Class D Hi-Fi grade Audio Amplifiers

I see the discussion is more toward audiophile oriented class D amps. It would be interesting to see how budget pro amps like Crown xls would fare compared to these. I am really pleased with the price to performance value of crown but haven't heard any of the class D amps discussed in this thread. Would be great to do a comparison.
Please articulate your budget for cost.
Performance - what are your goals?

And too many cats to skin too.
I did.
Please articulate your budget for cost.
Performance - what are your goals?

And too many cats to skin too.
I did. Sub USD $ 1,000.
Performance - Veering towards Class A.

I thought there was just one cat in this discussion - Class D that is.
Thanks on the informative reply. Appreciate it mate.
My mind is definitely open, ergo, this discussion about Class D amps & the reason I started this thread was to discuss all things Class D. :)
You mentioned Pascal Audio, thats interesting indeed but yeah, way beyond my "experiment" budget for a mid Hi-Fi Class D amp.
I did check the Peachtree, but looking for a pure Class D amp. Having said that, I agree this could make for a decent - beginner's experience with Class D.
One brand that doesnt seem to get a mention is US-based Rogue Audio. Would love to hear any experiences from FMs with that one.

Again, my original post and subsequent ones is not to look at Class D from a classification optics alone BUT also look at what's available currently in the market from a cost to performance perspex as well (in theory for now, I admit).

On loudpeakers, for me it has worked the opposite. I selected my amp preference first and then looked at available speaker options. And that approach has worked for me quite well.
But different strokes for different folks. Theres more than one way to skin the cat I guess.

So you need only a power amp? Not an IA.
Take a look at this too (don't know whose tech they use)
Pascal Audio module is used in Parasound's latest IA.

FWIW, look up TPA325x PurePath based amps/boards. For very little outlay (compared to your budget), you probably can get the sound you're looking for.
FWIW, look up TPA325x PurePath based amps/boards. For very little outlay (compared to your budget), you probably can get the sound you're looking for.

Except may be TPA3251. Especially if it's from aliexpress. Mine doesn't sound any good:p Even my highly modded TPA3118 sounded way better.

May be a well-implemented TPA3255 with a good SMPS is the ticket to good class D sound for a modest outlay. If the Evaluation Board from Texas Instruments is still available at discount, that would be the one to buy.

I would like to suggest an alternative to class D: as a long-term user of class A power amp, and having dabbled with a couple of Class D amps, I thought that an AB cant sound as good as an A. After building Shaan's PeeCeeBee ver4, I have completely changed my mind. I am not going back to class A. So the OP may like to seriously consider:

a) PeeCeeBee V4H (150W version of what I built - 50W). This amp uses MOSFETs in the power stage.
b) Aniket's power amp, ~120W, AB, BJT power stage. I have not heard it personally but the impressions from those built it tempts me to build one.
+1 to what @jls001 says.
It is not just the amp or topology. Speakers matter most, then amp, followed by DAC, source, cables, content, etc
Think system, and a picture may emerge (or not).
Except may be TPA3251. Especially if it's from aliexpress. Mine doesn't sound any good:p Even my highly modded TPA3118 sounded way better.

May be a well-implemented TPA3255 with a good SMPS is the ticket to good class D sound for a modest outlay. If the Evaluation Board from Texas Instruments is still available at discount, that would be the one to buy.

These are the one's to get.
Paragraph two praises Parasound's NC200INT driving Tekton speakers.
This unit has a Class D power amp module from Pascal Audio.

Another impression
Is there a good power class D amp + great DAC + preamp model (all 3 in one) that is in budget range? -- I know that is like searching a unicorn but do let me know if anyone has any clue if this h/w exists.

Not Class D, but Class A/B, the 10-year-old original Peachtree Audio Nova is a still good contender for the right expectations. You should be able to find it new or used. A number of my friends still use it and are quite happy with it; especially if you don't care about the DAC race you see these days. I've had it on rotation a few times, as stock, customized and modded, and cannot recommend it enough for the price. I believe Peachtree had since moved from Class A/B to Class D in the models that followed.

That being said, if you are not in a hurry and perhaps willing/patient enough to wait or save up, another one I would recommend is the Simon Audio AIO; again Class A/B. I meant to link it here but ended up mentioning in another thread by mistake. I've heard it briefly and found it to be quite impressive among the popular mid-fi, all-in-ones. If you care about reviews, you can refer 6moons for a detailed write-up.
Not Class D, but Class A/B, the 10-year-old original Peachtree Audio Nova is a still good contender for the right expectations. You should be able to find it new or used. A number of my friends still use it and are quite happy with it; especially if you don't care about the DAC race you see these days. I've had it on rotation a few times, as stock, customized and modded, and cannot recommend it enough for the price. I believe Peachtree had since moved from Class A/B to Class D in the models that followed.

That being said, if you are not in a hurry and perhaps willing/patient enough to wait or save up, another one I would recommend is the Simon Audio AIO; again Class A/B. I meant to link it here but ended up mentioning in another thread by mistake. I've heard it briefly and found it to be quite impressive among the popular mid-fi, all-in-ones. If you care about reviews, you can refer 6moons for a detailed write-up.
Thank you for recommendations. I agree that peachtree is best suited for my use. The only thing holding me back or rather confusing is lack of sub out . I know it might not be necessary now but would help in addressing low end later. Is there something out there that has all from peachtree plus LFE. And is under budget too...
I would imagine it should be as simple as running a pair of RCA cable from the preamp output of the Nova to the line-level input on the SVS. However, please do check the manuals for both, to be sure.
Except may be TPA3251. Especially if it's from aliexpress. Mine doesn't sound any good:p Even my highly modded TPA3118 sounded way better.

May be a well-implemented TPA3255 with a good SMPS is the ticket to good class D sound for a modest outlay. If the Evaluation Board from Texas Instruments is still available at discount, that would be the one to buy.

The TPA3255 EVM is available on I am using it with a Meanwell-LRS 350-48 power supply, and it's doing very good.
I personally find class D amps to be unmusical and bright to the point that it makes a system harsh to listen to and robs it of musical joy. That is on speakers, on bass they provide very tight bass, this would come down to preference, some prefer tight bass others prefer slower/smoother bass. Of course as always one should choose what suits their preferences and wallets. I personally will not be changing to class D on speakers anytime soon, on the flip side I have used class D amps on my subs for years.
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