Sorry for the late reply. You will be surprised how little maintenance it takes.
The lights and CO2 are on a timer. 8 hours of both.
Feeding once a day. No feed on Sunday.
Very little liquid fertilizers one a week on a Sunday.
Filter maintenance once every month for the smaller filters and once in two months for the bigger one.
Water changes only when required which is not very often at all. I have gone months without water changes and tank maintenance and the test kits still show zero Ammonia, zero Nitrites and very little Nitrates.
Basically, if one ensures that the substrate is quite thick with lots of places for beneficial bacteria to grow, you have enough biomedia in the filters, there are enough plants in the tank, the tank is not overpopulated with fish, the fish is not overfed and light and CO2 if any is consistently provided, you will have an almost maintenance free tank.
Apologies for the OT.