Beware of UPI payment app frauds on OLX kind of portals !!!!!


Active Member
Mar 30, 2012
Hello FM’s
I wanted to share an experience while trying to sell my old furniture via OLX. I thought of warning the fellow members to avoid such scams.

I was trying to sell my old furniture while moving to the new flat and right after posting the ad I got a call from a person showing interest in buying the same. He asked the price and straight away agreed with the quoted price without any negotiation. He promptly said he will sent a person next day to pick up the furniture and also he will be sending an advance payment to seal the deal. Then the person asked whether i have google pay to transfer the money. Since I don’t use google pay finally he agreed to pay 5K advance via BHIM.

After sharing the UPI Id with the so called ‘buyer’ I was waiting for money and I didn’t receive it for the next 10 - 15 minutes despite his agreement to send it right away. ( He was expecting me to call him back for the same ). Since I was busy with relocation I didn’t care much. After 15 minutes he called me multiple times and I couldn’t pick it up as I was packing my rest of the stuff to move out. Then finally I picked his call and he wanted to check whether I received the money or not. I told him I haven’t received anything, then he started complaining about the online transfer process and reliability and he promptly said he will check it and get back.

Again he called me back in a minute asking the confirmation on transfer and said there is something wrong in the online transfer and insisted me to be on call with him. Then he told me to open the BHIM app on my phone and said he will walk me through on how to receive money. The same time i received request on BHIM to send 5K ( Note this - it’s a request to send money to another account not a notification for the 5K I’m suppose to get)
the person was pushing me to open the BHIM app and enter PIN and was claiming that’s how we need to do in order to receive money from someone. Since I was suspicious about this person from the very first moment when he agreed to buy without any negotiation I told him I’m going to report it as I received his UPI ID and thus I can easily trace his identity. He disconnected the call and called him back multiple times but his phone was switched off.

Why did I suspect something fishy?

Typical buyer will ask about the product first - at least one of it - how old, condition, reason for selling etc
No Negotiation - Doesn‘t matter how good the product is - people will definitely negotiate unless your intention is something else.
at least buyer will ask whether it’s negotiable or not.
My furniture doesn’t have any antique value nor it’s a rare item - so no negotiation is suspicious

Potential Targets and why ?

Mostly people who post furniture Items upto 25K in OLX kind of portals

Reason 1 : Only few bother to file a complaint for such amount and even if you do so police will not be much interested in it considering the value lost.
Reason 2 : Furniture doesn’t have any unique specification ( It’s nothing but wood and fabric ) and it’s common requirement for any household. If at all any questions from the seller, buyer can easily convince the seller.

Modus Operandi :

Usually a person will call you speaking in Hindi expressing his interest in buying the stuff you have posted in OLX kind of portals. He will introduce himself in random names but the location will always be the same - Near Airport ( Easy and convincing location - most of the states has at least one airport ) he will agree to buy your stuff and to send an amount in advance to seal the deal. Then will ask you to share the payment ID ( mostly google pay ) google pay transfer limit is much higher than other payment apps. The person might tell you to call back after transferring the amount but will never happen. While sharing your payment ID for transfer on what’s app or by message they will not reply anything other than just ‘OK’. The person will call you again complaining about transfer issues and will insist you to be on call with him ( this is Just to divert your attention). Then will ask you to open payment app and the same time will send a request to your payment ID to transfer amount to his account instead of sending you the advance payment for purchase. If you’re desperate to sell /careless/ newbie to payment apps or not sure how it works you will end up in loosing money. It will be too late to realise it as the payment apps will not prompt for confirmation before sending the money.

How to identify frauds :

Always ask the buyer to come and verify the stuff you’re selling and then transfer the amount, even for a token amount.

A genuine buyer will never transfer money just like that - use your common sense.
If you’re desperate/ careless it will override your common sense - be alert always it won’t hurt
Be alert and expect the worst if you feel something other than usual - unfortunately our society is not ’trust’ based and it will never be.

Tips to avoid being a victim of fraud:

Disable the primary UPI ID - which is your mobile number by default. Create a new UPI ID

Reason : Visibility is high for mobile number and anyone can use mobile number easily to request money on payment apps.

Its good to have another account apart from the salary account.

Make your lowest balance account as a default account for payment apps. Salary account will be the best bet as it can be zero balance.

Even if you accidentally enter PIN for a money request due to insufficient balance it will automatically fail.

Last but not least, use your common sense !
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OLX always puts pop ups during the chat sessions to always do face to face deals....which i believe and carry!
Just don't understand the mentality of cheating another of his/her hard earned money. It's a disgusting mentality though widely prevalent. Best option would be to personally lock the deal, pay & carry the stuff.
i also had similar experience.

These apps have facility for requesting money. if A requests money from B, B will get a notification on mobile. And if B presses the ok button, fraud is completed.

Most people are not aware of existence of such kind of facility of requesting money since we are normally used to paying money. Hence they press ok on such notifications assuming it is a normal notification. Frauders make benefit out of such ignorance.
As i am in retail trade i often receive this type of call frequently.They will say they are sending there driver to collect the materials from your store. They will ask the price of material and there is no problem with pricing and won't bargain a penny. they will ask your google pay/phone pay number and details. They will call u while in call i received a link from google pay. And they will ask u to click the link. This link all about sending payment to another account. Don't ever click on that link other wise u will loose the money.
Arjun4, thanks for sharing your experience. Google pay had changed their UI recently due to such scams and had highlighted this in their blog along with SMS notification for money requests. Quoting from the blog:
Additionally, to help our users fully understand each step on the app, we have now launched notifications and SMS alerts to clarify the direction of flow of money: Google Pay will now send app notifications as well as SMS to inform users each time they receive a collect request to highlight that approving the request will deduct money from the users’ bank accounts.

This doesn't prevent the scams altogether, but will help in providing more visibility to the sender before he completes the transaction.

On a side note, there is an option to raise BBPS dispute for failed transactions, though I'm not sure if they can be used in case someone falls for such scams.
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Thanks dear @arjun 4 for sharing such utmost valuable information on this platform. You made us aware of the consequences beforehand. Newbies are mostly the culprits to such scam.
thanks ....these people can be tracked ...they are using a mob number / bank account / card it possible for them to completely avoid being caught ?...its a digital world and hence digital frauds
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