Bought TH-P42V20D Pana Plasma

The reason why SD on v20 looks bad is because it has no de-interlacing or cadence detection. Use an external upscaler for best results.
hi arun congrats!

plasma tvs has a burn-in issue, wots ur experience?.....
also plasma consumes 50% more electricity than LCDs....Is't true?

^^There is no temporary image retention let alone burn in on panasonic plasmas.

They do eat more power than lcds though.
hi guys...... with are your inputs i have almost decided on the 42V20 Pana Plasma.... i have couple of questions which i didnt find in any of the thread......

1. Heat Issues - Many sales guys says that A/c is a must in the living room if i need place the plasma (bcoz to the heating issues).... is it true?

2. Power Consumtions - Is the power consumtion will be way more than LCD? The Panasonic guy says that with Neo PDP the power consuption is same as LCD...which one is true???.....
hi guys...... with are your inputs i have almost decided on the 42V20 Pana Plasma.... i have couple of questions which i didnt find in any of the thread......

1. Heat Issues - Many sales guys says that A/c is a must in the living room if i need place the plasma (bcoz to the heating issues).... is it true?

2. Power Consumtions - Is the power consumtion will be way more than LCD? The Panasonic guy says that with Neo PDP the power consuption is same as LCD...which one is true???.....

1. No.
2. Yes. No (42 V20D rated power is 450W)
1. No need for AC ... it doesn't radiate that much heat .. I think sales people get more incentive for selling LCDs from LG and Samsung
2. Power consumption is more than LCD and less than CRT.
1. No need for AC ... it doesn't radiate that much heat .. I think sales people get more incentive for selling LCDs from LG and Samsung
2. Power consumption is more than LCD and less than CRT.

I am not sure about the basis for your #2. I (vaguely) remembered the 21" CRT TV consumes <100W. Given this (and if you are comparing 21"/29" CRT vs 32" LCD/Plasma), I think LCD TVs consume more power compared to typical CRT TVs that were in use.

42 V20 consumes (based on rated power) 2.5 times compared to an LCD TV. However this peak power, the actual power consumed may be much less than this depending on settings.
I am not sure about the basis for your #2. I (vaguely) remembered the 21" CRT TV consumes <100W. Given this (and if you are comparing 21"/29" CRT vs 32" LCD/Plasma), I think LCD TVs consume more power compared to typical CRT TVs that were in use.

42 V20 consumes (based on rated power) 2.5 times compared to an LCD TV. However this peak power, the actual power consumed may be much less than this depending on settings.

Yes you are correct on all counts. For the adjustments that I use, power consumption seems a little bit less than my Sony 29" Wega CRT TV.
Hi All 42V20D users,

Am joining the Club now. I bought the TV in December (Fairly New). I was a noob and just used it to watch only 700MB-1GB rips DivX (via USB) and for cable I had IP TV. (Yes, not even a decent Tata Sky or Dish TV). Coz for me, I don't watch a lot of cable, and the IP TV came along with the Internet and the combo plan is cheaper.

I bought it for 59500 from Gurgaon.
I haven't wall mounted it. So far its standing on its stand on a Big AC Box I have with the AC inside... lol. its a temp arrangement. Soon I will be getting an AV Rack ..

I had no clues about this baby's potential till a friend of mine came over and forced me into the world of HD. Just after 1 hours of gyan, we rushed to Reliance Digital, bought a HDMI cable and then downloaded Transformers: Revenge of the fallen BD Rip (8GBs) and also AVATAR BD Rip.

The quality is very good. However, I haven't done any tweaking so far. And also I was playing the HD Movie from my Laptop via HDMI Cable.

Step 2 - I was greedy enough for the HD content that I ended up buying a HD Media Player from US. I got the AC Ryan PlayON HD and am now trying to get some HD Media.

Next on my list is an Onkyo 3300 HTiB set. That will complete my HT setup, with the exclusion of an XBox/ PS3, which will be my last buy :) ..... for a while.....

I am yet to try the HD movies from the Media Player and see what quality improvements i get. I've heard the Realtek chipset in the Media player does wonders to your HD content and upscales it to the best potential. Will come to know tomorrow.

One more thing, I was very worried about the frequent power cuts in my city. I stay ni a society with 100% power backup, but once power goes, it takes 10 secs for the generators to kick in. And by then the TV is already off.

I decided I will buy a high capacity UPS 1000 VA, was told it will be able to handle the load 350W of the 42V20D.

but to my disappointment, the TV takes even more power. The UPS starts beeping and the green LED in the front of the TV starts flickering.

Can any one suggest, if I want a power back up for this TV what capacity it should be?

and for cable I had IP TV. (Yes, not even a decent Tata Sky or Dish TV). Coz for me, I don't watch a lot of cable, and the IP TV came along with the Internet and the combo plan is cheaper.

How is quality of IPTV? Good? Bad? Better than dish/Tata/Airtel settop Box?
Or good only on screen less than 30" ?

How is quality of IPTV? Good? Bad? Better than dish/Tata/Airtel settop Box?
Or good only on screen less than 30" ?


From what i have heard, the quality is not up to the mark for large size displays. You are better off with a dth connection with the measly 2 or 5 HD channels which they feel is suffcient :o
APC RS 1000VA works fine , which is your current brand.

I bought Microtek TwinGuard "TGE-1000+" as displayed here

Get the UPS batteries checked . 1000va shld be enough to power the plasma.

Even a 42" inch Plasma? Also, as mentioned on many websites, the wattage of my V20D plasma is 350W. Is this correct?

How is quality of IPTV? Good? Bad? Better than dish/Tata/Airtel settop Box?
Or good only on screen less than 30" ?

I wouldn't rave about the quality of IP TV. Like mentioned above, its far from Sharp for big size screens. I guess 32" TVs still display the IP TV display much better, but any bigger TV you'll want to have Tata Sky or Dish TV (along with their HD channels to enjoy Nat Geo and Discovery etc).

What I love about my IP TV is the Timeshift feature. I guess this is very common in all STBs now, but for 1100 Rs, a 512 Kbps unlimited internet connection and a 42 channel Timeshift TV? I couldn't ask for more.

*The timeshift lets me watch all programs in 42 specific channels for past 7 days

I think I have already stopped watching live TV other than the news. Also, if a movie is starting at 9, I start watching it at 10 and skip all ADs in between :)

Hope that helps

From what i have heard, the quality is not up to the mark for large size displays. You are better off with a dth connection with the measly 2 or 5 HD channels which they feel is suffcient :o

I finally got the POHD yesterday and the video is amazing. I didn't watch a complete movie, but was testing various formats, MKV, DivX, BD Rip, AVI etc. Downloaded seasons of Prison break (NON HD) were a sight for sore eyes.

Will update more results after tweakign around with the TV/ MP more this weekend.
I think I have already stopped watching live TV other than the news. Also, if a movie is starting at 9, I start watching it at 10 and skip all ADs in between :)

Hope that helps

Thakns. How does timeshifting help skip ads? Are they not recorded also in the video stream?

So IPTV should be good for 24" TV (my monitor) I guess.

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