Bryston 4b sst2

BTW, there is a Symphonic line RG1 MK4 for sale (in India) if you are still interested.

Much appreciated Dr. Bass. Since I already have the Rg7 mk4., I want to consider other options. I have also been recommended the rg9 & 10 but want to explore power amp. options first, as I have a spare Jc2 available.
Hi Sidvee

I have not heard the A21.

You can also consider the Verastarr. A friend of mine Jacob is the distributor for India. I do not know the Indian pricing. He is awaiting delivery. Its supposed to be a great amp called Shiva Tube Stereo. You can discuss with Jacob at 9820285812
Much appreciated Dr. Bass. Since I already have the Rg7 mk4., I want to consider other options. I have also been recommended the rg9 & 10 but want to explore power amp. options first, as I have a spare Jc2 available.

ATC also has a power amp of the same specs as their integrated amp, a little more refined because the preamp circuitry has been removed.
Instead of spending 2.5L for amp its better go for actives, it will have the best synergy. Else used market is the option.

Sorry, an OT question. Does ATCs pair well with Pass Labs Class A amps (assume 100w)?
ATC also has a power amp of the same specs as their integrated amp, a little more refined because the preamp circuitry has been removed.

Yes Dr. Bass, this is the SPA2-150. Definitely will consider this. Not sure if home audition will be an option here though.
Instead of spending 2.5L for amp its better go for actives, it will have the best synergy. Else used market is the option.

Sorry, an OT question. Does ATCs pair well with Pass Labs Class A amps (assume 100w)?

@ cmsajith - Unfortunately Hyd. as I understand does not have a ATC demo room. It has one person who is a partner to the distributor in Chennai. This person is not very forthcoming on equipment/speaker demos. at home or at his shop and does not even stock anything here- have to buy first and then he will order it - at-least this was the case a few months ago. So as such anything I buy from ATC will have to be from Chennai and will take some effort to source as well as trips for auditioning. Regardless I will follow up on the ATC amp. OTOH Audio People here are very friendly and with certain exceptions will allow home demos. and hours of audition at their shop in a nice demo room. Hence my inclination towards Bryston and also to work with a dealer who cares about customers. Same with ARN in Bangalore with the SL equipment if I should consider them. Again for actives I will have to go to chennai and audition - that is if they have it there. So I am trying to make life simple for myself for a second system which is not frequently used.
As far as pairing of ATC's go - I used the following amps:
1. Quicksiver mid mono tube amps (50 watts)
2. Symphonic line rg7 mk4 (150 watts into 8)
3. Bel canto S300 (150 watts into 8)

Needless to say the SL matched the best with the Quicksilvers also doing well but with limited dynamics. The Bel canto is not bad, lot of power, but refinement is lacking. I am sure pass labs class A will match well, but cannot directly comment. I was also trying to source a pass labs Xa60.5 monoblock, and talked to the Nevada dealer who is willing to ship to India (220-240v), but shipping is approx $1500 (two chassis) and customs is an open issue. Pricing was $11.5k - a good price in itself when compared to US pricing but not sure what customs would do to it.
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Thanks for your all your time Gentle Members:
So as of now I have the following amps. under consideration in general order:
1. Bryston 4b sst2 - Hyd audition
2. ATC SPA2-150 - Chennai audition
3. Parasound A21 - chennai Audition
4. AP Cp3 - Chennai Audition
5. SL rg9, 10 - Bangalore Audition (have already listened to Rg10 extensively)
6. Ayon Triton - Bangalore Audition (listened to the monoblock version. Awesome - not sure how it will pair with Atc though)
6. Verrastar - Mumbai?

Will try to audition these. Hopefully will find one suitable.
Sid, if the price difference between an ATC integrated and power amp is not much then you may need to do some research on which is a better value.
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Hi Sidvee

Just a thought. Wouldn't selling the ATC SCM 19 and moving the Harbeth to the bedroom and getting a ATC SCM Active 50 for the main room make more sense?
Dr. Bass, though at this time I am leaning towards a power amp., without a home audition if I were to buy ATC, then only the integrated will be a viable option simply because I have no clue how the power amp. will work with my Parasound JC2. At-least with the integrated I can listen to it with the 19's at the dealer. And that is enough of a dilemma to put ATC electronics on the back burner unless of-course the dealer thinks it is worthwhile while selling a multi lakh product that the customer is satisfied with a home audition:). So my options are open at this time. Over the next few weeks I will try to work with the dealer to see what is possible.
Hi Sidvee

Just a thought. Wouldn't selling the ATC SCM 19 and moving the Harbeth to the bedroom and getting a ATC SCM Active 50 for the main room make more sense?

Good idea Prem, but the better half would maim me if I put a rosewood finish in a Cherry finished bedroom:lol:. Unfortunately what goes into the bedroom also has to match the rest of the furniture - She said it, not me.
I don't think I will be able to wriggle out of this one:). At-least the 19's work well close to the rear wall. My previous spkrs. in this room, the Usher Be-718 (which had high WAF btw) were not performing at par.
I will add one more amp. to the list to audition. The Ayre V-5xe. I have heard that Audire will now represent Ayre in India.
And when was the last time you bought her something nice? ;)

Just 3 weeks ago in the US, a nice Baume & Mercier watch that cost a significant amount of moolah - in exchange for my Lamm pre amp. purchase. In fact we should start a whole separate thread for actual acquisition cost of hi-fi (including the hidden charges we have to foot for domestic harmony):lol:
Hi Sidvee

Somethings are very personal. They are also very subjective sometimes.

Select what suits your needs and your taste and "in case your better half is part" of the music also give her a chance to audition, your will be be happier, "hee hee". I guess in your case "God" has blessed you.

Yes Dr. Bass, this is the SPA2-150. Definitely will consider this. Not sure if home audition will be an option here though.

I think ATC SCM19 and SIA2-150 combo is available for audition at cinema focus(Chennai ), they don't have a good source though.If you carry your source with you then you should be able to assess how good it sounds.I heard this combo like 2 or 3 years ago and found that amplifier to be best i've heard with the SCM19.

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