DIY preamp

Hi Srini,

I am using this for 1.5 years paired with Class A. I can drop by sometime next week (or per your convenience). I stay in Chennai.
Hi Srini,

I am using this for 1.5 years paired with Class A. I can drop by sometime next week (or per your convenience). I stay in Chennai.
Hi, Thanks for the offer. I stay in royapetah and office at besant and where do you stay ? I am ready to collect or if you are passing nearby can drop in...
If you can get the entire chain that way, then nothing like it, no cross talk or spill over.
Your statement may or may not be true. It is certainly not an automatic result, if executed any less than ideal.

When you use multiple supplies / transformers , it is critical to get the absolute A/C phase alignment, between the primaries and secondaries of all power transformers, and their respective load in each channel, to be precisely in-phase with each other, and matching to the other channel.

Many, if not most DIY builders, and likely most professionals, are often unconscious of this requirement.

Does anyone have this preamp module in kit form or any other form. Myself and one more forum member would like to build this.
Does anyone have this preamp module in kit form or any other form. Myself and one more forum member would like to build this.
Discrete Dynamics PAM12 from Aniket in Delhi is the best-sounding preamp out of buffers and preamps I've built. Better than the DCB1 and the Salas Hotrodded DCB1 in my system to my ears. However, the Salas Hotrodded version sounds amazing in @rikhav system. So YMMV.

Alternately, Shaan in Calcutta had designed a fairly unique PeeCeeBee preamp. I bought the kit but yet to complete the build. This preamp can be voiced by changing the amount of harmonic distortion to sound tube-like or a clean SS sound (it is SS).
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IME if you are using a digital source for driving your speakers, then most of them will have a p-p voltage of around 2v which is more than sufficient to drive any amplifier. So technically any pre-amplifier is not required. You may require a pre-amplifier only in the following scenarios imo-

- if you need to combine multiple source and feed a single power amplifier (this can also be done by a simple selector switch)
- if you need tone controls like bass, treble, mids and a balance control and some contour filters for your listening tastes
- if you wish to modify the master recording in a particular way by means of coloration of the original recording - which you prefer to listen - by careful selection of transistors, resistors, capacitors, wires etc. etc.

A simple passive volume control can do the job without any need for any complex circuitry.
That's not my prerogative Kannan! you have to ask Aniket that.

A Dual-Mono Preamplifier...?

I've seen some preamplifiers boasting "Dual Mono" designs... My question is do dual mono preamplifiers actually have better channel separation and other advantages over regular stereo preamplifiers, or is it just smoke and mirrors?

I'm curious to see what others have to say.
Having used and owned dual mono equipment, phono preamps and amps - in decent high-end systems for over 40 years in the USA, I can report, ................. to my ears, of course dual mono CAN be better, IF done properly.

Today got Two Nos R Core from AM Technologies for DD pre and PeeCeeBee Pre(though PeeCeeBee Pre yet to be Received).
Thanks Akaudiotech View attachment 77792MANIR,

Nice job getting multiple Power Transformers, and R-Cores no less. My 2021 - developed personal - use stereo 6005 amp has four different Shilchar R-Cores, and I am delighted with the results. I wish you well.

Please remember to listen to Power Transformers AC-PHASE- hook-up-wise, both phases on music ( clip leads .........carefully ) and settle on best sounding Phase to YOUR ears on music.

For a " Shooting Fish in a Barrel " Volume Control upgrade, try out an Indian - made ALLO Brand 10K Ladder / LOG Precision SMD unit. Your circuit sees a constant impedance, 10K, no matter where the gain pot is being used !! ' Tis likely the biggest bang for the cost, and to me, IF you can drive 10K, it sounds superb. Hari Iyer showed it to me.


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Which Company make. ?? How can I order these also. ?? How is the performance. ??
A M Technologies, got no from one FM, ordered over WhatsApp. Not yet checked the performance, only Sec volts only checked and found OK. Fine finishing . Company is at your Great Mumbai. Phone No is in the label. Cel.No: 9 8 2 0 2 4 2 1 6 4 ( I think,I didn't break the Forum rules & I have no connection with them).


  • WhatsApp Image 2023-06-21 at 11.55.12 PM.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2023-06-21 at 11.55.12 PM.jpeg
    156.6 KB · Views: 36
Which Company make. ?? How can I order these also. ?? How is the performance. ??

Look on line. Google. " Stepped Ladder Attenuator " maybe also " 10K." - might be good starting search words.

The downside is : it is stepped, not continuous. Upside is that its EASY to use, to install. NOT linear, so it adjusts gain as a LOGARITHMIC audio change.

This SMD resistor type is GENERALLY very GOOD sounding, all by itself. When you add a Ladder style resistive configuration, to the circuit, IF the the circuit can drive 10K, ( and many solid state ones can ), that Constant 10K Impedance is ALSO giving us a better sounding result. Hooray. An improvement always, to some to-be-discoverd degree. Have fun .

I EASILY heard my stereo quad of ladder - connected Bourns 3547 10K PRECISION POTS ( a continuous / NON stepped result.) See the PHOTOS in my very recent thread, POSTS #s 20, 21 and 23. My photos cover it succinctly.

This effected LARGELY, the QUALITY of my L.P. playback - sonics. :cool:

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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.