Clearing the fog about streamers?

Lumin is now officially available in india through Cinema Focus, Chennai. Price is approx 4.9L.

I got it way cheaper from HongKong where it’s manufactured and it’s a stunning price of equipment. Even though I have upgraded from it, I still wish I hadn’t sold it.

And dCS prices should be 4.4L and 9.5L respectively. + taxes.
And you can also add dCS Vivaldi Upsampler @ 15L + taxes to the list.
the price you mentioned - is that for the U1 ?
Lumin is now officially available in india through Cinema Focus, Chennai. Price is approx 4.9L for the U1.

I got it way cheaper from HongKong where it’s manufactured and it’s a stunning price of equipment. Even though I have upgraded from it, I still wish I hadn’t sold it.

And dCS prices should be 4.4L and 9.5L respectively. + taxes.
And you can also add dCS Vivaldi Upsampler @ 15L + taxes to the list.
Hi @ajaipuriyar,
Thanks for sharing this useful information.
please copy and paste the last list from above and add the streamers you have mentioned here.
Lumin is now officially available in india through Cinema Focus, Chennai. Price is approx 4.9L for the U1.

I got it way cheaper from HongKong where it’s manufactured and it’s a stunning price of equipment. Even though I have upgraded from it, I still wish I hadn’t sold it.

And dCS prices should be 4.4L and 9.5L respectively. + taxes.
And you can also add dCS Vivaldi Upsampler @ 15L + taxes to the list.
Lumin is manufactured in HKG and indeed available at very attractive prices compared to which the Indian price is horrendous at 4.9 lakhs
None of lumin prices are horrendous. Don't go with quoted mrp prices. Go with actual sell prices. Good value in India
Most of the items mentioned here by the contributors (including me) are at the MSRP/direct quoted price by the seller. Certainly can use this as a guideline but not the best possible price so request everyone to connect with the dealers/fms who own the product to get a better idea of the pricing
Updated list of streamers (stand alone and with DACs) currently available in India and their prices? Please copy and paste the list as a new post to add items you know are available in India. Please feel free to correct the prices noted if you know this to be a fact.

1. Bluesound node 2i - 60k
2. Allo Digione Signature - 28k (with Allo Shanti LPS @8K)
3. DNM AS2 - 8200
4. Yamaha WXC50 - @30k
5. NAD C338 - 73k
6. Audiolab 6000N
7. Cambridge Audio CXN v2 - 1.2 L
8. Pioneer N30 AE - 60K
9. SMSL Su-9 - 43K
10. Cocktail Audio N15D - 63K
11. Matrix Audio Element 1 - 95K
12. Bluesound power node 2i - 1.4 L
13. Sonos port - 50k
14. ELAC discovery music server - 1.4 L
15. Lindeman Limetree network DAC - 1.3 L
16. SOtM sMS200 Ultra Neo - 1.16 L
17. Lumin U1 - 4.9L
18. Cayin idap 6- 49.9k
Updated list of streamers (stand alone and with DACs) currently available in India and their prices? Please copy and paste the list as a new post to add items you know are available in India. Please feel free to correct the prices noted if you know this to be a fact.

1. Bluesound node 2i - 60k
2. Allo Digione Signature - 28k (with Allo Shanti LPS @8K)
3. DNM AS2 - 8200
4. Yamaha WXC50 - @30k
5. NAD C338 - 73k
6. Audiolab 6000N
7. Cambridge Audio CXN v2 - 1.2 L
8. Pioneer N30 AE - 60K
9. SMSL Su-9 - 43K
10. Cocktail Audio N15D - 63K
11. Matrix Audio Element 1 - 95K
12. Bluesound power node 2i - 1.4 L
13. Sonos port - 50k
14. ELAC discovery music server - 1.4 L
15. Lindeman Limetree network DAC - 1.3 L
16. SOtM sMS200 Ultra Neo - 1.16 L
17. Lumin U1 - 4.9L
18. Cayin idap 6- 49.9k
Your post #79 has 22 in the list.
What happened to the rest including dCS products?
Updated list of streamers (stand alone and with DACs) currently available in India and their prices? Please copy and paste the list as a new post to add items you know are available in India. Please feel free to correct the prices noted if you know this to be a fact.

1. Bluesound node 2i - 60k
2. Allo Digione Signature - 28k (with Allo Shanti LPS @8K)
3. DNM AS2 - 8200
4. Yamaha WXC50 - @30k
5. NAD C338 - 73k
6. Audiolab 6000N
7. Cambridge Audio CXN v2 - 1.2 L
8. Pioneer N30 AE - 60K
9. SMSL Su-9 - 43K
10. Cocktail Audio N15D - 63K
11. Matrix Audio Element 1 - 95K
12. Bluesound power node 2i - 1.4 L
13. Sonos port - 50k
14. ELAC discovery music server - 1.4 L
15. Lindeman Limetree network DAC - 1.3 L
16. SOtM sMS200 Ultra Neo - 1.16 L
17. Lumin U1 - 4.9L
18. Cayin idap 6- 49.9k

Adding one more.
Chord Mojo-Poly combination. It is battery based combination of DAC + Streamer.
I have only used MOJO DAC, not in combination by attaching POLY to it.
90% streamers are sensitive/plauged with quality of power supply, hence I like the Chord approach.

1. Bluesound node 2i - 60k
2. Allo Digione Signature - 28k (with Allo Shanti LPS @8K)
3. DNM AS2 - 8200
4. Yamaha WXC50 - @30k
5. NAD C338 - 73k
6. Audiolab 6000N
7. Cambridge Audio CXN v2 - 1.2 L
8. Pioneer N30 AE - 60K
9. SMSL Su-9 - 43K
10. Cocktail Audio N15D - 63K
11. Matrix Audio Element 1 - 95K
12. Bluesound power node 2i - 1.4 L
13. Sonos port - 50k
14. ELAC discovery music server - 1.4 L
15. Lindeman Limetree network DAC - 1.3 L
16. SOtM sMS200 Ultra Neo - 1.16 L
17. Lumin U1 - 4.9L
18. Cayin idap 6- 49.9k
20. Chord Mojo-Poly combination - Approx 35K + 35K
Your post #79 has 22 in the list.
What happened to the rest including dCS products?
Sorry my bad. I think I picked the wrong one to copy and paste.
I am requesting anyone wishing to add to the list to copy, paste and add. Its a thread, not anything curated by me.
please feel free to copy and paste and update the corrected version
Is the thread petering into a price list? I hope not.
That’s what it seems to have become. Do tug it to a different course if possible.
My OP was to try to understand why some streamers are better than others and how to separate the built in DACs value from the streamer functions.
The original variables for scores was this:

Score for each below from 0 to 10 (add name of streamer here ->Chrome cast AudioBluesound node 2iNUCRaspberry pi based streamer
1. Physical design, elegance, style, quality of fit and finish and effectiveness of display
2. Ease of set up, stability in receiving and transmitting audio streams, wired and wirelessly
3. input and output options (Spdif, optical, RCA etc) power supply.
4. Quality of App and OS, user interface, ease of use, experience, variety of streaming choices.
5. Value for money as a streamer (cost and features)
Total score
And the updated price list
If anyone wishes to add to this list or edit it, please follow the steps
Select list below, copy and paste to your new post and type in the streamer and it’s price

1. Bluesound node 2i - 60k
2. Allo Digione Signature - 28k (with Allo Shanti LPS @8K)
3. DNM AS2 - 8200
4. Yamaha WXC50 - @30k
5. NAD C338 - 73k
6. Audiolab 6000N
7. Cambridge Audio CXN v2 - 1.2 L
8. Pioneer N30 AE - 60K
9. Allo Boss 2, 9500 excluding PS.
10. Cocktail Audio N15D - 63K
11. Matrix Audio Element 1 - 95K
12. Bluesound power node 2i - 1.4 L
13. Sonos port - 50k
14. ELAC discovery music server - 1.4 L
15. Lindeman Limetree network DAC - 1.3 L
16. SOtM sMS200 Ultra Neo - 1.16 L
17. dCS Network Bridge - 4.40k
18. dCS Bartok - 9.50K
19. Paradigm PW Link - 38k ( Streamer with Anthem Room Correction)
20. IFI Zen Stream - 39k ( Newly released , no reviews yet)
21. SOTM SMS 200 Neo - 47k
22. Amazon Echo Link - 19k ( a new one, but dont see Tidal mentioned)
23. Lindemann limetree bridge-89K
24. NAD C658- 184k
25. Lumin D2- 198 K ( 2300 USD in some co websites abroad)
26. Lumin U1 mini- 198 K ( 2100 USD in some co websites abroad)
27. Mcintosh MB50- 268 K
28. Lumin T2-355K
29. Cambridge Audio Azur 851N- 171K
30. Lumin U1 - 4.9L
31. Cayin idap 6- 49.9k
32. Chord Mojo-Poly combination - Approx 35K + 35K
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