There are no joints. This is a dedicated cable...
Enjoy it while you can! After various other services have dig their holes and trenches, there
will be joints
We had a fantastically good line from Airtel, and were one of their first customers in this area. It was good for several years, even after an upgrade from 2Mb/sec to 4Mb/sec. Then, Chennai Metro Water expansion started, lines were damaged, and there have been regular problems ever since. Once, the main cable had to spliced because people had ignited rubbish and the cable burnt through!
Currently, I have deep internet blues... Our Airtel service has been down for
six days. We only know what is going on by phoning our local engineer (the local authority are obstructing their necessary road digging: priority for motor traffic over phone-line traffic), Airtel's customer service just reply with useless cut'n'paste platitudes.
Sorry this is about AIrtel ...but, in the back of my mind is that BSNL now have a new exchange, only a couple of blocks from us, and we still have an active BSNL landline.
Unfortunately, Airtel's 4Mb/sec/30Gb/per/month suits us really really well, and BSNL do not really compete with this. BSNL were never exactly
fun to deal with either, although it sometimes helps if one can walk to the exchange and talk direct to the man in charge.