Well-Known Member
I must say, the stage is dead silent, used it with my German Friwo powersupply, running at 9 volts.
Was extremely busy over this week so could not post the preamp to RP. Will do so tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, continued listening to it. I must say that the original Decca pressings (especially the Phase-4 Stereo ones) sound simply magnificent with this phonostage. Its amazing, how something so simple can sound so nice.
Prasad, I think these amplifier stages will benefit from current sources implemented using transistors, same way we do for power amps discrete input stage. What so you say.
Om, agreed, this one is very basic, and lot of improvements possible.
But the very simplicity is it's appeal, for use as a built-in pre with ceramic carts.
Very simple , wide range, single rail power supply requirement.
This PCB is for the exact original Elektor Book-75 circuit which Ruben is using (except
cartridge loading dip switch).
Another easy one is the TCC750 schematic posted here.
Phono Preamplifier Scrapbook
High perf discrete pre deserves a separate thread. We may even end up with the
extreme one like Peranders did.
Sjstrm Audio - QSXM2 The extreme phono (RIAA) amplifier
So here we go, here is FM Record Player's ceramic phonostage. Did some long listening last night and it sounds pretty good. I have used better quality caps this time but honestly could not tell the difference when comparing it with my existing ceramic phonostage using ceramic disc caps. Guess more critical listening is required (with serious burn-in). Did about 10 hours of listening in all, the stage is working fine and is ready for shipping.
the last picture gives a better view of the layout.
On another note, going to start work on my version of the CNC phonostage. Details of this project will go on to the Sachu's CNC phonostage build thread. I am going to make some radical changes to the approach (not the circuit) in order to keep costs down and also to include a flavour of customization and innovation during the build.
RP, have you tried out the ceramic phonostage, when you do so, please share your comments and feedback.
Not yet Reuben. I'm looking forward to closing the 401 build soon and post that I will build a casing for the ceramic phonostage and then test it. A detailed review to definitely follow after that.