I completely agree on your thoughts. Every streamer is sounding different (atleast slightly) even if we use the same rest of the setup.Do they all sound the same or different ?
The sound quality of a different streamers digital out being fed to the same rest of the chain kept fixed ,ie cables/ DAC/ AMP /Speaker.
for eg: Chromecast audio / cxnv2 / lumin u1 mini/ lindeman limetree bridge / bluesound node 2i etc
Theoretically 1's and 0's being transmitted at correct time interval should be the same digital signal.
But the 1's and 0's being represented by electric signals, still being affected by the laws of physics- not absolute mathematics.
John darko once said that the 1's and 0's are still analogue representation of a digital signal. Accordingly, even the cable used for digital signal affects the quality of sound , sure for a lesser extent than to an analogue signal. ( there are still two different opinions).
Another important aspect of the streamer will be the power supply. There are some reports which states that allo digione with shanti power supply sounds better than cxnv2 ( i think by John Darko). Most likely it is due to the LPS as CXNV2 does not have LPS.
It then is a comparison whether the difference in jitter of the products compared affects significantly or not -the streaming quality noticeable by the listener.
In the evaluation, as suggested at #36 , it will be useful for the hifi enthusiasts to know the information on SQ of various streamers - considering the same rest of the chain .
The FOG will then be displaced by the candle of light .
We can then buy a streamer of our choice and an external DAC at a later stage, say Denafrips Terminatorwhich is at the pinnacle keeping aside the high end such as dcs etc. - or buy a streamer with builtin dac
A Good Streamer should have below qualities.
1. Good Design, attractive Display Screen and smooth Volume knob like Cambridge Audio EVO 75.
2. Should support all HiRes streaming services as well as the popular but basic streaming services like Blusound.
3. Should have their own UI like Bluos.
4. It should support Harddisk connectivity for playing local files with good indexing capability like CXN v2.
5. Should support chromcast, Airplay, Upnp/DLNA & Roon protocol like CXN v2.
6. Should have either a good inbuilt LPS like Lumin or having option to use External LPS like Allo digione.
7. Should have very Clean digital outs with all types of connectors especially I2S.
8. Most importantly the Sound Quality.
Please add if I missed any..