Back to Open Baffles..... with Pure Audio Project Trio 15 Voxativ

I had a chance to visit Sameer this past weekend to listen to his setup but this time with the Ayon Stratos DAC/Pre and LM monoblocks. I had earlier visited when he had the Ayon Skylla and LM Integrated (connected as power amp). A lot has changed in his setup since that visit. Sameer has a very definite idea what he likes and has tried different gear in his pursuit of his preferred sound. After he told me that he was now quite satisfied with his setup I wanted to listen to it once again.

Music source was the Lumin feeding the Ayon Stratos via the Berkeley Audio Design Alpha (BADA) USB.

First up was our newly discovered Amancio d'Silva album "Konkan Dance". The album opens up with a trippy base line that gets you into a mellow groove and we were off. Before we knew it we were three songs deep into the album which gives you an idea of the seductive nature of the sound. By the time we reached the lovely guitar solo work in "A Song for Francesca" we were well and truly pulled into the music. And that is where we stayed more or less for the entire evening. Just grab a beer, kick back and relax as the music just washed over us. The album closes out with a rocker of number in “Konkan Dance” which got my attention with it’s grinding guitar and sax work.

Sameer has a serious jazz collection and I was treated to a delightful lineup starting with Wynton Marsalis, Ornette Coleman, the Manhattan Jazz Quintet and a Miles Davis tribute album “4 Generations of Miles” featuring George Coleman, Mike Stern, Ron Carter and Jimmy Cobb. To say that the time went by too quickly would be an understatement. Ornette Coleman’s classic “Change of the Century” was just sublime as we went through “Ramblin” “Free” and “Face of the Bass”. For good measure we got in a little bit of Cecille Mclorin Savant’s “Woman Child” – what a voice!

I prefer to ask people to play whatever music they like when I visit because it gives an idea of what kind of music they listen to and (maybe) gives an idea of the kind of factors that go into how they voice their preferred sound. Sameer, as I have come to know him, has a discerning ear that leans towards music by small ensembles in intimate settings. Delicacy and tonal richness are essential. No surprise at all in seeing Sameer move towards the rich musicality of the 300B driven Line Magnetics. And let’s not forget the incredible Ayon Stratos. However, the Pure Audio Project Open Baffle speakers offer a superb clear lens to project all that musical goodness coming down the wire.

Sameer has put together a fine system – again!

Sameer, this has got me interested in the pure audio project. Can you provide some details on the ordering and delivery? Timeline? Customs/duties? Thanks.
Sameer, this has got me interested in the pure audio project. Can you provide some details on the ordering and delivery? Timeline? Customs/duties? Thanks.
Welcome to the pure audio journey...
visit for ordering......prior to ordering contact Mr Ze'ev and discuss your interests with [email protected]

Ze'ev is the designer and will guide you through based on your preferences. Customs duty can not be avoided. If you are travelling abroad then give overseas shipping address and carry less weight electronic components.
Frames and woofers are difficult to carry.
I had a chance to visit Sameer this past weekend to listen to his setup but this time with the Ayon Stratos DAC/Pre and LM monoblocks. I had earlier visited when he had the Ayon Skylla and LM Integrated (connected as power amp). A lot has changed in his setup since that visit. Sameer has a very definite idea what he likes and has tried different gear in his pursuit of his preferred sound. After he told me that he was now quite satisfied with his setup I wanted to listen to it once again.

Music source was the Lumin feeding the Ayon Stratos via the Berkeley Audio Design Alpha (BADA) USB.

First up was our newly discovered Amancio d'Silva album "Konkan Dance". The album opens up with a trippy base line that gets you into a mellow groove and we were off. Before we knew it we were three songs deep into the album which gives you an idea of the seductive nature of the sound. By the time we reached the lovely guitar solo work in "A Song for Francesca" we were well and truly pulled into the music. And that is where we stayed more or less for the entire evening. Just grab a beer, kick back and relax as the music just washed over us. The album closes out with a rocker of number in “Konkan Dance” which got my attention with it’s grinding guitar and sax work.

Sameer has a serious jazz collection and I was treated to a delightful lineup starting with Wynton Marsalis, Ornette Coleman, the Manhattan Jazz Quintet and a Miles Davis tribute album “4 Generations of Miles” featuring George Coleman, Mike Stern, Ron Carter and Jimmy Cobb. To say that the time went by too quickly would be an understatement. Ornette Coleman’s classic “Change of the Century” was just sublime as we went through “Ramblin” “Free” and “Face of the Bass”. For good measure we got in a little bit of Cecille Mclorin Savant’s “Woman Child” – what a voice!

I prefer to ask people to play whatever music they like when I visit because it gives an idea of what kind of music they listen to and (maybe) gives an idea of the kind of factors that go into how they voice their preferred sound. Sameer, as I have come to know him, has a discerning ear that leans towards music by small ensembles in intimate settings. Delicacy and tonal richness are essential. No surprise at all in seeing Sameer move towards the rich musicality of the 300B driven Line Magnetics. And let’s not forget the incredible Ayon Stratos. However, the Pure Audio Project Open Baffle speakers offer a superb clear lens to project all that musical goodness coming down the wire.

Sameer has put together a fine system – again!

I was at Sameer's place today along with Nikhil. Sameer has put together an awesome system that is as good as any that I have heard. Today we heard the Atc SCM40 v2, driven by a Gryphon integrated with a Lumin source, which is going to be his secondary set up. The system has musicality in spades, very rich in the midrange (undoubtedly which is where ATC's reside), but what was amazing was the v2 tweeter of SCM40. The high frequency reproduction of cymbals, triangles etc was so extended yet smooth that I remarked several times to Sameer that this is one of the best tweeters that I have heard. Had a wonderful time.
I was at Sameer's place today along with Nikhil. Sameer has put together an awesome system that is as good as any that I have heard. Today we heard the Atc SCM40 v2, driven by a Gryphon integrated with a Lumin source, which is going to be his secondary set up. The system has musicality in spades, very rich in the midrange (undoubtedly which is where ATC's reside), but what was amazing was the v2 tweeter of SCM40. The high frequency reproduction of cymbals, triangles etc was so extended yet smooth that I remarked several times to Sameer that this is one of the best tweeters that I have heard. Had a wonderful time.
Yes Sid....after a very long time we had very good listening session.
Wow! What a nice set-up!!
I am sure it must be bringing out the details to such an extent, that it will even expose recording flaws.

With some good source and some good material, I am sure it must be a treat not only to the ears, but to the mind and heart too.

Congratulations again!!


I have to agree with Sid on the ATCs at Sameer's place this afternoon.
Sameer has put together a second setup that would easily be first string for most people.

The ATCs driven by the Gryphon threw a huge soundstage that projected at least 4 - 6 feet back from the speaker line. The decay on the cymbals just seemed to hang in the air forever. The tweeter on the new v2 version of the SCM40 is just superb. The music just leaves the speakers standing like mute spectators as you experience the soundstage thrown up in the space behind. I enjoyed every minute of my time listening to this setup.

Will definitely look forward to the next session to listen to the Pure Audio Projects driven by the upgraded LMs.

Wow! What a nice set-up!!
I am sure it must be bringing out the details to such an extent, that it will even expose recording flaws.

With some good source and some good material, I am sure it must be a treat not only to the ears, but to the mind and heart too.

Congratulations again!!


Thank you
Hey Sameer!

I seem to have missed the thread completely... your system looks incredible and nicely setup, congratulations on the new acquisition.
I also live in your neck of the woods - might you be willing to allow me a listen? ;)
Great sameer!

The last we met was, as I can recollect... along with Nikhil listening to my Maggies at my place.
Looking forward to audition your new rig.

Congrats and happy listening!
Congrats Sameer, Already your system was awesome with Pure Audio speakers. Nice to know about ATC speakers, heard ATC book shelves and liked a lot. In your system FS will sound more awesome.

Few years back ..I heard and read somewhere that Audiophiles who like full range single driver speakers’ sound also prefer Open Baffle sound……True its the same with me too. I got introduced to open baffle sound with Emerald Physics speakers and relished the sound for a very long time and four years back I was lured by Line magnetic 755 full range single driver field coil speakers sound.

its been wonderful listening period with field coil speakers and 300b SET amp till I came across review at Dagogo by Doug Schroeder……The review on Pure Audio Project OB speakers.From then on I spent more time on exploring Pure Audio Project than listening to music and almost stopped listening ….. and during that period even my fellow audiophiles at my city felt my absence in routine audio discussions.

After few email exchanges with Pure Audio Project …... I was bit nervous in taking decision as I have zero DIY skills to assemble the drivers, baffles, frames and the scary one ... X over.

At this point of time Mr. Ze’ev Schlik’s (Founder of PAP) counselling and reassuring words on the ease of assembly and the user friendly instructions made me to go for the final purchase…….and packets of various components landed at my places from different parts of the world...Voxativ AC 1.6 Full range drivers from Germany,Baffles from Sweden, Four PAP woofers & Verastarr internal speaker profiles from USA, Frames and footers from Israel and the X overs from yet another country ??? forgot :)

Finally The DIY experience began at a nervous note but with the help of my energetic son and the supplied assembly instructions we could complete the assembly except the X over in two hours …..and the X over assembly instructions were quite straight forward but to play safe I took the help of our forum member Mr. Raghunath … we all know about his skills and he could finish assembling both X overs in less than half hour..Many a thanks to him.

To begin with I drove the PAP Trio 15 Voxativs with a 8W 300B Line magnetic integrated Amp and it was a pleasant sound and took nearly 200hrs to feel the true Open Baffle sound…… was fast,open,airy ,transparent sound signature with excellent bass ,wider soundstage.

In pursuit of getting better dynamics ,exploiting the four 15 inch drivers further on the bass region I have procured NUPRIME STA 9 Monoblocks and paired them with EXOGAL Comet DAC. Boy….that Duo of Exogal Comet & Nuprime STA 9s made OBs blew me away with improved Dynamic presentation …. and it was a wall of sound ….but after few months my addiction to SET sound made me to reshuffle the source and the amp all over again. Finally I am settled with the following source and amps.

LUMIN U1 (Network Transport/Streamer) upgraded from Modified Mac mini.
Ayon ‘Stratos’ Reference DAC Pre upgraded from Ayon Skylla II DAC.
Line Magnetic 503 PA Mono blocks upgraded from Nuprime STA 9 Monoblocks, Line Magnetic 300B integrated.

These upgrades made the earlier sound more fluidic,transparent and dimensional.

After these upgrades I am able to derive the best out of my Pure Audio Project Trios. Its really been a pure audio experience session after session. In fact its more listening and less working for the past few weeks :).

In the whole process of changing the set up I got an opportunity to enjoy superb components which were really good but I could not accommodate them to get the sound of my choice. Here are those components…Convergent Audio Technology CAT Preamp, Mark Levinson 23.5 stereo amp, Nuprime STA 9 Monoblocks and EXOGAL Comet DAC.

I wish to convey my special thanks to ever dependable forum member Mr.Raghunath for assembling the X overs and I also thank forum members Sidvee, Nikhil and Prem for offering suggestions to refine the sound.

What's the total cost for the speakers? Looks superb
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