Ceramic Phonostage Build

Have used bigger boards this time, hence the layout is more spacious. Received a few questions related to the powersupply and mounting so here goes.

It is easier to mount the phonostage inside the TT cabinet itself, the tonearm wiring can be soldered directly to the phonostage input tags. By this method, signal loss and impedance issues with the cable between the turntable and the phonostage can be completely avoided. Also the grounding can be done directly with the TT chassis and hence a ground wire running to the amplifier can be completely avoided. However this method has a flip side as well. Firstly your phonostage will have to be dedicated to one turntable and you cannot use it for multiple turntables if you use more than 1 TT with ceramic carts. Secondly, for an inbuilt phonostage, you'd require an inbuilt powersupply. You'd need to use a very high quality transformer or else, the cart may pick up hum through vibration and electrical interference.

Regarding the PSU, in my opinion, it is good to make a start with a 9volt battery. If you plan to use a PSU, using an external high quality regulated PSU, like those from FRIWO is a preferred option. If you are attempting to build one, you'd have to use a good quality transformer. I have built a PSU for the phonostage that I use but its performance is not that great due to a low quality transformer. Hence I have reverted back to the FRIWO powersupply that I have.
Many Thanks Bro was waiting very eagerly for the Phone stage. Have already PM you.
Many thanks once again

Sorry for keeping you waiting, have been so busy in recent times, I could hardly find time for anything. I've even enlisted Mr. Kuruvila's help to build plinths for my 401 and L75 as I don't have the time to run behind carpenters.
The 2 mono boards are off to vmscbe1974. These offer the user great flexibility. They can be either used separately with 2 turntables fitted with mono ceramic carts or can be used with a single turntable with a stereo ceramic cart.

Dispatching both the phonostages for vmscbe1974 and mayhem_metal by this week.
Ceramic phonostages packed and ready for dispatch to vmscbe1974 and mayhem_metal, will do the dispatch tomorrow or the day after depending on wify's schedule. She usually does the dispatch honours for me.
back to the CNC build, ever wondered what's inside a 741 IC?


Imagine drawing the CNC schematic with 2 of these!!

also here's another better illustration of the pin configuration:

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Ceramic phonostages packed and ready for dispatch to vmscbe1974 and mayhem_metal, will do the dispatch tomorrow or the day after depending on wify's schedule. She usually does the dispatch honours for me.

Somehow I always get asked for "bank details" for these projects. Sorry, I'm very particular about not sharing them :ohyeah:
Have received quite a few requests for building low cost CNC phonostages and Ceramic phonostages which I've had to politely decline due to time constraints. I have taken on some new responsibilities at work which take up a lot of my time and hence can't find the spare time to work on these projects. I will be doing one more ceramic phonostage for my good friend FM Shafic and the Church project after which I am going to concentrate on listening to some good music, while I work at home, on my 401 and L75 which should be ready by then.
Hi Reubensm bro thanks a millions for this little beauty. Have send you a pm.
Guys will work on connecting and testing this Saturday and will post my inputs and feedback.
I understand its really difficult to make time with such a hectic life work family etc. And I really appreciate you making time and sending me this little gem that I was waiting for years.
Thanks once agian Reubensm for your kindness
God bless and best wishes - Clayton
The last phonostage build on my table has started, its a ceramic phonostage for my good friend FM Shafic. Got some time last night to sort out the components and position them on the bread board. Shall try to solder tonight. Can't spend any time from Friday to Sunday as I have to get down to finishing the Church PA project.

Also my good friend FM JK_Chaos' CNC phonostage will go into its cabinet over the weekend. More on that to follow as well. Once these are done, I am going to concentrate on finishing my 401 and L75 builds with Mr. Kuruvila and then sit back to enjoy the music.
So that's it. Shafic's ceramic phonostage is finally complete. Got home from work and spent 30 minutes soldering up all the components. Connected it up and it worked straight away. The good usual sounds. Listened to 5 LPs using the stage, got about 2 hours of use on a 9 volts battery. Shipping out to Shafic over the weekend.

Here's a pic of the ceramic phonostage, held by the hand that built it :)

by the way, this is my 6th ceramic phonostage build, a short re-cap on the ones that I've built till date:

1) built one for myself to start with, the quality really surprised me:

2) the second one was for FM Hildebrand:

3) the third one was for FM Recordplayer:

4) the fourth one was for FM Mayhem_Metal:

5) the fifth one was for FM Vmscbe1974:

6) and the sixth one is for FM Shafic:

Outside these, I have also built the CNC phonostage for FM JK_Chaos which is yet to be mounted in its cabinet. That will be accomplished over the weekend.
Hey Guys
Good news got mine fixed 2 days back past midnight as didn't get time over the weekend. And what to say wow wow wow finally the Garrard 2025T sounds like my Technics with the Ortofon Concorde. Good bass and nice highs. Overall smooth sound compared to the earlier harsh sound.
Using a 9 Volt 500 mA standard POWER adapter. Ripped the box open and installed the transformer and the adapter circuit in the TT. No hum or any sort of problems

I knew all the time a Ceramic cartridge could sound good if connected to the right input with a correct preamp. I have grown up listening to my Dads and his friends Sonotone Ceramic cartridge and still have fresh memory of good sound.

Thanks to Reubensm to make my dreams come true. I love you for this bro.
Finally I am enjoining listening to the Garrad 2025T.

Well I have plenty of photos and will post them tomorow.

Thanks Bro once again.
Hey, nice to know that you are enjoying your ceramic phonostage. Unfortunately I was not able to subject your phonostage to significant burn-in and hence, your phonostage will start sounding smoother once you get past the 30-40 hour mark. What you say about the sound is true. While listening to it playing upstairs, my wife always enquires whether it is my Technics turntable (with M44-7) playing or the RC210. This phonostage design is very simple but it sounds really good. Please keep writing your experiences with this phonostage for the benefit of all of us. For you, I have spread out the components on a larger board (I usually don't build this way) for making doubly sure that you don't face any hum or cross-talk issues.

You are right about the listening experience with ceramic carts. We write them off these days but they can actually sound quite musical. In my opinion the EEI CS2000 is the best ceramic cart I've heard and it can beat many Japanese stock magnetic carts. Most of India listened to and enjoyed music on ceramic carts back in the day. Its just that since MM carts are easily available and quite affordable these days, and ceramic carts have become mighty expensive, people have forgotten them.

Hey Guys
Good news got mine fixed 2 days back past midnight as didn't get time over the weekend. And what to say wow wow wow finally the Garrard 2025T sounds like my Technics with the Ortofon Concorde. Good bass and nice highs. Overall smooth sound compared to the earlier harsh sound.
Using a 9 Volt 500 mA standard POWER adapter. Ripped the box open and installed the transformer and the adapter circuit in the TT. No hum or any sort of problems

I knew all the time a Ceramic cartridge could sound good if connected to the right input with a correct preamp. I have grown up listening to my Dads and his friends Sonotone Ceramic cartridge and still have fresh memory of good sound.

Thanks to Reubensm to make my dreams come true. I love you for this bro.
Finally I am enjoining listening to the Garrad 2025T.

Well I have plenty of photos and will post them tomorow.

Thanks Bro once again.
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Here are pic as promised. enjoy


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More Pic. Will post few more of the player in action later


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