During the past few years, the stability of the power has improved a lot.
Still Voltages in India do tend to fluctuate even beyond their rated value.
Your equipment seems to be on the brink with even the rated variation in the Mains Supply Voltage.
A regulated supply will probably not be acceptable from an audiophile point of view.... then maybe it would be prudent for you to build in an Over voltage Power cut out with a relay ?
Just a thought.....
I designed Hari's DC SE KT88 amp co on a 230 VDC design center. At even a high 245 VAC Line, his 6FQ7 input tube is dissipating 1.0 Watt of its 4 Watt rating, or 25% onservativelyf maximum. The KT88 at that line voltage is dissipating just 13.9 Watts of its 42 Watt rating, or 33% of it's maximum rating.
What did fail was a 402 Ohm series 5 Watt supply resistor, ( while dissipating 0.8 Watts ) from the Covid-aftermath Indian high line. It was sometimes B+ voltaged 55 VDC over its rated maximum, at Hari's home.. I have since changed such resistors in all new am builds, to be rated, not at 500 VDC maximum, but rather maximum voltage-rated comfortably at 1250 VDC. ( 50 Watt rated ARCOL HS series ). It is a wirewound pulse-duty resistor.