Hi all
Guess this thread was started in Aug 2019. Though the plan for the speakers was hatched sometime in July 2019. The speakers were delivered to my friend in hyderabd in March 2020, owing to several delays in importing required components. And finally i got them here this Friday
( took 4 mutton biryani fed hyderabadi's to lift them cursing me under their breath

Took me 3 days to temper my excitement and happiness with the sonic result to give a meaning full closure to this long running thread. Thanks to everyone who evinced an interest in this build and followed this thread.
For those who like a quick fix

- the krypton speakers ( this is the name by which hari sir of this parish likes to call them ) blow my previous speakers out of the window in the first minute of listening. So that is the short and full of this review
Some quick pics are also below

The above pic shows the size dissimilarity between the krypton speakers and my white Qacoustics concept 40's and my PMC twenty 26 speakers in brown ( amarone )
And below is the system where they are presently singing beautifully, though it is still a work in progress. As there will be one more tube amp added in the mix.

So that's the shortest answer in brief
Now coming to the why and how of things for those who have the time . My last review in this parish was of the parasound hint, that I posted in May 2018
For me that was a big jump in sound quality as I was coming from a all in one streamer cum amp, and a AVR. The sudden jump in SQ got me over the cloud. And I was delighted typing every word of that review. Then subsequently I went through several kit and exotic cum expensive snake oil cables too

( how silly of me...please don't press reply now and start a cable war

Most of what I went through ( devialet, krell, esoteric, T+A, AMR ) were some times more a sideways step than an outright convincing upgrade. Not to say they didn't improve upon things, but the price to performance improvements were heart quenching. Suddenly it dawned upon me that I was playing only on the amplification and source side of things. I had forgotten my speakers completely. So I decided to now try and improve the transducers in the audio chain, which actually play the most decisive role in audio reproduction.
Hence, I started a speaker thread. I had in the interim listened to lots of systems of my generous hyderabadi friends. So I knew which part of what system or speaker I liked the most. So I had a definite picture of sound presentation etched into my head now . And then started the conversations about speaker options to fit my sound. I probably started looking at a budget of 5L, mostly focused on the new kef R5 or R7 range.. But nothing was definite as we all have our own hearing tastes, and one man's nectar is another's poison. Then somewhere during that thread
@prem suggested that if I knew what sound I wanted, then I can go DIY with some knowledgeable FM's who have experience of building speakers. And he suggested hari iyyer sir ...whom I would hence forth refer to as HS ( hari sir...what I usually call him

So the conversation stated from my side. And a bit of flash back now
When I was in my previous residence, one of our members @iblasto had dropped in for a listen to my system. Those were still early days for me in this hobby. And after listening to my non optimal setup, he invited me home for a listen. He had some active Yamaha speakers, which were short but fat. They had massive drivers and running fully active. He was only feeding them via a dac with volume control via xkr. The sound left a lasting impression on me. The scale, ease and weight to the sound were beautiful. So I decided that my next speaker would be with big drivers in a big cabinet and with the possibility to run active when I choose so.
Now coming back to July 2019
I messaged HS requesting to undertake a speaker build for me, with a large cabinet with the emotional connect I wanted on vocals. He was a little hesitant as the call came out of blue from abroad

, and from a certain newlash09, he has never heard of . The rest is history.
So after May 2018, Iam writing my second review ever , as these speakers are my next jump in sound quality. Huge scale, imaging, bass, Sweet mid range vocals and treble with the kind of heft and weight I was not used to. Excellent instrument separation and layering too. Easily the best sound I've ever had in my room by a very wide margin.
But the speakers are not yet at their optimal performance. I have them placed on wobbly stands designed to carry washing machines which are shaking at the very touch. Solid tight bass needs a solid foundation. So Iam designing my own stands to get them cnc'ed for better bass. I can't forego the wheels as my system is in my daughter's room and I have to wheel the speakers to my parents room before I leave on my next assignment again.
The colour combination of red and white was my pick...though my daughter seems to dislike it. So will get going now to wrap them up to a different shade.
So all in all...Iam gobsmacked at the lovely sweet sound Iam getting now. And before you chaps run off...let me open another surprise again
The mind blowing sound quality I have is from a CCA, feeding a cheap Dspeaker antimode dac cum dsp. And Iam only playing gaana
My usual chain is more highly regarded as it is in my signature. But these speakers even after the unfair deal doled out to them thrash my previous speakers being fed by better kit.
An other surprise will be that Iam using the supplied cables by HS for the entire chain. And Iam still gobsmacked. So thanks for reading th is long post of mine if you've reached this far