Cambridge audio Stream magic app on Android phone


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
Hi .for cxn v 2 owners ,does anyone notice problem of connecting from Android phone to cxn v2 using stream magic app.
Tidal gets connected even the song display card is seen on screen but unable to play the song .i With Spotify it keeps on connecting with blinking icon.
But it gets connected with I phone airplay apple music . haven't tried tidal.
My phone is OnePlus 7 pro.
Internet connection is fine .tried reinstalling the app .
Factory setting of v2 .same result.softwRe is updated. Cache also cleared .
Only since today morning experiencing this problem.
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Cambridge audio website shows there was an update released today July 1. Mine is set for auto update.i feel the problem started after that.please restrain from updating till further clarification. I tried playing tidal using bubble upnp.same result .the screen keeps on changing between song ikon display and pause.
Sent an email to Cambridge audio.waiting for their reply
Hi .I had changed my internet service provider from local cable net to airtel fibernet.afterthat I had faced this problem of playing tidal.
I reverted back to local cable net .now everything is back to normal .my cxn v 2 works fine
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