Budget setup in 50K

Not planning of a DAC.
The raspberry pi options sounds good. Is there a guide on how to make it

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Its available on the forum, you can create a music server as well with raspberry pi 3. You can get a dedicated DAC board designed for raspberry pi as well, options are endless if you are OK with little tinkering.

Buy a Google Chromecast audio, which has a decent on board DAC instead of BT adapter, @akshaye could help you with his experience.
Its available on the forum, you can create a music server as well with raspberry pi 3. You can get a dedicated DAC board designed for raspberry pi as well, options are endless if you are OK with little tinkering.

Buy a Google Chromecast audio, which has a decent on board DAC instead of BT adapter, @akshaye could help you with his experience.
In which section on the forum will I find the raspberry pi media server guide

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Thanks everyone for your valuable knowledge and help. I have bought the following set:
Technics SU-V8 stereo amp
JBL L3 floorstanders

Congratulations - please use a sweep tone to check if the tweeters are working. Often in older speakers, the tweeters are dead.
Sounds awesome, looking for a good Bluetooth receiver to connect to the amp. Any suggestions

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I use the logitech bluetooth adapter mentioned below with a tube buffer, NAD 3020 and a pair of philips hiq fullrange speakers, and they sound awesome. The tube buffer masks most of the digital artefacts coming from the BT transmission. Its BT 3.0, so make sure your transmitter also has BT 3.0 at least
I would not suggest spending more for a higher quality BT device when refurbished chromecast audio is available for 2k on ebay

the rpi/media server setup thingy is its own maze, take a call if you really want one when a chromecast or bt server can do the job perfectly fine

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Its available on the forum, you can create a music server as well with raspberry pi 3. You can get a dedicated DAC board designed for raspberry pi as well, options are endless if you are OK with little tinkering.

Buy a Google Chromecast audio, which has a decent on board DAC instead of BT adapter, @akshaye could help you with his experience.
Here is the link to my experience with Chromecast Audio device


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I am planning to create a audio streaming server using a raspberry pi 3 and volumio.
I have purchased the raspberry pi but am thinking to add a DAC sound card to it like hifiberry DAC pro or Boss DAC. Any ideas where I can get one and which DAC boards do you'll suggest

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On the topic of cheap and cheery hifi.

Have any of you tried this option
Pioneer Andrew Jones designed, LR BS22 Bookshelves - 140 USD or 9000 INR
Marantz PM 6006 - 470 SGD or 22000 INR approx.

That would set the budget at 31,000 INR for some great sound.

Alternatively The ELAC Unifi ub5 - 500 USD or 33000
These speakers can be driven quite competently by the Pm6006.

The budget here would be 55,000 INR, and this combo can give higher priced stereos a run for their money.

All of this is of-course only if you have kind relatives or friends who can bring the speakers ^ the amps from US & Singapore :)
I have ordered Bostan A26 speakers+ Yamaha RS 202 AV receiver, Waiting for delivery
Than i will post reveiw
@ rajeshh, the pm6005 is available for anywhere between 35 to 55 INR in india depending on grey market, with or without bill etc etc.
India. Mehra Bharat mahan. Not Singapore la.
Hi all expert ,

Looking for audio setup in around 70k , here is the option and doubt ,

1) Denon 520AE / Yamaha R-s 202( 22k) + All rounder pair of speaker may be floor standing (35k)-- Question can i get a good pair of speaker in max 35k given that this amp doesn't have a sub-woofer out . I need a speaker in 35k with good bas, middle and highs
2) Denon 720Ae/ Yamaha R-N402/R-N602(Max 40k)+ Powered woofer (max 15k)+ pair of satellite (max 10k) -- Can i get a good subwoffer+satellite sp under 25k ?

PLease suggest best combo ..i m in Pune.
Hi all expert ,

Looking for audio setup in around 70k , here is the option and doubt ,

1) Denon 520AE / Yamaha R-s 202( 22k) + All rounder pair of speaker may be floor standing (35k)-- Question can i get a good pair of speaker in max 35k given that this amp doesn't have a sub-woofer out . I need a speaker in 35k with good bas, middle and highs
2) Denon 720Ae/ Yamaha R-N402/R-N602(Max 40k)+ Powered woofer (max 15k)+ pair of satellite (max 10k) -- Can i get a good subwoffer+satellite sp under 25k ?

PLease suggest best combo ..i m in Pune.
For a budget set up in 70k, i suggest:

1. Amp: -1. Marantz pm6005 - Rs 30k-35k
2. Yamaha RS202 - Rs 20k or RS500BL - Rs 30k
2. Good pair of Book shelf (Wharfdale 220/Dali Spektor/Yamaha6490/PolkT15(Rs20-25K)
+ Active subwoofer Polk/Yamaha - 20k
3. Good pair of Floor standing speakers- Polk T50/ Yamaha NS F150 - both 20-25K

Best combination in my opinion - For Music - Amp+FS- cheaper,very good music
quality but slightly lower base
- For Movies - Amp +BS+ SW --costly but better base

Most important thing is look out for offers in your local markets- the prices vary in the range of 25% to 75% for same product. Audition the combination and buy the first combination you like, searching a lot will also cause confusion.

One more point - Demo pieces are sold out at damn cheap price. go for a higher spec machine at a lower price, if it comes with original bill and warranty.

(Personally i own a Marantz pm6005+ Polk T50 Floor standing. Cost - Rs 52,000/-)
One question here ...More theoretical really. How do Bose 301 bookshelves sound with NAD or CA Topaz stereo amp? Anyone has any experience? I guess that will be a little stretch on the budget, but is it worth it?
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Excuse the fact, I haven't read complete thread but only your initial requirement. In view therefore if you find somethings as redundant, pl bear with!

Broad steps in building HT Setup:

1. First & foremost is being clear about your requirement. That is, is it 100% purely meant for music, or, occasionally movies too? Likewise, in future is there a chance you may want to expand your system to full AV setup - say 5.1 or even 7.1 incl Atmos?

2. Once that's sorted, step 2 is defining your budget.

3. Audition: Reviews and recommendations go only that far. The final and only benchmark is what fits your taste, budget, space et al

Extending above broad steps, and focusing largely only current requirement, while keeping future scope of expansion in mind, here are few suggestions -

1. Floor Standers v/s Book-Shelf: No matter what brand or series, BS will never equate to sound reproduction capabilities of FS. Period. Besides, with BS you will require stands as well. In my view, it defeats both price and space advantages BS are 'supposed' to have over FS. Going purely sound-wise FS will ALWAYS outdo BS. Be clear about it. Concurrently, if one may want to expand it into full 5.1/7.1, again FS beats BS hands down. In view therefore, FS all the way!

2. AVR v/s Stereo: Unless you're serious audiophile and music is your forte, Stereo should be your partner. But if you consider functional scope of AVR, it stretches far more than Stereo at relatively less loss of musicality. So unless am extensively deep into music (with sensitive ears to pick every bit of nuances), AVR should be one's choice.

Logical Question is: What makes Marantz Stereo sound 'better' than Marantz AVR?
Well, say Marantz SR XXXX (7.1 channel) costs Rs 1.0 lac. If you break it down and assign cost of each components, eventually Amp section will cost around Rs 30K. This Rs 30K amp is driving 7 channels, ie, amplification cost is Rs 4.1K/channel. On other hand, Marantz PM XXXX (2 channel) costs say Rs 50K. The amplification cost here would be Rs 25K/channel. That's the cardinal difference.

Another key element is room size (space) its supposed to fill and volume at which one usually hears. Marantz SR XXXX should be able to fill a standard room size with ease at normal volumes. Unless of course room size is that of a hall, and/or, you hear at reference volumes, AVR is just fine. By getting good AVR, you have left ample room for future expansion. Stereo now, means AVR later. Simple.

3. Speakers: I have had used/heard from the likes of B&W, KEF, Dali, Monitor Audio, Jamo etc and then some more. Each has their own distinct advantages (too lengthy to type/discuss right now). Overall I liked Dali among the lot.

4. In your situation, I'd rather invest in a pair of FS (even if it calls for some extra stretching of budget). Cus with FS you have outdone 'immediate need' of Subwoofer. With BS, you would undoubtedly need a Sub. You can, at later stage, expand your setup at will and make it full HT setup. This step-by-step approach should not only take care of your current needs, but futuristic needs as well. Pl be crystal clear -YOU WILL BUY IN FUTURE. Happens to all of us, such is this Hi-Fi Bug,. highly contagious! :D

5. Concurrently, you may also hunt for deals at HifiMart and/or look for good used one.

By the way, am in Mumbai. If you happen to visit, you can come and have a look at my setups. I have 2 full 5.1 Setups, and going for 3rd one soon. (Did I mention about HT Bug? lol)

Cya & take care!
U mentioned reference level. That would be 0db right? Quick question on this.....is it ok to go over reference level while listening to movies/ music or does it overload the AVR?
U mentioned reference level. That would be 0db right? Quick question on this.....is it ok to go over reference level while listening to movies/ music or does it overload the AVR?

I think reference level 0db for HT is about 80 - 85db..If your AVR is calibrated (speaker levels), then you may not need to go over 0db.. I never had the opportunity to go beyond that.. All my movies & music stay well below -10db on AVR volume (For 150 Sqft room)..
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.