Sean de Silva
Well-Known Member
If you've seen the kabutar khana all around mumbai particularly sobo you'll know what a horrible mess these birds make. They'll be perched on wires above and what not. One cannot walk below for fear of pigeon blessings from above. Everytime i pass by i have to roll up the windows. They are very aggressive birds not to mention the danger posed by their droppings.For those who feed pigeons: I wonder why there's a disproportionate affection to pigeons. I see large amount of grain pulses thrown around at many places where only pigeons flock together and make merry. They're one of the messiest creatures on the planet. I landed at my friend's place which will be my home for sometime.
This is the sight outside my bedroom window:
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I'm waiting for these juveniles to take to their feathers to get the mess cleared and seal it with mesh:
‘Pigeon poop causes 60 diseases’
People living in high-rises and apartment complexes flocked by pigeons have a reason to worry. According to veterinary microbiologists from Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries University (KVAFSU), the numerous pathogens in the bird droppings can cause as many as 60 different types of...