Best Price for Panasonic 50ST30

I am interested too if it is for 80K. However would like to know if there is any time frame that was provided for this offer, or would it still be available for say a month after diwali.

There seems to be difficulty in getting the required count for the buy :ohyeah: thought ppl would lap it up:licklips:

[edit] why can't we post this in the Group Buy forum ? would possibly get more buyers ....

you are right .. there are some group buys ,not none posted in respective section. If 50" ST30 is for 80K , Let me know , i am in. but please PM or reply here quick guys , I might leave to salem to finalize the TV deal today evening.
checked in S.S.Annamalai at thiruvanmayur and was quoted for 1.01L without bargain

Last quote i got from a shop is 91K :yahoo: trying to bargain with few shops and seeing if i can get below 90K
Which one is better?? I mean VT is gone for lower than ST?? Now I am getting confused

VT20(2010 model) is better than ST30(2011) . VT20 is the awarded the "REFERENCE TV" last year.

VT20 stocks are running out fast and if you can get a tv @ 75K , get it. If not , ST30 is a good choice.

I am choosing ST30 because

1.) ST30 has better white peaks (brightness) than VT20
2.) ST30 doesnt have few bugs in VT20 like Black trailing , response time , few cross talk issues in 3D
3.) ST30 shares the same Filter like VT20 , Also black in ST30 is better than VT20.
4.)Better reflection control

But still VT20 is better overall than ST30

ST30 almost equals VT20`s performance and deficient of few hiccups VT20 has . Only issue is premium price of ST30. atleast 20K costlier than VT20.

Refer BLASTO`s post here

and also this one

Also do check for samsung D550 51" TV. D550 has better brightness than most of the Panasonics and better at 3D. AS BLASTO said "If you see >50% SD , get D550 , If you see >50% HD , get VT20"

I am not choosing d550 because of complains of reflection on the screen. If you have a good light controlled room , check D550 too .. Look here
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Guys ST30 is going as low as 89K . But it needs hard bargaining. It took me 3 days to bring the initial deal of 1.17L .

If you guys can bargain further , the dealer might throw in an extra 3D glasses.
Kindly elaborate the minor hiccups ???

Also in ur post u have stated that in almost all departments ST30 is better than Vt20, then how overall VT20 is better ???

VT20 color reproduction is considered to be the best in plasma . ST30 comes close , thats why i said it almost equals.

to quote from BALSTO
When you get the VT20 for 80k, you will have no need to get the ST30 for anything more than that. Further Iam, not sure if it comes with 2 glasses. Even at the same price of 80k, I will pick the VT20 anyday.
few hiccups are

1.) Floating Blacks
2.) Crosstalk in 3D (even though compared to other models , its very less.. it is greatly improved in ST30)
3.) Increasing Black level (not sure if its fixed via firmware)

will add if i recollect other things.

ST30 did have brightness fluctuation problems , but it seems Plasma came after august seems to have fixed the issue
ST30 have some problem with motion tracking

I am in for the ST30 deal @ 84k. I am based out of Mumbai. Do let me know if its still on. I am ready to pay right away.


Mobile: 9930081984
Since i am getting quite a no of PM`s , I will post it here for convinience

while searching for ST30 Here are various shops and thier offers

[All shops are in salem]

Price : 90K , can go below . VERY friendly towards customers. \
Address :

India Electronics ,
Back side of oriental theatre ,
Old bus stand.
Ph no : 9362252400 contact person name : dheeraj

Price : 90K Baragain hard to get further discount


Near 5 roads :04272330735

Price :

Address :

Near new bus stand :9789236383

Good luck guys.
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I am also in for 50ST30D deal. Can make the payment in a day.

Is the deal @80k still on .. I am also hoping to get those pair of 3D glasses with the offer, is it included ?
I would be interested in 50ST30 @ 80K, but with EMI option. I know that EMI option is not available now, but just in case that opens up, count me in.
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