Bought TH-P42V20D Pana Plasma

I don't see any advanced picture setting option. Are you sure that you are telling about the same model?
Menu->Picture->{True Cinema}->Advanced Settings. You will find some settings. Others can be found in:
Menu->Setup->Other Settings

I have the 42V20.

[Bought the Panasonic TH-42V20D from Kohinoor . Price 62K.]

Is it under exchange? since lowest price quoted by Panasonic Brand shop is 69K without exchange.
Got mine y'day. Price was 60.5K as said before.

After I got mine, I noticed color banding, dancing pixels and floating blacks almost immediately. Also, there were scratches near the screw holes.


After calibrating it manually using Pixar HT calibration (and also checking some slides) and setting PS3's RGB range to limited, I was able to get rid of all picture problems except floating blacks. Floating blacks are still noticeable in the black letterbox bars. I don't think this is a major concern considering all the good things the TV does.

The TV easily passed the brightness, contrast and gamma test in Pixar's HT calibration. On the Samsung B450 I had, it was impossible to get gamma right. Also, color strips look very uniform and similar for all colors. Screen reflection is minimal and the TV looks bright and pretty much like an LCD in daytime despite my extremely low settings. Dark scenes are this TV's forte. The hyena scene in Avatar, for example, looked completely different and very detailed compared to how it washed out it looked like on Sammy B450. Image retention is non existent. I had to look hard for image retention even after keeping calibration slides still for a long time. Panasonic seems to be aware of this and the TV does not come with any kind of burn in prevention options like screen wash!

Coming to the scratches, the TV was very neatly packed and the package and the TV looked untouched; so, I guess this MAY not be a demo piece. Anyways, there wasn't any evidence of image retention or TV usage and the screen looked uniform in both black and white screens. So I'm not going to bother about the scratches or wonder if it's a demo piece.

Here's the settings I've got, BTW. I've calibrated only brightness, contrast and gamma for now. I'll take care of color later. These settings are for dark room conditions but surprisingly, they work well in daytime too.

(Firstly, if using a PS3, set RGB range to 'limited', otherwise black detail will be completely lost.)

Mode:True Cinema
Contrast: 3
Brightness: 0
Advanced Settings->Gamma: S-Curve

Yup! Those are my impossibly low settings. :) With these settings the picture might appear to lack contrast and visual impact but detail was impressive in both dark and light scenes. I'll try using Avia disks soon and will update my settings.

Thanks to everyone who assisted me in this purchase! :)
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Hi Vramak,

Nice to see your response. I am not a videophile like you.. :) . Can you throw some light on as what "floating black means" and how can I also calibrate this pdp of mine.

Hi Vramak,

Nice to see your response. I am not a videophile like you.. :) . Can you throw some light on as what "floating black means" and how can I also calibrate this pdp of mine.


Hehe! I'm not even remotely close to being a videophile.

Regarding floating blacks, I don't know how to define it but I'll give you an example. When I played a scene from 'Shutter Island', I found that the darkness of the letterbox bars kept changing (ie. the black bars became greyish sometimes) although it should remain constant throughout the movie. This condition is what people call 'floating blacks'. I am not 100% sure if this really is a problem with the TV or it's a problem with some setting in either the TV or PS3. But even if it really is a problem with the TV, I don't think it degrades picture quality.

Regarding calibration, all we can do is get some setup disk and try adjusting the TV's setting to match what's described in the disc. All Pixar BD's have a 'Home theatre setup guide' which has a very good video calibration tool. Some BD's have THX video calibration tool too. You can use them to calibrate your TV and then double-check your results with images from this website - LCD monitor test images

Without using calibration hardware, this is the best we can do and this is how I arrived at the settings I posted. But still I'm tweaking the settings and trying to improve contrast while retaining detail.
Dear vramak,

I have bought the TH42V20D yesterday. I have taken the demo in the panasonic shop in bangalore and it performed amazingly. First I had bought LED LCD LH90 from LG and picture quality was amazing. For some reason I had replaced, LED with V20D and I'm pretty disapointed with the performance.

My problem is:- I have AirTel HD STB connected to the TV. Very frequently I see the fluctating pixcels. I feel they are majorly on the White, Black & Green colur objects. I have tried tweeking with the P-NR and Vivid colur but still they come. As I understand you also has the same problem of fluctating Green and White which you have resolved with setting. Please provide some help to configure the TV.

Thanks in Advance for the inputs!!

Dear vramak,

I have bought the TH42V20D yesterday. I have taken the demo in the panasonic shop in bangalore and it performed amazingly. First I had bought LED LCD LH90 from LG and picture quality was amazing. For some reason I had replaced, LED with V20D and I'm pretty disapointed with the performance.

My problem is:- I have AirTel HD STB connected to the TV. Very frequently I see the fluctating pixcels. I feel they are majorly on the White, Black & Green colur objects. I have tried tweeking with the P-NR and Vivid colur but still they come. As I understand you also has the same problem of fluctating Green and White which you have resolved with setting. Please provide some help to configure the TV.

Thanks in Advance for the inputs!!


I don't understand what exactly you mean by fluctuating pixels. Do you see blacks changing shades or do you see some green pixels in blacks ? Can you explain your problem more clearly ?

You have to keep one thing in mind - this TV works best with high quality sources like blu ray discs. For lesser quality sources, you might be kinda disappointed because this TV will expose all the defects in lower quality sources. In high bitrate files and blu rays I'm noticing details I've never noticed on my previous plasma. But in lower quality sources I'm noticing defects like posterization and noise that I have never noticed before.

Also, for STB, try to stay away from 'True Cinema' mode. Try using 'Normal' mode and see if it helps.

One more quick question. Are you using any voltage stabilizer with this pdp. Can you suggest me any good one and the shop from where I can buy if it is really needed!

One more quick question. Are you using any voltage stabilizer with this pdp. Can you suggest me any good one and the shop from where I can buy if it is really needed!

Well, I don't know. I thought newer TVs come with voltage regulation circuits and don't need an external stabilizer. I'm not very sure tho. We here stopped using stablizers some 10 years back. Haven't had any problems with our electronic equipment due to voltage fluctuations.

Also, I'm assuming, the isolators themselves get tripped if there's a sudden surge of high voltage/current, thereby preventing problems at the electrical junction box itself.

Still, I'd like to know if someone with better knowledge of electricals/electronics thinks stabilizers are necessary.
Well, I don't know. I thought newer TVs come with voltage regulation circuits and don't need an external stabilizer. I'm not very sure tho. We here stopped using stablizers some 10 years back. Haven't had any problems with our electronic equipment due to voltage fluctuations.

Also, I'm assuming, the isolators themselves get tripped if there's a sudden surge of high voltage/current, thereby preventing problems at the electrical junction box itself.

Still, I'd like to know if someone with better knowledge of electricals/electronics thinks stabilizers are necessary.

nowadays every set has smps so unlike the transformer based power supply of very old sets,has got a wide input range, so tv will work even though the input supply is very low. however if the mains input goes high or if there is a momentary surge/spike there is a chance of failure,so it is better to have atleast a high voltage cutoff with surge/spike suppressor , if not a stabilizer.

isolators are mechanical devices and are very slow (we are talking about micro and milliseconds here)and by the time they activate the components inside tv would have been damaged

I too am an owner of the plasma th42v20d panasonic. I believe the true quality of the TV is known when HD 1080p content is displayed. The normal SD or other non HD content looks unsatisfactory as the tv tends to magnify the faults in it.

I am fully satisfied as the main purpose was to play HD content only such as Blue ray DVD's or PS3 Games.

However, I wish to know how to utilise the vierra link feature that says that the internet can be accessed by it.

Anyone who knows may please help me. I was told that some device has to be bought that connects via wireless the existing internet connection to your plasma for us to access all features in vierra.

Thanks in advance.
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