You are a very special person, I must say this. Through your efforts, you really have become a champion of sorts in a matter of a few months. I still remember trying to answer all sorts of questions from you about 2-channel amps at the beginning of the year. Then after some time we got to read your noob's thread on the budget speakers, your auditions and clarity of your observations were really enjoyable and really really useful for us.
(I also see you are quite an expert in car audio, but forgive me for saying this, you are wasting your talent there. How can one enjoy music seriously in a car? I have had some audio in all my cars, but I really don't care very much. I know you and perhaps many others wouldn't agree, sorry folks!)
Now, your stands! They are really stunning.
I am sure all of us are waiting to get the first pictures of your full set-up with the speakers on the stands. I sincerely hope your speakers give you back the care with which you have made the seats for these speakers.
All the best wishes! Also for your upcoming project in improving the source.
You are a very special person, I must say this. Through your efforts, you really have become a champion of sorts in a matter of a few months. I still remember trying to answer all sorts of questions from you about 2-channel amps at the beginning of the year. Then after some time we got to read your noob's thread on the budget speakers, your auditions and clarity of your observations were really enjoyable and really really useful for us.
(I also see you are quite an expert in car audio, but forgive me for saying this, you are wasting your talent there. How can one enjoy music seriously in a car? I have had some audio in all my cars, but I really don't care very much. I know you and perhaps many others wouldn't agree, sorry folks!)
Now, your stands! They are really stunning.
I am sure all of us are waiting to get the first pictures of your full set-up with the speakers on the stands. I sincerely hope your speakers give you back the care with which you have made the seats for these speakers.
All the best wishes! Also for your upcoming project in improving the source.