Converting Vinyl to Digital Format...where to go?

if tou want to introduce a pre amp with phono input ,that to mm/mc both i have one aiwa c 50 for was available for sale in for sale section.
The chain will be tt connected to pre amp to pc pls correct me but a pre will provide a good control imho.
And reqest is to convert these track in flac,not mp3
if tou want to introduce a pre amp with phono input ,that to mm/mc both i have one aiwa c 50 for was available for sale in for sale section.
The chain will be tt connected to pre amp to pc pls correct me but a pre will provide a good control imho.
And reqest is to convert these track in flac,not mp3

A pre-amp definitely adds greater control over recording levels otherwise it remains a bit of a guess-work on trial and error basis! Moreover, the quality is also maintained.

Incidentally I read somewhere that you need a finer stylus for ripping 78 rpms (I presume your relative has those also).

P.S: I received your pm. Thanks for your prompt reply. I'm also waiting for the photos of the second offer!!
I mean you are referring Philips TT playing 78's Right?

Yup! Just has to be sturdy to take on 78s mostly. I've already backed up most of my western music LPs with audio CDs (just hanging on to them for sentimental reasons!) though some vernacular LPs do require conversion because the CDs are not available!
A pre-amp definitely adds greater control over recording levels otherwise it remains a bit of a guess-work on trial and error basis! Moreover, the quality is also maintained.

Incidentally I read somewhere that you need a finer stylus for ripping 78 rpms (I presume your relative has those also).

P.S: I received your pm. Thanks for your prompt reply. I'm also waiting for the photos of the second offer!!

Hi musiclava,

The sound level can be controlled thro the software also, and can be optimised using normalise function of the software. The whole exercise can be meaningful only if the LPs have been maintained well and have less surface noise(clicks and cracks). Clicks can be easily edited but the continuous crack noise will be annoying and if filter is applied beyond a limit, may eat a portion of the music. Anyway the LPs have to be physically cleaned prior to sampling. Also ensure that the rpm of the TT is perfect, no rumble noise is present and the cartridge used is of good audiophile quality like SHURE MX97E or at least a Audio-Technica AT-91. Pl ensure that the sound is captured thro a good sound card, which will be better than the onboard sound.

I am not pessimistic about the whole process but trying to share my experience of converting LPs to CDs, and to hint at certain flaw that may crop up.

As for the 78 rpm LPs there is a special SHURE cartridge for the same.

Hope this helps.

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Hi musiclava,

The sound level can be controlled thro the software also, and can be optimised using normalise function of the software. The whole exercise can be meaningful only if the LPs have been maintained well and have less surface noise(clicks and cracks). Clicks can be easily edited but the continuous crack noise will be annoying and if filter is applied beyond a limit, may eat a portion of the music. Anyway the LPs have to be physically cleaned prior to sampling. Also ensure that the rpm of the TT is perfect, no rumble noise is present and the cartridge used is of good audiophile quality like SHURE MX97E or at least a Audio-Technica AT-91. Pl ensure that the sound is captured thro a good sound card, which will be better than the onboard sound.

I am not pessimistic about the whole process but trying to share my experience of converting LPs to CDs, and to hint at certain flaw that may crop up.

As for the 78 rpm LPs there is a special SHURE cartridge for the same.

Hope this helps.


Hi murali,
You're a man after my own heart! Thanks a lot for that wonderful advise.:clapping:
But they say, to eat an omelette you need the eggs (hope your're not veggie! Then we'll talk cake) - so let me get hold of that TT first, before we get down to the subject of cartridges! Any advice on that front, murali, please:confused:
What do you recommend?

@ soulforged - sorry for hijacking your thread, but I suppose you're also getting a lot of sage advice from old pros! Atleast you're saving a part of that LP collection (less our shares, ofcourse :licklips:)
Thanks everybody...there was a lot of good advice amidst all that banter ;)

Let me work out the deal with my far buying CDs seem to be the easiest option...

I'm only interested in 33 1/ if there are any 78s or 45s in his collection and they come to me...i'll put them up for grabs here...

that is after giving 50% cut to all on this thread of course! :D

PS: I have a few vinyl rips that are of very high quality...96 hz and all I think...wonder how they rip them...
Hi musiclava,

As for TT the safest bet and VFM would be a used Technics Direct drive. Other option would be Project . For cartridges ,I have just imported one Shure MX97E cartridge from, & waiting for a headshell from to mount on my Technics TT. I will post my impressions after a listen. Pl check another thread where I have posted the link to a for sale section for a SHURE M55E cartridge at Chennai. That offer is inclusive of a spare stylus.

Also PM veterans like Rajiv for further opinions.

Hope this helps.

Thanks everybody...there was a lot of good advice amidst all that banter ;)

Hmmm I thought the "banter" was the real thing and everything else was an excuse for it :ohyeah: ... you mean you are not honoring entsurgeon's promise of gifting the LPs?!! :mad:

PS: There are crackle and pop removal sub menus in many pc recording tools.
Please note that doing it at ahmedabad or bangalore is okay. Shipping vinyls equates to 15-30 rs. Apiece. Spending that much twice to get things done anywhere else aint cost effective for common titles.
Also, I can arrange an old garrard 4 speed tt . To play 78 rpms, ceramic carts are recommended. I have one with a spare brand new stylus. But 78s aren t vinyls but shellac.... It breaks down if it falls and should be shipped with ut-ut-utmost care. I doubt.... Does he really has those 78s? Coz movie records prior to 1945 were 78s and re-releases are rare on even lp format let alone cd. Its worth joining hands for them alone.
Further, if he has classical music on 78s.... Please find out if he has any master madan(not madan mohan) 78. I d like em in my collection.
Hi musiclava,

As for TT the safest bet and VFM would be a used Technics Direct drive. Other option would be Project . For cartridges ,I have just imported one Shure MX97E cartridge from, & waiting for a headshell from to mount on my Technics TT. I will post my impressions after a listen. Pl check another thread where I have posted the link to a for sale section for a SHURE M55E cartridge at Chennai. That offer is inclusive of a spare stylus.

Also PM veterans like Rajiv for further opinions.

Hope this helps.


Hi murali,
How does one go about acquiring one these TTs that you suggested? We'll think about acquiring the cartridge(s) after we get hold one of these machines. So I'd rather not pur the cart before the horse so as to speak.......:D
Hi musiclava,

As for TT the safest bet and VFM would be a used Technics Direct drive. Other option would be Project . For cartridges ,I have just imported one Shure MX97E cartridge from, & waiting for a headshell from to mount on my Technics TT. I will post my impressions after a listen. Pl check another thread where I have posted the link to a for sale section for a SHURE M55E cartridge at Chennai. That offer is inclusive of a spare stylus.

Also PM veterans like Rajiv for further opinions.

Hope this helps.


Hi again,
By Rajiv .... you the guy with a large number of posts against his name, right?
The other Rajivs I checked out seem to be in various stages of dormancy!!
Please note that doing it at ahmedabad or bangalore is okay. Shipping vinyls equates to 15-30 rs. Apiece. Spending that much twice to get things done anywhere else aint cost effective for common titles.
Also, I can arrange an old garrard 4 speed tt . To play 78 rpms, ceramic carts are recommended. I have one with a spare brand new stylus. But 78s aren t vinyls but shellac.... It breaks down if it falls and should be shipped with ut-ut-utmost care. I doubt.... Does he really has those 78s? Coz movie records prior to 1945 were 78s and re-releases are rare on even lp format let alone cd. Its worth joining hands for them alone.
Further, if he has classical music on 78s.... Please find out if he has any master madan(not madan mohan) 78. I d like em in my collection.

Hi there entsurgeon,
You seem to be another avid collector of 78 rpms. Would you by any chance be having any details of HMV's (India) 78 rpm records serial numbers and year of manufacture? I've tried to googling for these and don't seem to have made any progress.
Hi murali,
How does one go about acquiring one these TTs that you suggested? We'll think about acquiring the cartridge(s) after we get hold one of these machines. So I'd rather not pur the cart before the horse so as to speak.......:D

Pl check the for sale section, there were some TT up for sale some time back.

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