oI am facing some challenges with the AC input voltage post the lockdown era. My power transformers were designed for a primary voltage of 230V AC. But off-late i am measuring higher than normal AC input voltage in my area. In the morning around 10AM its around 235V, in the evening around 240V and after 10PM as high as 249V AC are measured in the past one week interval. This high input voltage in transformer primary is causing a higher secondary AC voltage too. For instance when its 249V AC input, my secondary voltage is as high as 465V AC rather than the normal 425V AC thats required.
I was going through your post and came across this. This is across entire Maharashtra and started exactly after lockdown last year. I had to install voltage stabilizers throughout the house. I lost few things before i installed the stabilizers - computer SMPS, fuse of allo shanti LPS. SMPS of RO water purifier and people I know have had their television sets, microwave owens fried. The side effect of the increase in voltage is also an increase in current consumption and definitely marginal increase in consumption. Don't know if this voltage increase has been done deliberately. I have voltmeters with bright red 7 segment displays installed in all rooms. All complaints regarding high voltage have been brushed aside by MSEDCL. The voltage is exactly what you describle. Normal in the morning and by late night it is atrocious.