Firstly, you have misunderstood what I said. I said a price-comparable standalone streamer SHOULD NOT sound different but DOES sound different for reasons I have already explained in my earlier post.
Coming to your comparison of CCA vs Lumin T2. If I understand you correctly, you are comparing A) CCA connected via Optical Out to CXA81 DAC B) Lumin T2 connected via BNC SPDIF to CXA81 DAC and your assertion is B is better than A. My thoughts on how this comparison can be more objective and scientific as follows:
- Firstly, Lumin T2, given that is 40-50X more expensive than CCA, SHOULD sound significantly better.. otherwise there is something seriously wrong here.
- You are comparing output via optical toslink SPDIF vs BNC SPDIF. It is well understood that BNC SPDIF as an interface is significantly superior regardless of the equipment in which it is used. Please refer my earlier post of how asynchronous USB is better than SPDIF. On the same lines, Optical SPDIF, while it is immune to electrical noise, has jitter of the order of nanoseconds while jitter in BNC/Coax SPDIF can be minimised to pico/femto second levels.
- CCA maxes out at 24/48 quality. Lumin T2 BNC goes up to 24/192 quality. So a higher resolution file would have been down-sampled by CCA and definitely it won't sound good.
I can explain this further six ways to Sunday but I rest my case here before the OP asks the mods to banish me from the forum
