Batery powered DIY CNC phono stage


I got my kit today. Will start soldering on sunday. Hope to complete
it and test it the same day.

Thanks a ton for all the hard work you and omishra put in:clapping::clapping:


I got my kit today. Will start soldering on sunday. Hope to complete
it and test it the same day.

Thanks a ton for all the hard work you and omishra put in:clapping::clapping:


I am waiting for your build.

Re: PCB received

Hi all,

I have received only 4 PCBs today,rest will be delivered tomorrow.I have sent 2 parcels today
1. OMishra(Tek+Spacemonkey)

Rest kits will be shipped tomorrow.


I too got 3 kits today. I will be assembling it on Saturday night or Sunday. I will post pics of same.
Re: PCB received

I too got 3 kits today. I will be assembling it on Saturday night or Sunday. I will post pics of same.

And a comparo with your existing phono pre(s) please! besides the pics, that is.

PS: what cabinet are you guys planning on?
Definitely big thanks to Sachu and Omishra.. can't wait to get my hands on it when it's ready! Will do a comparison with my current phono pre, which is a Pro-Ject Record Box USB

Re: PCB received

And a comparo with your existing phono pre(s) please! besides the pics, that is.
I will compare with my TC 754 and Tandberg 3002.

PS: what cabinet are you guys planning on?
I am thinking WxDxH (6"x4"x2") black metal box for tek and spicemonkey's kits. Mine will placed along with 4-1 relay selector and ladder volume control at the output. So I will use slightly bigger box. My none of the amps have any volume control. So I need it in preamp.
CNC sound

In my case,It is sounding way better than my Technics integrated Amp.
BTW: It takes 30hrs to breakin.
Re: PCB received

I will compare with my TC 754 and Tandberg 3002.

I am thinking WxDxH (6"x4"x2") black metal box for tek and spicemonkey's kits. Mine will placed along with 4-1 relay selector and ladder volume control at the output. So I will use slightly bigger box. My none of the amps have any volume control. So I need it in preamp.

Good idea. That's what I did with my VSPS phono pre - put it into
the same box as my RF remote controlled pre. My pre also relay
based channel select and a PGA2320 based volume control.
All operations controlled by a tiny car-keyless-entry type of remote.


The details are here -

My RF controled PGA2320 MiniVol and ch selector - diyAudio
Last edited:
Re: PCB received

Good idea. That's what I did with my VSPS phono pre - put it into
the same box as my RF remote controlled pre. My pre also relay
based channel select and a PGA2320 based volume control.
All operations controlled by a tiny car-keyless-entry type of remote.


The details are here -

My RF controled PGA2320 MiniVol and ch selector - diyAudio

Hi Prasad,
You have built some very nice amps and speakers.

Sachin, I just received the CNC kit.
Excellent packing - one of the best I have seen.
It was very professionally done, with all the parts individually marked
and packed. The PCB quality is pretty good. Where did you get it made?
Overall, a very pleasant experience participating in this DIY
group buy, thanks to Om and Sachin.
Sachin, I just received the CNC kit.
Excellent packing - one of the best I have seen.
It was very professionally done, with all the parts individually marked
and packed. The PCB quality is pretty good. Where did you get it made?
Overall, a very pleasant experience participating in this DIY
group buy, thanks to Om and Sachin.

Thanks Prasad,
I am glad you liked it.I was worried about PCb quality.I get it done from a local shop.I am waiting to hear your comments on CNC sound.

As per promise I prepared two kits. The problems, I faced while soldering +ve terminal of electrolyte capacitors and one OP AMP IC. Soldering pads were too small/non existent. So I have to scrub the track some more.

Not tested yet, just powered on. As my rack is in bedroom I have restriction there at night (WAF ;) ). I will test them, may be today if I return early from office. The forum members 'tek' & 'spicemonkey' will be getting these soon after testing completion.

Let photos speaks themselves.

Hi Om,

Enclosures look good.I notice from that pic is that you have not selected an input impedance, set both dip switches to 47k for a start.

Hi Om,

Enclosures look good.I notice from that pic is that you have not selected an input impedance, set both dip switches to 47k for a start.


You are right Sachin. Thanks for pointing it out. I selected them after adding IC in the socket.
Thanks so much for building these.
They look really nice and I am extremely excited about testing these out.

Since i am a total noobie at this, out of curiosity, where would I need to install the batteries?
Since i am a total noobie at this, out of curiosity, where would I need to install the batteries?
You can see that reel/pipe made from cardboard? That is movable. After connecting to wire terminals, batteries are inserted into it. That is only for safety. That reel will be kept pressed/secured in one place by sponge pasted on top cover. It will restrict battery movement in the box when closed.
Hey Om

Looking awesome, great job!

I also second Spacemonkey's question about where to put the batteries.. Is that what the cardboard tube is for?

Also, is that black part on the bottom left side of the back for the grounding?

Cheers. Look forward to an update once you have had a chance to test these out.


Edit: Just read the above post. Thanks for clarification.
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