It is an excellent DAC at its price and one should should definitely consider it if they are looking at the $2500 - $3000 bracket. However the sound was not to my liking and consequently I did not pay too much attention to the details and I moved on to the others. To be fair the other DAC's cost many multiples of the price of the Schiit.Hi Sid - Can you please share your impressions of Yggdrasil as well and how it compares with other dacs you mentioned.
WATT/Puppy inspired... Congrats Sid!
At 42.6 Kg each, maneuvering them into place must have been quite a challenge.
Thanks Oracle, I will list my equipment from source onwards:Hello Sidvee
That is a gorgeous looking set-up. Congrats!
Can you list out your entire set-up? I may have missed it if it was stated in the posts earlier.
Thanks Arj,What a great buy sidvee, Congratulations ! what method did you use to set it up ?
Thanks Rajesh. I haven't heard the Sopra 2 in my room, so I can't compare on that basis but what I heard in dealer setups and shows was that it has a sublime midrange quality that draws you into the music. However the Sabrina is a superb all-rounder, not just midrange, and bass extension is better. Also the treble is smoother and overall detail resolution of the Sabrina is better, so this made me place the Sabrina at the top of my list. Also I feel the Sopra 2 will need a bigger room to shine and could potentially overpower smaller rooms like mine.what a great set-up! looks neatly set-up as well. Congratulations!
Could you tell us the differences in the sound from the Sopra 2 & the Wilson Sabrinas?
You are welcome anytime square. Yes in the Wilson line up these are well priced, but the bigger take away is that they will work in smaller rooms, which imo is a bigger limitation to buying a Wilson rather than just price. Of-course now they have the Tune Tots, which have been getting great press, but I think they will have limited bass extension and also the Duette series 2 stand mounters (which are priced higher than the Sabrina btw). Yes I had to put the Kraft back, as the Sabrinas dip to 2.5 ohms at 140 hz and the Kraft is rated to be stable into 1 ohm loads. Of-course I also feel that after 4 years of owning the kraft, it is finally getting to stretch its legs, and it is doing so in a spectacular fashion. That was also a main consideration - having a capable amp - before I decided on the Sabrina.Ah.. so the Sabrina has finally come homeNext time in Hyderabad, I am surely coming over for a listen. In the Wilson line-up taking into consideration what is on offer if one is willing to extract it, the Sabrina is considered to be extremely well priced! Happy to hear that they exceeded your expectations as well.
Did you put the kraft back in the system to drive these ?
Forgive me for sounding so gushing and giddy as as a teenager who had his first smooch or a feel (who can forget that), but in about 25 years of being a music/audio aficionado I haven't felt so excited. I think I may be in love with Sabrina
Forgive me for sounding so gushing and giddy as a teenager who had his first smooch or a feel (who can forget that), but in about 25 years of being a music/audio aficionado I haven't felt so excited. I think I may be in love with Sabrina