My Initial Impressions
First off, thanks to
sachi for trusting us with the TPs and making this thread possible.
I am the odd one out of the lot. I own headphones, but almost never use them. I am more used to sticking IEMs inside my ear. So, I'll be comparing TPs to IEMs when it comes to sound characteristics.
Enough has been said about the build quality and looks of the TP. So, I hope I can take a shortcut and go directly to sound impressions.
The Setup
Everyone so far has tried to drive TP out of the best amplifier / source they've got. Me? I throw rules out of the window. Reading about how they are relatively easier to drive and the presence of a 3.5mm plug set the weird side of my mind in motion.
I first tried the TPs directly out of a Cowon S9 (Vol: 28) -> iBasso T3 (Both gains engaged = +7 dB Gain, Vol: 9) and TPs seemed to work just fine. This was too big to carry for me. So, I decided to run TPs for this review straight out of a .... (drums roll) ... Rockboxed Clip+. To my knowledge, Clip+ has one of the least powerful headphone outs. But this diminutive device drove TPs easy enough at Vol of -2 (RB goes from -88 to +6). As is usual with my listening sessions, I kept on reducing volume at regular intervals and was listening at -8 towards the end of the session. Just to compare, that's the max vol level I'd have used to drive RE262 out of Clip+.
Now, I expect TPs to improve on some fronts for future sessions with a proper headphone amp. So, while reading, keep in mind that I am describing TP out of Clip+
Sound Signature
bass is smooth, fast and rounded. It does not extend to the lowest lows and has a slight mid-bass bump. In some ways, it reminds me of Brainwavz M2's bass, except that TP has thicker notes. TP's bass quantity is almost at the right level for me. Bass seems to step in only when needed without boosting up every song.
Mids of TP are neither forward, nor recessed and seem to be where they need to be. Mids are warm, slightly thick and well detailed. They make the overall sound smooth and non-fatiguing, but fall a tad short of sounding seductive / romantic / whatever term you audiophiles use enough for my ears.
treble of TPs are not for a treble-head like me. They do have clarity, details and a bit of sparkle. Treble is thankfully not recessed and is more in balance with the rest of the spectrum. But, I like my cymbals a bit more forthcoming.
Vocals are almost always in the center, much to my liking. Sibilance present in recording shows through a bit, but not to alarming or disturbing levels.
Sound stage of TP has good width as well as depth, but I felt they were shorter in height, many times to the point of feeling two dimensional. For instance with Miles Davis' "So What?", I could not figure out who's standing and who's sitting, something clearly laid out by an IEM like Ortofon e-Q5. This may have more to do with driving out of Clip+ though!
TPs carry good clarity across the spectrum. Instrument separation is very good. Imaging had everything I normally expect for describing 'very good imaging', but it did not have any 'wow' factor for me to consider them something special.
Overall, I felt TPs to be smooth, non-fatiguing and refined. They don't lack much to my ears, but they fall just a tad short of my expectations / requirements. I am not saying they are 'bad' or not 'good enough'. They are very good and do many things which are about right or apt for me, but I expected a bit more. But this being just the first day and that too out of a portable device, let's see how it pans out over the rest of the week.
At this stage, this is how I feel about the TPs - If an IEM sounded exactly like the TPs, I would probably place them in the Top-Tier of my rankings, but they won't be my favorite IEM.