Batery powered DIY CNC phono stage

Re: PCB status

Hi all,

There is a delay in PCB making due to some technical fault at manufacturing unit.They promised me to deliver on coming Thursday.I will order remaining parts from Digikey tomorrow.


I will be sending locally procured parts to you by today evening or tomorrow morning, approx, 400 grams.

The part are as follows (all are quality parts, avoided unbranded/cheap stuff) -

Resistors: 1%, 1/4W, MFR - Local exporter Mfg in Pune MIDC (this guy also manufactures 0.1% MFR by order minimum 100 pc)
caps: ceramic, electrolytes - Keltron
RCA connectors - MX, chrome plated
Toggle switch DPDT - imported 230V, 3A
IC sockets - 8-pin DIP good quality
Battery connectors

Sachin will calculate total amount and let us know, after adding all shipping charges. I could not get Panasonic caps as they were 500 pc/pack. That guy was not willing to open for 50 :(
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Hi all,
I have collected Digikey shipment from Aramax.Total cost as follow
New York city Tax:$13(INR 598)
Shipping-(US ground)$6(INR 276)
Shipping(US to India)INR 513
Custom duty+broker fee - 2248+100
Octroi - 315

Total : 11003
PCB: 900
Local parts(bought by Om including courier)900
Total : 12803/8 nos
1600 per person+courier charges

I opt for shop n ship because Digikey shipping charges was $40.I have not received PCB's till date,hopefully I will receive today.You have to buy 2 Alkaline 9v batteries,and a case.I will send Digikey Invoice,custom duty receipt,and octroi receipt to everyone.Please send your residence address to my mail id : [email protected]


Digikey Invoice

Hi all,
Pl find Digikey Invoice:

Shipping Address
BOM 224
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413

Shipping Method United States Postal Service Priority Mail
Customer Number
All prices are in US dollars.
Index Quantity Part Number Description Customer Reference Backorder Quantity Unit Price Extended Price
1 16 CT2064-ND SWITCH SPST GOLD 4 SEC 0 0.69800 $11.17
2 16 AD823ANZ-ND IC OPAMP JFET R-R DUAL LN 8DIP 0 7.05000 $112.80
3 16 P4518-ND CAP .027UF 50V STACK METAL FILM 0 0.34000 $5.44
4 16 P4519-ND CAP .033UF 50V STACK METAL FILM 0 0.29000 $4.64
5 16 P4521-ND CAP .047UF 50V STACK METAL FILM 0 0.27000 $4.32
6 16 P4675-ND CAP 1UF 50V STACK METAL FILM 0 0.68000 $10.88
7 32 RNF14FTD3K32CT-ND RES MF 1/4W 3.32K OHM 1% AXIAL 0 0.10500 $3.36
8 40 3.83KXBK-ND RES 3.83K OHM 1/4W 1% METAL FILM 0 0.09100 $3.64
Subtotal $156.25
Shipping Estimate
Sales Tax $13.87
Total unknown
Fields marked as unknown cannot be determined at this time.
Applicable taxes will be added to your order at submit time unless you have a tax exempt certificate on file with us.
All duties and taxes are the responsibility of the customer.
These commodities, technology or software will be exported from the United States in accordance with the Export Administration regulation. Diversion contrary to U.S. law prohibited.
Note: If your package is of excessive weight and size, someone will contact you prior to shipping and notify you of shipping costs. Shipping charges will be prepaid and added to your order.

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Hi Sachu

Just sent you an email to your id.

Also, was wondering, what would be required to make this MC cartridge compatible? Or is that no possible at this stage? Currently I am using a MM cart, but in the future if I get an MC will I need to buy a new phono stage?

Hi Sachu

Just sent you an email to your id.

Also, was wondering, what would be required to make this MC cartridge compatible? Or is that no possible at this stage? Currently I am using a MM cart, but in the future if I get an MC will I need to buy a new phono stage?


This will work with MM and HOMC carts.

PCB received

Hi all,

I have received only 4 PCBs today,rest will be delivered tomorrow.I have sent 2 parcels today
1. OMishra(Tek+Spacemonkey)

Rest kits will be shipped tomorrow.

Hi Sachu

Just sent you an email to your id.

Also, was wondering, what would be required to make this MC cartridge compatible? Or is that no possible at this stage? Currently I am using a MM cart, but in the future if I get an MC will I need to buy a new phono stage?


You should be able to use it, with some kind of MC step up front end
device - eg: a transformer, or a FET based circuit like the Salas or Pass Ono.

K & K Audio - Moving Coil Cartridge Step-up Transformers
6moons audio reviews: MC Step-Up Transformers - A Primer

2SK170 BL MC step up amp - diyAudio
( from Building an Pass XOno MC/MM-Preamplifier Clone )
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CNC Soldering and PCB Population Tips

Hi all,
Please read this:

I was going to put this in with the CNC PCB packaging but since it's a few pages I decided to post it here.

For most simple PCB's it's easy to just start putting in components, it's best to do it in a logical order, here is how I do it:

Here is the suggested order for installing the components, please read the soldering tips before hand if necessary.

Resistors, these are closest to the board so we will install them first, it's a good idea to double check the values with a DMM. And that the value is the same as on the board.

The component leads of resistors need to be bent at right angles so the leads are parallel to each other with a distance of 9 - 10mm between them. Feed the legs through the holes and bend outwards slightly so they can't slip out again. You can do a couple at a time, it may be quicker to do them all at once but it's harder to solder with all those leads sticking out of the solder side of the board.

Op amp sockets, be sure to place them so the cutout end matches that on the PCB and they go in the center of the board. Gently push them so the pins go through the holes, you can lay the board component side down on a flat surface to keep the sockets hard up against the board.

Dip Switches, make sure the end with the number "1" on it goes to the number "1" printed on the silkscreen and gently push them so the pins go through the holes.

Capacitors, do the smallest ones first, gently push the leads through the holes making sure you have them in the right spot. Electrolytic capacitors in this case are polarized. The longer lead is the positive lead and must go in the hole next to the positve symbol. The negative lead is on the side of the stripe. Double check polarity of the four 10uf capacitors before soldering. The other capacitors can go in either way round. Gently bend the legs outwards as you did with the resistors so they don't move. Try and have them as upright as possible.

RCA Jacks, you can use any good quality copper insulated wire, color coded is better and 20 gauge is sufficient. Make sure you have the positive lead connected to the center of the RCA Jack and the negative lead to the outside tab.

Power connection, 20 gauge is sufficient here also, we are using batteries and they should be wired as shown in the notes I sent, with positive going to the positive input on the PCB. Negative to negative and the center lead to the G or Ground connection.

Switch, it has to be wired as shown, with only the positive and negative battery leads used and it must have twin circuits. It will have two sets of in and out terminals. The center lead/ground goes straight to the PCB.

LED, is wired as shown with a 8.2k resistor (this value will reduce current draw, if you want a brighter LED you can lower the value but batteries will not last as long) from the negative or shorter lead to the negative wire on the PCB side of the switch. The longer lead goes to the positive wire on the PCB side of the switch.

Ground connection. The ground lead from the batteries/pcb is the ground for the case and turntable and is wired as shown.

Op Amps. The end with the crater and/or cutout must go to the end with the cutout on socket. If you reverse them they won't work again. Touch something grounded before handling them. I gently place one side of the pins in the socket and using a fine blade screwdriver to gently push the pins on the other side in far enough to fit in the socket. Then push gently down on the top of the Op Amp so it fits snuggly in the socket. Don't force them in.

Now double check your work and connect it up for a test, hopefully you will have sound in both channels. I found mine took a good 30 hours to break in.


Soldering Tips for Components

I use 60/40 lead/tin solder, I can't stand lead free solder, it's much harder to use IMO.

I also use a small desk fan to blow the flux fumes away as they can cause respiratory and eye irritation as well as a light/magnifier, your eyes might be perfect, mine are old.

Heat the components. This is the critical part of soldering, since good heat conductivity needs both solid contact and pressure. Place the tip of the soldering iron so it's touching the solder pad first then move it so it touches both the pad and component lead and apply gentle pressure. The pads are part of the PCB and take a little longer to heat than the component leg. Both the solder pad and the component lead must be heated to a temperature high enough to melt the solder. If only one of the surfaces is hot enough, the solder will not form a correct bond and you'll get a cold solder joint.

Apply some solder. Touch the solder to the component lead and solder pad at the same time, but do not touch it to the soldering iron tip. Keep feeding solder into the joint until the space fills with solder.

Take the solder away from the solder joint. Be sure to do this before removing the iron or the solder may solidify and stick the solder spool to the solder.

Take the iron away from the solder joint. The entire process from the moment you heated the components to this step should have taken no more than a few seconds. This takes some practice to get right.

Examine the solder joint. The liquid solder will solidify in a second or two. Once solidified, the solder should form a "shiny tent" of solder over the joint. It should not be bulging, bulbous or uneven. If it's not shiny or has cracks that look like a spider web, the solder was not hot enough. Place the tip of iron on the joint again to remelt the solder.

Clean the soldering iron tip prior to each joint. To clean it or remove excess solder, roll the tip on a damp sponge or a proprietary iron cleaner.

Cut the component lead off just above the solder joint with wire cutters, be careful not to cut the joint itself. Be sure to keep a finger on the component lead as these can easily fly off and hit you in the eye.

Wait for the soldering iron to heat up again before doing the next joint. Every joint you solder will cool the soldering iron down a little, depending on your iron this time can vary. If you don't let the soldering iron to heat up again, you'll make cold solder joints.

After all soldering is complete you can remove excess flux on the solder side of the PCB with a toothbrush dipped in 91% alcohol, shake off excess alcohol before gently brushing the solder side of the board and allowing to air dry.

Also check the board for solder bridges, these are where traces or pads on the board are shorted out by having too much solder. You need to use a solder sucker or solder wick to remove the excess.

PS:Please wait a while like 5 minutes after plugging in your iron if it doesn't have a temp setting.

If in doubt ask questions.
Thanks Sachin for the extensive writeup - very helpful for a first time DIYer like me. Looking forward to the learnings from it :).
This will work with MM and HOMC carts.


With some modification like feedback resistors 150 ohms replaced with 15 ohms to give 10x gain and input loading resistors matched to MC resistance. As I can say OP AMP does not have any issues to support MC cartridges.
Battery connection

Hi all please find pic for power connection
You have to put one RES METAL FILM 8.2K OHM 1/4W 1% /LED Loading Resistor(included in kit) for LED.I have not put any LED in my CNC.



  • CNC-Batteries.jpg
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Re: Battery connection

Hi all please find pic for power connection
You have to put one RES METAL FILM 8.2K OHM 1/4W 1% /LED Loading Resistor(included in kit) for LED.I have not put any LED in my CNC.


That LED adds more 2 mA of current draw from battery, reduced 5 hrs in battery life of 40 hrs.

The toggle switch is DPDT. Looking from backside of switch it will look like in below picture. You have to connect like this. Leave two terminal unused as shown in below picture.

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