Easily done at my place actually

... Iam using hari sirs speakers, and they mop the floor with my more expensive PMC's. Hell I even heard some 20L avalon indra speakers in a one crore system. And they were no match either. So each to his own, when it comes to judging what floats your boat sound wise.
But that said, I will post a pic of the internal wiring of my speaker.
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As is evident.. A lot of effort has been expended even on the internal wiring. No noodle thin cables used here. And I have noodle thin cheap cables inside my pmc twenty 26 as well as the qacoustics concept 40's that I have.
As we say that the prrof of the pudding is in actually listening

... So let me post another pic

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That is the cabling I presently have at the back, as the crossover is external to the cabinet.. But the original cabling was also done by hari sir.And that was the first time ever that I saw left and right cables being of different width. He did mention something about how the return path has to be easier for the current, But iam too dumb at these things

For a comparison, I replaced the cables from my external crossover as under mentioned :
Tweeter - high end master class - mrp 1.8L, only made on order.. And usually used for demo of ascendo speakers.
Mid range - silitech classic 550i gold / silver cables. - mrp 2.5 L
After plugging the above two.. The delta of uplift in performance, as compared to hari sirs cables was so small, that I decided to stick with the bass cables made by hari sir

So that's my 2 cents there

.... Maybe the talk of time alignment has ruffled a lot of feathers, And as I mentioned before, and as is there in my signature below, iam mostly too dumb to talk scientific knowledge. But iam over the moon with everything built by hari sir, Yes including the cabling too
We can debate endlessly based on theory, but listening is where it. matters.
And that's my blissful sounding setup below

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