Finally... Got PJ560R

Releasing a product with so many bugs clearly indicates poor QA..

Its painful process for end users to report bugs and get replacement/refund..
LG might have saved a lot of money on a solid QA process hence replaces/refunds generously..
just my offence to any LG owners here..
Well... Opting for Refund after long Fight... Can not waste any of my time now...

See if you can reduce the 10 days time to minimum.... better get your money asap.... So that you dont have to run around....

And start hunting for new plasma --- :D your reviews are awaited ;)
I have told them that I am not going to hand over Set before I receive DD in my favour.

other that that I have sent email to all the Biggies is the one..



Finally my journey with LG India has come to an end. LG India instead of resolving my problem, has opted for the Refund of the amount. I can surely say that this has been the worst customer service experience ever so far!!!

I was very optimistic that LG India will find a solution to the problem hundreds of user are facing, but I was proved wrong. I have wasted about 1 Month and 15 days. Its painful process for end users to report bugs and get replacement/refund. LG might have saved a lot of money on a solid QA process it seems!!! This was the 2nd set in line I had problem with. However, problem was Manufacturing defect of one line being dead on Right hand side, and one on Top bar. I was asked if I can live with this set or want to go for replacement. Why would end user live with dead pixel when he paid the complete amount? LG says they do not have model in stock, but if I want to purchase, they can ship me one today !!!

If wanted, LG as company would have arranged for the product and served the End user, but reading email below it seems that LG as company wants to FORCE REFUND option upon me. What about the frustration and poor service I have received? What about the days I have wasted following up with LG, and providing them with the minute update on solutions as well? Is LG going to Refund that as well?

The problems that I have faced before and now are not just limited to my set but in complete 2010 plasma line up. Most of this problems can be resolved if Advance Calibration mode is enabled for end users as LG has done in other regions. In India, LG has released R-Restricted model, and service engineers who do not know this keep on ordering the replacement. Here is the link how Dithering/Green Pixel dancing, and RED color bleeding problem can be resolved if calibration mode/Expert mode can be enabled in all the models: Click Here Enabling IRE 20 point setting will resolve most of the issue currently present, and for which LG is replacing every another minute.

I am still looking forward for the Good Display, and do not really wish to get the refund for the product that I have been using for a month now. Rather I would really want to have a display with the Resolution.

I am sure that LG India would surely come up with some kind of solution for me to retain the customer. I must say, access to Social networking site, and forums are quite handy to spread the mouth publicity, and one satisfied customer can bring in 100 others!!


Mehul Dedhia | Incident Manager
ITIL Intermediate Certified: Service Operation
bmcsoftware | Incident Management | ? +91 9850888051
See if you can reduce the 10 days time to minimum.... better get your money asap.... So that you dont have to run around....

And start hunting for new plasma --- :D your reviews are awaited ;)

I guess his suggestion is your best option now. If only LGE had got it precalibrated even on the R models, the greens wouldnt have been an issue
Let see what they have to say. I am othewise going to send them details for the DD on Monday. They told me that I should get in 7 days.
Finally I got the delivery of 3rd set... but this time again DEAD line issue is there..

THis time it is on Right hand side... Last time it was on Left side... not sure now what to do...
Did you show it to the LG guys, were they knowledgeable people? Many will just look, blink and say "replace".

Call Ganesh for inspection. He is very helpful.
Can't they let you choose your own piece? You have wasted so much time over this. Start talking refund and compensation with them, unless they give you a better deal, like letting you choose the exact panel you want and also giving you extended warranty for free, of course from the time a working TV is delivered to you.
maybe you should avoid a 42" Plasma altogether. Plasma sweetspot is in the 50"-60" category. and those panels are manufactured by LG itself, hence the focus on the PK series. the 42" could be sourced from elsewhere incl chinese firms. I think you'll be better off if u ask for a 42" LCD instead..go for the LD460
Finally I got the delivery of 3rd set... but this time again DEAD line issue is there..

THis time it is on Right hand side... Last time it was on Left side... not sure now what to do...

Maybe there could be a horizontal shoft Option (like there used to be in CRT TVs) but accessible from service menu
LD460 has response time of 4MS which is terrible when you watch action movies. Yea but it can play all the formats...

I was too thinking on the PK550 now.. but need to check how much do I need to pay extra.. n having said that.. even that set has its own problem...

I am going to speak with ASM today, let see what he has to say.
I forgot to mention that.. This set has better PQ compared to any other set I saw till now...

Other than that.. this was packed on 27th Aug as per the cartoon, but I did see some mishap at the Steple.. not sure if this was Repacked or opened. Even it did not have usual stickers like New plasma and feature listing which is usually there when set is delivered...

THey told me that they have arranged from the Factory, and it was then delivered to me..

They asked me if I agree to change the Panel, to which I am quite reluctant..

I have asked them to give me Best Quoto for the PK550, they do not have it in stock though..

Other than that, I have one more option that.. I can get the refund and buy this set as Second sale... where I will get the 50% discount on Dealer price which comes to 22.5K for 42Pj560.

However, it will not have the parts warranty, it will only carry Service warranty.

What you all think on this?
IMHO 22.5K for 42Pj560 is a good deal for 42 incher brand new piece. If you get it from grey market, you wont get any warranty /service or even closer price to this. You may sell it after warranty is over by very nominal loss.
Yea but at same time.. during warranty price.. there is no warranty for the Parts.. only warranty they will provide is the Service...
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