Blu-ray player with an Coaxial output to make full use of 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res music w


Dec 19, 2016
Hello everyone! I have a decent collection of Blu-rays and until now I was playing them on my PS3.

Now I want to connect a Blu-ray player which supports full 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res music playback with an Coaxial output so that I can connect it to my Marantz PM-6006.

I was looking after the Pioneer BDP-180 Bluray player but unfortunately it does not have a Coaxial output which is required to play full 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res music since Optical Toslink output only supports Hi-Res music playback up to 96KHz/24Bit due to bandwidth constrictions.

I want something which can play all of my Blu-rays, 3D Blu-rays, 4K Blu-rays, support DTS-HDMA, Dolby TrueHD, 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res music, and multitude of AV files like MKV, AVI and MP4 etc.

I was thinking of PS4 Pro but since I will be only able to connect it through Optical out with my Marantz PM-6006, it won't play 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res music.

Also very high end BD players like the Oppo is out of the question since I do not have such kind of budget. It also seems

Any suggestions or advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Re: Blu-ray player with an Coaxial output to make full use of 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res mus

Thanks shaiju_o_thomas for the suggestion. I appreciate it.

It looks good but I think the price is a bit inflated beacuase of it being an imported unit.

Also it is almost 45K and I feel waiting till Nov and buying an Xbox One X is a better deal.

Only downside being it won't play full Hi-Res music with my Marantz PM-6006.
Re: Blu-ray player with an Coaxial output to make full use of 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res mus

Pioneer bdp 450

Wil play anything you care to throw at it. Wil also play from hard drives via usb. If you plug in a Ethernet cable you can also control the playback from a app on your smart phone. And Excellent picture and sound quality where it really matters.

But has only one co axial digital out and 2 HDMI outs..
Re: Blu-ray player with an Coaxial output to make full use of 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res mus

@ayushp306, did you finally find something? Curious because a friend of mine has been asking me the same question and I don't know what to tell him. Did you check out the old Sony players on Amazon - they have co-ax outputs?
I was looking after the Pioneer BDP-180 Bluray player but unfortunately it does not have a Coaxial output which is required to play full 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res music since Optical Toslink output only supports Hi-Res music playback up to 96KHz/24Bit due to bandwidth constrictions.

Hey guys, may be I sound dumb....
HDMI cable can not transmit 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res music????
Just want to understand why you are specifically looking for co-ax output

Thanks & Regards,
Hey guys, may be I sound dumb....
HDMI cable can not transmit 192KHz/24Bit Hi-Res music????
Just want to understand why you are specifically looking for co-ax output

Thanks & Regards,
It can ..but Marantz PM6006 does not have HDMI input FYI.
Pls go thru the discussion
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