced. The cheaper ones like the Diamondback are not. I have had the Anaconda and the Viper in my system and found them voiced which makes them very system dependent.
Hi Sidvee

The expensive Shunyata powercords to my ears seem voiced. The cheaper ones like the Diamondback are not. I have had the Anaconda and the Viper in my system and found them voiced which makes them very system dependent.

Interesting observation Prem. My actual experience (and epiphany with powercords in general - I was in the camp that any decent power cable would work) with Shunyata was with a diamondback power cable back in 2003, when I swapped out a generic 12 ga cable with hospital grade terminations to the diamondback from a Musical Fidelity A324 DAC. I was using a sunfire tube pre and monarchy audio amps into B&W 705 speakers. I could immediately tell that the sound was smoother, greater bass extension and other benefits. When I swapped back, I could hear the loss of better sound. Since then I have been pretty much using them. Of-course I have not compared the higher end cables such as Anaconda so would not be sure how they would synergize with my system. Another reason is also that Shunyata's pretty much sell themselves on Audiogon, so if I do not like the cable it is very easy to get rid of them. Hence my preference of Shunyata and also my wish of home auditioning of cables of other brands, especially since one would be paying upwards of $500 for the black mamba and all the way upto $2000 for the anacondas and so on for similar priced cables from other brands.
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Hi Sid
Any idea from where I can purchase hospital grade termination for a power cord here in India?
Hi Sid
Any idea from where I can purchase hospital grade termination for a power cord here in India?

I am not too sure Rikhav - I know Audire deals with Power equipment for critical applications such as power supply for hospital equipment - so they may have these terminations. Back in the day when I used to roll my own, I bought most of my stuff from here:
Subwoofer Amplifiers ( Sub Amps ) featuring top brands at great prices from Parts Express
I am sure they will ship to India, so that is an option.
Hope this helps.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.