Ok, But I can't change anything in my room as per status.
Many/ most of us cannot. rented acco, fear of spousal wrath and suchlike life issues.
Placement is inexpensive and entertaining (for the spouse and kids at any rate). search for the audiobeat method and LEDR (in threads on hfv)
WAF can be low for treatment but DRC is invisible. DRC is not meant to wing it solo so to speak and is intended to work with placement and treatment. Below ~400 Hz it is to my mind the only practical solution in a small-ish room.
The human ear is excellent at doing a "
solpa adjust maadi" number and it adapts and compensates for a bad room. Listen to your room after treatment and likely as not what you currently think as good sound will show up for what it is, colored and maybe without proper imaging
Now my setup is PC>>>SwanM200KII. Instead of in-between DAC to enhance the audio quality for better crispy and more clear with software inbuilt equalizers.
The DAC takes in the digital input and converts it to analog for your amps and speakers. I don't see how you can do without one in a digital rig.
If you meant an external one, they offer many advantages but they are the subtle ones, better timbre, voices, imaging, shimmerier airier highs and such like. The stuff that matters.
The ugly beast of a room can and will snuff out all that stuff that matters.
DRC s/w runs on your PC or in dedicated hardware. You play test tones and it figures out what your room is doing to your sound by analysing input from calibrated mics. The s/w allows you to shape the sound to your taste by using a target curve. The better solutions will correct for your room while preserving phase (which preserves imaging).
If you are looking for clear uncolored sound with good imaging manoj.p up thread has already said it, I reiterate, placement and positioning, room treatment, DRC.