Dog Lovers.. please help me out

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There is a temple for dog-
This is precious news that immediately must be shared with all dog lovers, everywhere!

I can already see big business flocking there: dog friendly hotels, super speciality vet hospitals, sky rocketing real estate and land prices, massive donations of black money…endless possibilities
There is a temple for dog-
And why not? After all what is DOG spelt in reverse? ;)

This is precious news that immediately must be shared with all dog lovers, everywhere!

I can already see big business flocking there: dog friendly hotels, super speciality vet hospitals, sky rocketing real estate and land prices, massive donations of black money…endless possibilities
Imma gonna organize a dig under that temple. I'm sure there is another structure below it. Of a cat!!!! :p
I am delighted to learn of this too!
I guess I should not be surprised that in the subcontinent we have places for humans to worship/revere so many living things. Of late one animal has been getting all the attention, support and even budget allocation. I love cows, but why neglect others?
In Gujarat there is a temple for rats.
But I / we digress. The OP was seeking help from dog lovers …
I am delighted to learn of this too!
I guess I should not be surprised that in the subcontinent we have places for humans to worship/revere so many living things. Of late one animal has been getting all the attention, support and even budget allocation. I love cows, but why neglect others?
In Gujarat there is a temple for rats.
But I / we digress. The OP was seeking help from dog lovers …
Cows get special attention because Constitution of India (COI) requires the states to prevent cow slaughter. COI PDF copy can be found here: I do NOT know exactly why this was introduced, and am certainly NOT qualified to decide whether this is good or bad (because I am not a stake holder as I don't eat meat). So the states made their own laws against cow slaughter based on it, which they were empowered to by the clause below:

COI Page 35, clause 48:
"Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry.—The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter, of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle."

No mention of Dogs or Monkeys in COI though (but the endagered species like Lion Tailed Macaque - a monkey, and Indian Wild Dog are protected by wildlife act). Also GOI invests significantly in wildlife conservation, most recent example being reintroduction of Cheetah in India ( And let's not forget that we brought back Bengal Tiger and Asiatic Lion (nice story) from brink of extinction.
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Originally the thread was about adding a particular breed of dog as a family member and how to ensure he/she is happy as a part of the family. Frankly, the feedbacks I got were truly educating and eye opening. And for that I am truly grateful to all of the forum members who contributed constructively. It matters a lot to hear constructive feedback or criticisms from known people, and in this case, as a noob dog owner that is invaluable!! I just learnt that I have a LOTS and LOTS more homework to do before taking any impulsive decision. Again - Thank You guys for all your wonderful feedback and this is the best forum I have made a few REAL friends!!

Hope you don't mind answering any PMs regarding help or queries :)
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