Best way to provide 230 v & adequate amps?

any contact details for vertex/ crycard? If possible in Delhi/ Noida.
I think I called someone a couple of months back and he quoted 20k for 2 or 3kva - not sure though. I gave up at that price. But 11-12k has my interest back in.


Sorry for the miscalculation, very sloppy of me. Thanks for pointing out.

Asit no need ;) ! its ok sometimes it happens !

Anm Am not sure they have office or dealers in delhi ! you can try contacting them directly and check ! below is the contact details.

Mr Naveen
[email protected],[email protected]
No.68, Chitrapur Bhavan, 8th Mn. 15thCrs,Malleswaram,
Bangalore - 560003

See whether this helps;)

Hi anm,
I finally managed to find the Delhi area contact for Krykard (it was in the documents accompanying the user manual of my Krykard). Here it is:

Spintex Pvt. Ltd.,
#301, Harsha House, Karampura Commercial
New Delhi NCR 110015
Tel: +91 11 32486068; Mobile: 93130 37696
E-mail: [email protected]

Hope this helps.

Rahul how did you arrive at this figure :p? coz your amp even calculating at 4Ohms only needs 450W of power Unit (CVT,Servo or whatever you choose) !!

So I say you should go for a 1Kva keeping future things in mind !! thats more then enough ;) !


200 watts at 2 ohm. 200 x 2 per channel x 1.5 times 3 for inrush current = 1.8.

A voice in the back of my head keeps saying "Go forth and multiply ..." :D

OK I shouldn't have taken the max power at 2 ohms and multipled by 1.5 I guess. But 200 x2 channel times 3 would be 1.2kva

Thanks for clarifying.

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200 watts at 2 ohm. 200 x 2 per channel x 1.5 times 3 for inrush current = 1.8.

Rahul you are still wrong my friend :p ! even if you take it for 2Ohms (which not at all required ) as you yourself have put 200 X 2 X 1.5 till this part its ok, but why times 3 ?? are there 3 such Amps ? I saw only one :p !!

So buddy, 2 Ohms figure take out from the equation and go for this, 100 X 2 X 1.5 (taking 4Ohm load into account ) will come to 300W Now X 1.5 (inrush ) will be 450 (thats what I told in the last post) !!

Now either you can go for 1Kva or 2Kva as suggested by Asit ! 2Kva will only be of use in case if you plan for a much beefier Amp (say a pre/power) or something similar,else with the CDP and the current Amp 1Kva will do just fine ;) !

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