In the days when LPs were available in Bombay for between Rs 50 and Rs 100 (often in EX to NM condition), the prices at the Calcutta Free School St. dealers were approx 300-400 for LPs that, most often, used to be pretty battered up. Still, I did manage to find some in good condition and bought a few over the years on my infrequent visits, and became a familiar figure to the dealers there.
Visited Cal last week after a gap of about 8 years, and decided to check out the street for old time's sake. Among the usual dreck, I managed to find one jazz LP on the ECM label that was pretty grimy on the surface but seemed in playable condition underneath. Imagine my surprise, when the dealer - an old friend, from whom I'd bought a few earlier - said ' Sir, aap ke liye, 3500'. He also said that he had other jazz titles, Miles Davis, etc, at his home - too far away with my limited time. Wonder what he'd charge for those.
Is anybody in Calcutta buying at these prices?
Visited Cal last week after a gap of about 8 years, and decided to check out the street for old time's sake. Among the usual dreck, I managed to find one jazz LP on the ECM label that was pretty grimy on the surface but seemed in playable condition underneath. Imagine my surprise, when the dealer - an old friend, from whom I'd bought a few earlier - said ' Sir, aap ke liye, 3500'. He also said that he had other jazz titles, Miles Davis, etc, at his home - too far away with my limited time. Wonder what he'd charge for those.
Is anybody in Calcutta buying at these prices?