Game(s) you are currently addicted to.....

1. How are the graphics of modern day games on the 360? [/B]
First of all let me say that i'm not a graphics guy. I prefer good gameplay over graphics everytime. But that does not mean that I'm ok with shitty graphics. The only thing i need to know is that do the visuals on 360 for a game like say crysis 2 look good enough. I know the hardware is old but the games are highly optimized and not having seen the games running on a 360 in person makes me slightly skeptical.

Pathetic!! .... lolzz .. on a bit serious note ..... the question, how are the graphics???? is a bit relative. For me....... in comparison............ console gfx just sucks when it comes to a straight comparison with PC. But then if you compare it with PC games 10 years back OR with a current PC built with the same budget as is a console (15-16K), one might argue that console wins. (as with the same budget one will only get a decent GPU)

Gameplay is/was always on a higher priority than gfx, for a serious gamer, and you are no exception, however if the same gameplay is accompanied with class gfx, true shadow details, full destructible environment with real time light details and particle effect, actual world physics and real world true textures. The pleasure of gaming reaches an another world (again depends how true a gamer you are.) My cousin is still happy with Mario and Moto racer.

In that respect console is not only pathetic but is a joke, as more and more games are concentrating on providing real world graphics along with the obvious Game-play innovation. (why do think COD :: BO was a success)

PS :: I would also like to add that it also depends on how big/large display are you gaming. A game on 19" display might not look as bad as on say 47". With consoles one usually games on large displays, and that also is one of the reason of showcasing its poor graphics. The pleasure is absolutely reversed with PC connected to the same display. (I can just swear on DIRT 3 and SHIFT 2)..... where as I just couldn't enjoy Assassins Creed II on my console.

Lastly coming to exclusive titles, well, no doubt there are few exclusive titles that are good like the obvious GOW series, Killzone, Uncharted etc, but there are too few, as almost all games are launched on all three platforms.

My suggestion................... when you play GOW just dont do a side by side comparison with a game like say Battlefield 3 on 6990 :D, else you might land up in complex :D , just enjoy the game. Without a side comparison it wont look as bad as you might think.

2. 4 gb or 250 gb?
Xbox 360 comes in two models -- the 4gb one and the 250 gb variant. I heard that if u install the game to the hdd ( which you obviously can't do on a 4 gig hdd) load times decrease and frame rate issues are less.

with games on HDD.... load time does decrease, but not the frame rate, frame rate has nothing to do with on which media the game is running.
My 360 had a 20GB HDD, but I went for the hack and so played all my games via optical media. If you are planning NOT to hack your console and have the xbox live with you, you might want to have the 250GB variant as then you can download loads of games demos available online.

If you hack and would play the pirated games, then you cannot connect to internet and a 4GB version should do just fine.

3. Any issues with the new slim model? frame rate, freezing, heating?

One with slim might be in a better position to ans that.

4. Xbox Live
How exactly is the online multiplayer experience on xbox live? Are we able to connect to the international servers or only the local ones? Any lag issues etc?

I do not have much of an experience with live as I went for the hack almost immediately after purchasing my 360, but what ever I had there was no lag what so ever (lag or latency as you call it is more bandwidth dependent rather then the console)

P.S - Plz don't suggest me to ditch the idea of getting an xbox and get a gaming pc instead. I know that it's a better option but frankly, I don't have that kind of money. The only reason I'm going with xbox is that it's cheap and gears of war :D
Thnx in advance!!

Money well .... add another 15K and you have a PC. And remember a PC is not just one a gaming machine its your whole entertainment system, with games, movies, music, internet and a whole lot of other activities/features. saving and investing in a PC would always be a better bet than on just a console. (In that regard even PS3 is better than 360)

and BTW is console has GOW, PC has battlefield 3 .......... and COD MW 3, and NFS RUN and tom clancy advanced warfighter 2, and ......aaaa forget it PC wins hands down :D :D ....
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Thanx for the reply Sam9s. Really appreciate it!!
You are right in saying that 360's hardware is a joke as comapared to todays standards. But from what I have seen on youtube(gameplay vids of many games ruuning at 1080p which is still compressed) I'm ok with the sort of graphics 360 offers. And If one were to build a good gaming rig, one would have to atleast spend 50-60k. In that regard 360 is cheap in the short run. Of course with PC u have the added advantage of getting the games for free from torrents and with the 360 the games cost atleast 1.5k a piece.
Believe me, I personally have gamed on a pc all my life. I still remember the max payne and quake 2 days vividly:) But I'm still a student and don't have the money to spend on a decent gaming rig. I'd be gaming on a 26 sony lcd so I guess it'll be OK. And the day I get enough money in my bank account, I'll be asking you to help me build a good gaming rig:lol:
Thanx for the reply Sam9s. Really appreciate it!!
You are right in saying that 360's hardware is a joke as comapared to todays standards. But from what I have seen on youtube(gameplay vids of many games ruuning at 1080p which is still compressed) I'm ok with the sort of graphics 360 offers. And If one were to build a good gaming rig, one would have to atleast spend 50-60k. In that regard 360 is cheap in the short run. Of course with PC u have the added advantage of getting the games for free from torrents and with the 360 the games cost atleast 1.5k a piece.
Believe me, I personally have gamed on a pc all my life. I still remember the max payne and quake 2 days vividly:) But I'm still a student and don't have the money to spend on a decent gaming rig. I'd be gaming on a 26 sony lcd so I guess it'll be OK. And the day I get enough money in my bank account, I'll be asking you to help me build a good gaming rig:lol:

You tube does not present a thing believe me, I have seen great games videos looking shit on you tube. You tube should only be taken as a measure of how the game looks in terms of gameplay and feel, not the graphics. Having said that it does not mean console would be garbage. As I said as long as you do not have an actual side by side comparison , games on 360 look decent enough. I enjoyed playing Prince of Persia : sands of time and Read dead Redemption. Infact those are the only two games that I played almost till the end ..... :-)

Next, you dont need 50,60K to build a PC, ..... 30-35 is enough for a pretty decent gaming PC. GPU is the main component, rest a decent AMD based dual core would suffice. In all reducing the price drastically. Infact I assembled a AMD based gaming PC for my bro, for just 25K. a GTS 450 based PC plays all current games with everything set to high. The only thing is...... he games on his 19" monitor and hence the GPU requirement was not that high.

Anyway I suggest go for the Hack you would be saving a lot on purchasing games as you can then download them online just like PC or purchase then local copy from the market for couple of hundered.
And there is lot else you can do with a hacked 360 .. google for details ........enjoy the console /// :D
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I am a FIFA addict but I was put off by all the defensive work FIFA 12 is expecting players to do. I'm getting old and the last thing I need is more buttons to press :)

Yeah I agree it's a lot to do to keep the game in control with FIFA12; but I'm finding it interesting though.
For those who have been waiting for quite some time to play uncharted 3.
IGN has given it a 10(i.e above Uncharted 2 at 9.5).

Some websites have given it anywhere between 9-9.5. However for many of them critics scores average above editor choice scores.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Review - PlayStation 3 Review at IGN

There is however one controversial review which seems to be creating a lot of flak and a lot about of it is on the net. This gives Uncharted 2 an 8
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Hi Guys,
finally got my copy of Battlefild 3 Xbox 360 version last friday. I have been waiting for this title for a long long time and I am happy that the wait is finally over. I only play online multiplayer and I must say it is well above battlefield Badcompany 2 in every aspect. The new frostbite engine adds a different level of realism. The maps are excellent. The initial phase is a bit painful since we have to fight with very basic weapons but initial phase of these games are a huge learning phase. Overall as per multiplayer online gaming is concerned I am very pleased with its performence.
^^ On the other hand I rarely play online multiplayer, unless its a story mode, like in Resident Evil 5 or Survival Maps like in Left4Dead2.

Anyway I am somewhere in the middle of BF3, on PC BTW .... My impressions, except the awsome graphics and quite a good destructible environment, it lacks the adrenaline pumping battle sequences that COD series offers ..... I had high expectations from BF3. but it marginally delivered it. following are few of ther major drawbacks I felt ...

1. AI is not good, situation does not change when you die and reload the game.
2. Chaos is the key for fps war games, its missing here.
3. No alternate routes available. come on you got to expect these kinds of things in such a huge game, maps should be big. You should be free to take or plan your attack using alternate routes, if you get stuck somewhere.

Good points ...

1. Superb graphics ... this is PC I am talking about.
2. Exceptionally detail sound, as if the microphone was kept in the middle of a real war to capture the sound.
3. Fully (well almost fully) destructible environment ....
Its been looonnngg I oposted in this thread .... For PC Games I have some ultimate games to suggest .....

1. Inversion
2. Syndicate.

I completed both in the last couple of months, and both are absolutely rocking games when ti comes to FPS Action games. Both are darn difficult to complete at highest difficulty. Inversion was almost impossible to play at highest difficulty. thankfully you can lower it anytime during the game.

Syndicate on the other hand kicks butt when it comes to Gun battle sequences. Awsome gameplay and technically one of the best games I have played. Super enjoyed it. PC gamers ... a must plays for all FPS fans ....
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